The Parents trap

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Contemporary Romance>The Parents trap>Chapter 14 I will change my father

Chapter 14 I will change my father

Samuel Summers reached the N city after fourteen hours of flying. It was almost time to meet his son. So he directly went to the restaurant his son mentioned. He didn't have the time to change his suit. He removed his suit jacket and rushed to the restaurant. When he reached the restaurant it was almost two ten in the noon.

He entered the restaurant with his butler Joseph and saw the little figure by the window of the second floor. Joseph couldn't believe his eyes. The little boy looks exactly like his boss when he was at this age. Only the hair and eyes are different.

"Good heavens... Did my boss had an affair in this city..??"

"But when did it happened..?"

Joseph thought himself. He didn't even dare to breathe soundly.

Samuel Summers went straight to the little boy and sat opposite of him. He glanced the boy carefully and found that he was the exact replica of himself. Joseph on the other hand trembled because both the man and the boy made him to do so. They both sat similarly and their aura was same too.

Ethan Rogers also looked at the man who sat opposite of him carefully. He observed the similarities too. No one spoke for a while and the waiter came to take the order.

"Sir, what do you like to have..?" He asked politely.

" I' ll have black coffee with one sugar..."

Both Samuel and Ethan said at the same time. Both of them have stunned expression but they recovered fast. The waiter left them. Ethan Rogers started to speak.

E: "Do you know what happened in that year..?"

S: "Yes"

E: "What are you going to do about that..?"

S: "Whatever you suggest..?"

E: "Well.... She didn't know anything about that... And it's not easy to get her out but I'll help you.. but.. if you dare to hurt her I'll change my father?

Joseph gasped at the little boy who dared to say such a matured words to his boss.

"But did he say that he is going to change his father...? Then Mr. Samuel is his father. If he is the father then who is his mother...His boss already has a daughter.. where did he come from..?? He seems to be at the same age as Vinny Summers..."

Joseph flooded his mind with his questions. He didn't dare to ask them out loud. But Samuel didn't affected by this boy's tone as he was expecting that. Samuel finally opened his mouth.

"How will you do that..?"

"What..?? Did he mean what he just said.. ? He wants the boy to change his father...what happened to his boss..??"

"You already have the answer... And nice to meet you Father..see you soon..!!"

With that Ethan stood up from his seat and left without drinking the coffee. But Samuel took a sip of the coffee and his lips curled up for a light smile. Joseph was dumbfounded. He never saw his boss smile after his wife's death.

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