Sold My Virginity to the Alpha

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Fantasy Romance>Sold My Virginity to the Alpha>Chapter 7 The bet!

Chapter 7 The bet!

King Ace

Once I marked her, I left the room and walked down to talk with Gerard France and my beta.

“take off the chains from him now,” I commanded my guards.

He stepped closer, thanking me “thank you, your highness..”

I snapped my fingers to let him get up to his feet “follow me now.”

I strode to my office and asked my betta to come in and close the door.

I sat down and started talking “okay, now Helena is mine. Gerard, I think you already know that she was mine a long time ago. Right?” I asked him for a serious tone while checking his body language. I wouldn’t accept his lies.

He nodded deeply, sighing “yes, your highness, since she was fourteen and still in school.”

Gladly that he didn’t lie to me. Because he was my father in law now and seriously I had no intention to kill him and make Helena cry or hate me.

I smiled and nodded “okay thank you for telling me the truth.”

He hesitantly asked me “but could you please let her go. I don’t want her to get hurt. She is so pure and kind.”

I cut off his words immediately “I will never force her into anything. I will never hurt her. I know that I’m the Alpha rogue and heartless but not with her. That's why—” I lingered my words in the air.

And rubbed my face then trailed off “that’s why I wanted to talk with both of you, Gerard cares about his daughter's happiness and my beta is my best friend. So—”

My betta glared at me stunned “so what your highness? She can’t reject you! If you want to make her yours, then do it!”

I shook my head “I want her love, I want her to be willingly mine. That’s why I will use a little game with her.” I smirked when the idea came to my mind.

They both blinked confused staring at each other and asking me in the same moment “what is it!”

I grinned “ small bet, if she lost, then she will give me her virginity by her own will. And if she won then I will wait until she agrees to be mine.”

They wanted more details, I told him everything in my mind.

Gerard thanked me for being wise and caring about his daughter. My betta reminded me of something “but do you think that you will be able to wait after marking her? I mean both of you will suffer from the heating period. No one ever lasted more than four days! I think this will be such a hard challenge for both of you and in days you will be mated.”

I chuckled “I don’t think that it will be hard on me. And I think that Helena is much stubborn and strong and she will last months. I just hope she will fall in love with me soon. Because I really want her.”

I stood up after offering to Gerard to live in the guest house attached to my castle.

Then I climbed the stairs to go check on Helena and tell her about the bet idea. And I was sure she would agree.

Yes, she wasn’t ready yet to lose her virginity and somehow being hard to get was something I liked about her.

I barged into the room, she flinched and hopped off the chair immediately staring at me “what is it?”

I locked the door behind me slowly and walked closer to her, she shivered under my gazes then wrapped her arms around her chest “don’t touch me, please. I’m not ready yet.”

I groaned “what?! do you think that I will rape you? Never Helena! Calm down. You need time to know who my good mate I’m.”

She blinked surprised by my words and lowered her gaze to the floor “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

I pulled her chin up to look at her gorgeous eyes “I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to yell at you. Could you please now have a seat and hear my deal?”

I asked her gently and she nodded obeying me politely. I stared at her lovingly, filling my eyes with her pure soul. The feeling and her affection with only a blink of her lashes were too strong. But I could wait! I can do that! For her, I could do anything.

I smiled “okay then, here’s my deal. Small bet between me and you. I won’t touch you ever until—”

I paused, she paid attention to my words and nodded “yes, please— what kind of bet?”

I said slowly stressing on every coming word “the bet is— I will come back every night to sleep with you, so you need to entertain me by telling me a story every night. And if night came and you couldn’t find a story to tell me then you should give up your virginity to me by your own will and accept me as your mate. And I promise you that I will keep my word.” I said in a sincere tone promising her to pull her hand next to my heart to let her feel the honesty from my words.

She cleared her throat “a story every night? I think I could do that!”

I smirked and stood up clapping my hands “good then, I will come back tonight—.”

She squealed in a thunderstruck “What?! tonight?”

And I rushed out of the room muttering before leaving “you could find a library in the castle ask the maids. Maybe that will help you.”

And I waved laughing in my way.

Definitely, it will be so hard, but fun— until fate decides, she and I will have much time to know each other and get closer from each other. Living under the same ceiling and cuddling her at night is actually more than enough to me.

Dammit! That girl melted my iron heart! What the hell is going to happen with her?!

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