The Parents trap

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Contemporary Romance>The Parents trap>Chapter 25 Dad, who is this ugly looking woman..?

Chapter 25 Dad, who is this ugly looking woman..?

"I found my sister.."

Vicky stepped on the brake as soon as Ethan said this. " What did you say..?"

" I said, I found a sister for me.."

The soul that left Vicky Rogers for a moment came back to her body. It was rare for Ethan to share his day with her. She was surprised and asked him about the new sister of him.

"She doesn't talk much like me and loves mango like you.."

"What's her name..?" Vicky was little curious about the girl and remembered the girl she saw in the morning.

"Vinny.." Ethan replied.


Vicky didn't know what to say for a minute because when she was in her high school she and Penny decided to name one of their daughters as Vinny. It is a combination of their names, Vicky and Penny. But after her delivery she never heard a word from her only friend Penny. Suddenly she missed her so much.


Ethan has been calling her but she was in a daze. So he shook her hard to make her comeback to her senses.


" There you go again.. What is so important that you ignore me...?" Ethan complained.

Vicky sighed and started the car. They decided to eat outside to celebrate their first day of school and company. They reached the seafood restaurant and ordered food. Ethan saw Samuel waiting for someone on the second floor. As he was peeking at his father A woman dressed in a fancy dress approached Samuel and sat opposite of him.

Ethan took his phone out and send Samuel a message.

"Who is that ugly looking woman sitting with you..? Are you having your blind date..?"

Samuel Summers puzzled at first at searched the restaurant around from where he was sitting. He spotted Ethan and Vicky having dinner at the ground floor. He replied Ethan's message,

"Forced to come, need help..!"

Ethan understood Samuel's situation and decided to help him out. He told Vicky to wait for him and walked upstairs.

Samuel Summers was forced to come to this blind date because of his mother Julia. He declined many blind dates at the moment Julia mentioned them. But this one she tricked him to come to this restaurant convincing him in the name of Vinny. At first he wanted to leave but decided to buy food for Vinny since she likes seafood. But unfortunately the woman came.

He was actually waiting for the takeout when Ethan messaged him. Now that Ethan is here there is no need to hide his intention and asked Ethan to help him drive the woman away. He saw Ethan coming towards him.

The woman kept talking about her studies, ho bows and career but Samuel didn't listen to her nonsense. He was simply watching Vicky enjoying her food.

"Dad, who is this ugly looking woman...??"

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