Irresistible sister in law

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Contemporary Romance>Irresistible sister in law>Chapter6 begging!

Chapter6 begging!

David Steen pov

I flickered and stammered, “I- I don’t know why I said her name. I’m sorry. I think I’m really hitting strongly by that fucking alcohol.”

I immediately tried to cover my shit mistake to my wife.

What was excellent between me and her, that there was no jealousy thing. We made it clear from the start that if any of us wanted to divorce, then all that we needed to do was, to be honest and sign the divorce papers immediately without discussion.

That was a strong point of understanding between us, maybe that's why we had no quarrels at all, and I admitted that she had been so lovely even with my fanning girls. She had never yelled at any of them of trying to seduce or lure me. She knew that I wanted to be with her and only her.

But still! Uttering her sister's name in sex was terrible! I didn’t know what would her reaction might reach such a point.

She surprisingly choked and slapped my face gently, “you asshole! I know that you didn’t mean that. I was just kidding with you.”

I sighed in relief; I wiped the sweat from my forehead. “Okay, now I think we should sleep. I don’t feel like my dick can’t stand any longer.”

I slammed my body next to her, and she snuggled, kissing my nipples, “you know.” she opened.

I lowered my gaze to her eyes; she continued, “I know that my sister is more beautiful and sexy.”

I widened my eyes, “I didn't think so.”

She placed her hand on my lips and continued, “but I know that she would never look at you.”

I was shocked and felt insulted at that moment. Honestly, I wanted to tell her ‘for your information, I fucked your sister.’ but sure I didn’t dare.

I just asked, “and why is that? Do I look ugly?”

She jumped to my lips and gazed into my lower lips softly and hungry for sex; then she said proudly “because she sees you as a kid. She will never look at you.”

I pulled out of the bed and wore my pants back; I wanted to get out and find something to eat in the fridge. I felt hungry all of a sudden. I only blurted out, “I don’t see her as sexy, and she will never pursue me because she loves you so much. Stop being silly.”

I walked to the door, but she froze me with her words “you know, we can play this game for some time. Call me by other woman's name, and I can call you by—”

I shrieked and made her startled “stop the fuck now! Don’t ever say something like that, or that will be the end of us as married.”

I slammed the door behind me and stomped to outside huffing and puffing and cursing. Obviously, that made Portia freak out.

Portia yelled, “what the hell? Why are you shouting! You scared the hell out of me.”

I threw her with annoyed looks and passed to the fridge; I didn’t find anything. I slammed the refrigerator and kicked it, then walked back to Portia, who was sitting on the couch doing or texting someone on her phone, and she looked very busy. I leaned and looked deeply into her face “do you know that I just called my wife by your name?”

Portia gulped nervously; she didn’t say anything except “, because you're a fool.”

And she stuck her eyes back to her phone, scrolling down, I had no idea why I felt angry because she ignored me. But I scratched her cell phone only to see her boyfriend saying [I’m on my way.]

Portia snatched her cell phone back “what’s going on with you, David? There’s something called privacy.”

“And there's something called dignity! How could you send your location and text him back after what he did?” I blamed her.

She stood up and pushed me from her way to the door as if it was her house. And I was yelling her as if she was my wife.

I lost my mind!

Seriously, I felt like I hated her so much at that moment. I wanted her out of my house before she could rip my heart and pull it out of my chest.

As if I had never loved my wife.

As if I had never met a woman ever!

Suddenly, she opened the door, and I saw her boyfriend on his knees begging, “please, Portia. Please don’t break up with me. I can apologize to that asshole, I mean— your brother in law and your sister. Please come.”

And immediately I heard him singing! Fuck! His voice was too good! He was a full package in a perfect suit with a full pocket but still. I was sure something missing in Portia’s life.

Portia glanced off her shoulder to me as if she wanted to tease me, then she stared back to her boyfriend, “sure, I’m coming. But tomorrow.”

She waved to him and then she shut the door.

I kept my eyes on her steps that turn into seductive swaying steps. Until she was so close to me, she stood on her tiptoes and whispered “I will never let you touch me again, keep that in your mind.”

I let her pass me, then I pulled her to the corner of the fridge and moved my fingers to her lips, saying in confident, “You’re here for me. I’m sure. Don’t lie.”

That’s when we both heard Viola steps, so we both pulled away, but our eyes were locked to the finest last moment.

Viola looked to both of us as if she was inspecting us, then she asked, not sure “guys, what’s going on? Are you fighting?”

I frowned, “ask your sister! She j,ust— forgive her boyfriend so easily.”

‘She just wanted to tease me.’ I was sure. But was Portia worthy of letting my desires control me and lose my wife and my family for her?! That was the question that I had to figure out.

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