Blindly mated to badboy Alpha

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Fantasy Romance>Blindly mated to badboy Alpha>Chapter 2 stalking me!

Chapter 2 stalking me!

Isabella pov

He dragged me out of the car, I tried to hurry in my pace, but he held my hand tightly and said sternly, “don’t even run away from me. I said, you are mine. '' Keep that in your head or—” He was telling me in an aggravated tone.

I mumbled in a stuttering tone, “please stop that. I’m not yours!”

He retorted and said firmly, “no, you are mine. Or—”

I cut off his words again “or what Mr playboy?”

He gritted his teeth and then blew a deep breath as if he was trying to calm down his bad temper, he stated, “or I will smash your head, mate!” He teased me.

The word mate was kind of a joke, right? He surely didn’t mean it that way. I know deep inside me that someday he will kick me out of his life. He is just having fun because he is bored or something. He can’t be serious.

I was talking mutely in my head, and surprisingly as if he heard every word in my mind, he responded with a light chortle, “no, Bella, I’m so serious about you. And I’m not going to kick you out of my life.”

His beloved words flutter the valves of my hearts, pounding like drums inside my chest. I felt I was going to lose my consciousness. But I came back to my senses again and just kept walking, and he kept walking next to me like my shadow.

His body scent filled the air around me, and the weird thing that I loved it. I was swooning, and that was insane. I can’t fall with the bad boy alpha. That will end dramatically for me, and I will just hurt myself by my own hands.

I wonder what he looks like? Tall from the way he was leaning to my face. With wide shoulders and strong muscled arms because he punched me before, and it was such a strong fist. But I wonder about his face? The color of his eyes! All these things that I wasn't able to know or see because I was blind.

But why do I care? Sooner or later, he will get bored with me. For him, I'm just a new toy, that's all. Rumors and gossip about him in school and in the pack all the time. I did hear some of it, and actually, that makes me want to end this so soon.

But I do care about my marks and finish my high school peacefully, and I just don’t want to start fights with him or with any other student in this school now, mostly because my secret as blind was exposed, and I wouldn't be able to defend myself.

I sighed, snapping to my thoughts. I didn't notice that I reached my classroom until Noah stopped me and pulled me inside “you class Bella.”

I fumed in rage and blurted out, “don’t call me Bella.”

He snickered, “okay, baby Bella.”

I huffed and puffed and even stomped, stabbing the floor with my shoe until I started to hear gossips and shrieks and indisputable it was about me. But as I used to do before, ignore all the others, act like a deaf to insulting and cussing and just go back to the last line to have a lonely seat in the back corner.

But Noah yelled all of sudden, “stop the fucking shit, all of you now! She is my mate!”

His words plastered me in the halfway, then I felt a big warm hand touching my fingers and pulling me to the front again. I knew that he was him! I didn’t comment, and I didn't know what to say, except blushing shyly and lowering my head to the floor.

Noah slammed one of the desks and shouted in an authoritative tone to one of the students, “get your ass off that chair now. From now on, Bella will sit on that desk. Got that?”

I tried to protest, “no, it’s okay Noah— I can—”

But Noah gritted his teeth and said sternly, “Bella! Do what I’m saying, or I will beat that student now.”

I was too kind; actually, I didn't like to make anyone get into trouble because of me. That’s me innocent with a pure heart; even so, most of them bullied me before.

I sighed and obediently nodded my head, then I sat on the chair. And it was a first for me to have the gut to stay in the front of the classroom.

I guess being with the bad boy alpha has its benefits.

Noah leaned closer to my face and informed me before storming out of the classroom, “I'm going to my class now. I will come back to check on you later, baby Bella.”

And he just left!

He is coming again?! When! At the end of the day, I guess.

That's what I thought— The school day was going alright, but actually, Noah, as I didn't expect at all, came by to check on me after every class. Just saying how’s everything and leaving again.

It was a lovely feeling to have someone who really cares about me. But even so, I was trying not to dream much or raise my self-esteem or sink in the deep sea and darkness of misery with a broken heart.

But that class started so soon, Noah was still by the door. I couldn’t see him, but his scent was such a distraction to me. I felt him.

Suddenly, my teacher started yelling at me, “I'm so disappointed in you, isabella! You used to get the full mark! But that test you just get 48 out of 50? If you ever do that again, I will—” And my teacher started to warn me, and I began to cry heavily.

That’s when I heard a punch and noises of someone falling on the floor. I gulped nervously and got scared. What was happening?

Suddenly Noah hollered in a threatening tone to my teacher, “dare to scare my baby Bella again, and I will put you in jail for the rest of your life— No— I will fucking cut your throat and eat your tongue. Got that?”

My teacher crawled on the floor and gulped, asking Noah in a stuttering tone, “Your highness! Your Bella?!”

I fiddled nervously with my fingers, waiting to hear the conversation. And yes, Noah black is the crown prince, he is the next-in-line Alpha of our pack— The most vigorous Pack ever ‘dark warriors pack.’ it was named like that because all of the pack are warriors, and actually no one dared to start a war with us, or they would be dead.

Noah replied to the teacher, “yes, isabella is my baby, Bella. She is my luna. If you or anyone dared to bother her or talk with her in a bad way, I swear, I will turn his life into hell.”

I gasped and whispered in a trembling tone, “Noah!”

But Noah slammed the desk in front of me and commanded me, “don’t cry ever! Do you hear me, Bella? I will protect you in my life.”

“I guess I do have a stalker now!” I muttered in a defeated tone.

He mumbled back, “yes, I guess you can call me that! From now on. I will be your stalker. Chase you everywhere.”

What was that?! How could I hear him inside my head? He left the classroom!

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