The Badboy in My Bed

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Contemporary Romance>The Badboy in My Bed>Chapter 6 SAME BED!

Chapter 6 SAME BED!


After having a nice meal at Mrs. Nadine restaurant, we came back to our house, I drove this time. to give more space for my father and his bride to talk freely in the back seat ... And sure Jenny sat in the passenger seat next to me ... we didn't talk, she just started to sing ...

To be honest, everything about Jenny could make a bad boy divert from being a good guy. she looks so innocent, beautiful, sweet, sexy, that's why I keep treating her badly. I was trying to hide what I feel! At least for now, because I was not sure of what I feel towards her ? Maybe because I have never met a beautiful girl like her before! I still don't know.

Finally, I halted the car at our house gate ... Somehow I was not bothered to have a stepmother, maybe because Mrs. Nadine looked so respectful and kind woman, and maybe because for the first time, I feel like a complete family. with new family members, that gave me shivers into my spine mixed with warmth and happiness, but I was just worried about having Jenny as a stepsister, until that moment I couldn't figure out why!

As a gentleman, my father opened the door of the car to his bride .. and I and Jenny followed dad and Nadine to the house ...

Jenny and Nadine started looking at the house and laughing, the house was huge but empty and cold, we didn't even have servants. just one maid and one security for the gate, that's it .. but it was lifeless because there's no woman living there ever with us. Even my dead mother.

"So where should I sleep tonight?" Jenny asked out of the blue and trembled to ask my father.

"you are not a baby! anymore, so you can't stay with your mother. I will leave my room for your mother tonight and I will sleep in the living room so you could stay with James until I and your mother come back from our honeymoon and I will make a room for you, "my father said to Jenny, explaining to her the temporary situation.

"What!with James?! why? all that huge house and there's no empty room for me ?" Jenny exclaimed in disbelief then choked and coughed from the shock, as if I smelled bad!

"There are too many empty rooms, but as you have said empty, I didn't bother myself to furnish the whole house. because I lived here only with my son James, "my father informed jenny.

"Okay, then I could sleep in the living room and you could stay with James, " Jenny suggested rubbing her forehead nervously! what? Why did she look so scared to stay with me in the same room ?!

"NO, you are my daughter now, you can't suffer, please don't ruin these moments for me! my wedding after hours, let me feel that you accept me as a father," my father shook his head as no to Jenny and he tried to convince Jenny and press on her by playing with her emotions, I admit it, my father was the best in that.

"Um, oh, okay, I will stay with James until tomorrow, " Jenny sighed and said with a frustrated look.

"No, until we come back after the honeymoon or you and James at this month could furnish a room for you, I will leave credit cards for both of you to buy anything," my father pointed to Jenny's face.

"No, it's okay, I could wait!" Jenny shook her head, she somehow felt sorry and didn't want to look greedy or selfish.

Dammit! That girl is awesome!

"Thanks, Jenny, you are the best daughter ever!"Nadine cupped jenny's face and caressed her cheeks. Jenny giggled childishly.

"BEST DAUGHTER!!!" I muttered internally.

"What!" Jenny groaned and stared at me, she looked like a dinosaur puffing flames into my face.

What! Did I say that loudly?!

"Nothing, I just coughed...PINKY!!!" I rubbed my chin raising an eyebrow teasing jenny.

"DON'T START!!! ``Jenny frowned, yelling at me. She looks adorable when she gets angry, I like her facial expressions which were so weird to me. because the last one tried to yell at me and she was suffering and her body was full of injuries, she's laying on a bed in a hospital until that moment! but when Jenny yelled at me, all I could do was just smile and tease her one more time. I was not afraid of my father or something, but I like that, don't know why!

"Stop, now go to your room, both of you. good night, I will wake up all of you early, "my father commanded us firmly. And I and Jenny nodded politely.

"Nadine, the maid will show you the room. I promise you that I will change everything in our bedroom after the wedding, "my father informed Nadine.

"Oh, no it's okay, I don't mind ... we could do it later.. good night my future husband," Nadine smiled and waved to my father shyly, she looked so gorgeous.

"good night my gorgeous wife." my father pulled Nadine's hand and kissed her gently.

I walked upstairs to my room and Jenny followed me leaving a gap between us, I'm not gonna bite her!

I opened the door of my room and I slammed my body into my bed.

Jenny plastered in her place looking around the room "So, where should I sleep?" she questioned me with furrowed eyebrows, as if she expected my answer, there's no other bed, just one! so for sure, she should sleep next to me.

"Next to me." I waved my brows up and down teasing her and throwing her with a leer look.

"What?! no way!" she growled annoyed and stepped back a few steps.

"Why? Are you afraid that you could feel horny!" I licked my lips with my tongue gazing at her, this will be funny, she easily got scared.

"NO! I'm afraid that you could try to take advantage of me!" Jenny mumbled and crossed her arms over her chest, raising her head in a competitive way.

"NO, don't worry. I'm not interested in you!" I chuckled and winked.

"Liar!!!" Jenny mumbled.

"Then sleep on the couch, hold this blanket." I huffed and I handed her a blanket.

"Okay, I will. I want to take a shower now, could you lend me anything from your sleeping clothes?" Jenny questioned me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I sleep naked! just underwear! Do you want one?" I drew a devilish smirk.

"fuck! a shirt or something!" she gritted on her teeth gazing at me widely .. okay the cat could scratch, but wait for me, Jenny!!! you didn't meet Mr lion yet, he could eat you alive.

"Okay, take this one." I handed her a shirt, I'm taller than her so that shirt could at least hide her yummy ass!

she entered the shower room ... After a few minutes she came out, looked so funny, she covered her bottom with a towel and wore my shirt .. and then she slammed her body on the couch. she bent her legs and her head together like a baby, it was so cold. I know that but she was so stubborn, I felt guilty, I tossed in my bed trying to fall asleep but I couldn't let her sleep on the couch.

"Hey, come over here. it's so cold, you will catch flu before your mother's wedding, come next to me don't be stubborn, you are shivering." I stood up pulling her hands to stand up.

"No, I can handle that, I'm not so weak, I'm not a baby girl," she muttered and pushed my hand away.

"Oh, is that so? Because I called you a pinky girl? Are you nuts?! You're beautiful more than any other girl, and you are not weak, you are soft and sweet, I was teasing you. I'm sorry, come now." I chuckled then, I pulled her to stand up.

"but don't touch me," she warned me, throwing me with disgusted looks.

"I will try. " I winked at her. she hopped on the bed .. but she was still feeling cold.

"You're still shivering ! do you feel so cold ?" I tapped over her shoulder. I looked at her in concern. I don't know why but really I wanted to hug her.

"Um, yes, so much, " she trembled, shivering.

"can I break my promise now? I won't do anything, I will just hold you in my arms to warm you up, body contact! " I whispered.

"Okay," she nodded shyly.

I pulled her to my chest rubbing her back to warm her"how do you feel now ?"

"Warm and comfortable, thanks," she sealed her eyes and smiled.

"Good night James, "she said with her soft whisper tone.

"Good night love," I sighed and I whispered in my mind.

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