My Stalker

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Contemporary Romance>My Stalker>Chapter 2

Chapter 2


"Honey are you okay?" My mother rubbed my back worriedly, grabbing my hand to the car.

The handsome guy neglected my eyes as if he disgusts me or looked down at me. 'Then why did he help me then?! I guess for the sake of my mother!'

I scrunch my nose shyly "Sir, I have to thank you for saving my life."

He stared through the front mirror glancing at me and frowned "It's okay."

'Huh? That's it! How arrogant! Rude is he?! I can say it clear I hate this man and I don't want him to be my stepfather.'

My mother twisted her body and smiled "Angel… By the way, he is the Governor, he proposed to me and He will be your stepfather."

I blurted out and mumbled "Oh! I disagree!"

He halted the car with a loud screech in the middle of the street and turned his head to me "Then I should throw you in jail! You have to be grateful for what I did to you."

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest "Then turn over and send me to jail! But I don't like you! You can't blackmail me." I said rudely avoiding eye contact with him.

He smirked and lit up a cigar-puffing at my face "So brave but I'm going to marry her! End of discussion. Both of you will move to my house." He said sternly. His eyes are blue but with a dark hollow make me shiver as if he goes through my eyes to my soul. Something about him makes me want to stay away from his path.

I cleared my throat "Marry another woman then! Stay away from my mother." I hollered with all my strength.

He laughed hysterically "I'm not taking your permission, trust me, don't make me force you… I'm not that kind of person, I have no flaws, no weak points!"

I furrowed my eyebrows and shot my mother with the deadliest glare "Say something! Do you agree ?! What happened to you? Did he buy you? He washed your brain!? He is not prince charming? Look at him! He is just rude, Arrogant! With mysterious eyes! I don't trust him!"

My mother trembled and ran her finger through her hair "Angel, I do love him! Trust me, he will make me happy and you too. he is a political person that's why he didn't get used to hearing the word no. he is a good man, please Angel,"

I couldn't hear the pleading tone of my mother and bother her by my nagging. She wanted to be happy, she was in need of a man to stand by her side. sooner or later I was going to move to college after all…

‘after a few days maybe I should start thinking about renting an apartment or maybe use a dorm.’

At least he might help me to stop the awkward horrible accident murders that happen to me. And still, I don't know why. Is it because of me or maybe I'm an unlucky jinx girl that's all!

I nodded after thinking for a while "Then congratulations, I should bless both of you. anyway, I will move to a dorm, the college will start after a couple of days." I informed them.

But Mr. Tiger blurted out groaning "NO!"

I widened my eyes in a thunderstruck "No what?"

"You are not moving Angel! you will live with us!" He said sternly then started up the car again driving very fast like crazy. Did I mention that a car was following us with a serine full of guards and another one next to us?! Well, at least I could ask for a bodyguard to be next to me. I have to take advantage of this situation somehow.

"Okay, then I need ..." I was going to ask him but he interrupted.

"A bodyguard, sure, and a driver don't worry." He drew a smirky grin. 'What? Did I say that out loud or he can read my mind?!'

I just zipped my mouth waiting for next... Few minutes and We arrived at his house I guessed… a white huge house 'Huge like 50 rooms or something! This is outstanding and catchy for the eyes.' dammit, this man is so rich! Welcome to my new luxuries life.

"Please come in!" Mr tiger said politely we trailed him slowly looking everywhere stunned and amazed from the view. Huge garden, very wide house, Antiques everywhere, and a pool in the entrance! This is weird! But cool! I think I will enjoy this life.

He snapped to my face "Now, rule One, Don't ever say No to me! Rule Two, you will give me a daily report about every step, rule three..." I cut him off with widened eyes, " I'm not working for you! Should I take permission to go to the bathroom?" I scoffed.

He neglected what I said "Rule three! No dating allowed! At least until graduation!" He gazed at me as if he was burning me in hell.

I huffed and gritted my teeth "Are you Insane?! I will date whatever and whenever I want, "I shot him with competitive looks.

He shrugged his shoulders " Whatever! But trust me you will regret it, my rules can't be broken, now get ready… the wedding is tomorrow," he said simply to me as if it was normal.

I flipped my head to my mother, she scratched the back of her neck in embarrassment "Mother, this is too fast!" I stabbed the floor with my heels growling commenting.

My mother coughed"Sorry Angel! he is too busy, and I have to go to Australia after two days because I have one last meeting before quitting my work."

I dropped my jaw and flabbergasted"What about me, Mother?!"


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