The Parents trap

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Contemporary Romance>The Parents trap>Chapter 28 Caught in the trap

Chapter 28 Caught in the trap

“Who is acting..?”

The voice belonged to Julia Summers who is walking towards the trio’s table. Natalie was the first person to react to Julia’s question.

“Aunty, Thank God you showed up… See… Samuel is bullying me… You have to help me… “

Ethan controlled his urge to vomit from seeing her coquettish acting and on the other hand Samuel shook his head by knowing the outcome. Now only he understood the meaning of this blind date.

“I just get caught in the trap” he thought.

Julia Summers is not a person who valued money over relationships. She can accept anyone as her daughter in law as long as the girl can make her son happy. That is why she accepted Penelope without any conditions. But who knows that she will die soon after Vinny’s birth. Julia’s heart broke when Samuel locked himself in his room after Penelope’s death.

At first Julia didn’t believe the fact of Penny getting pregnant after years and also Penny did not allow anyone to meet her during the pregnancy till the delivery. After she appeared with a week old Vinny she was happy but worried at the same time about the origin of the baby. She got relieved only after she had done the DNA test. But the more shocking news was that Vinny’s DNA matched with Samuel and it did not match with Penelope.

Penelope’s health started to worsen after Vinny’s arrival and she died in few weeks. Though Julia felt sad for her death, her top priority was to find the mother of Vinny. But all her efforts were in vain and she also tried to arrange many blind dates for Samuel and he rejected all of them.

Julia noticed a small change in Samuel’s behavior two months ago and felt that he might change for the best. She tried to spy on him but he was so good at hiding his actions until his sudden visit to the N city. Her long term doubts were started to be clear one by one. She almost killed a innocent family to find out about his travel. She threatened Joseph, the poor soul whose only mistake was to accompany Samuel to the N city.

Joseph was caught in between the mother and son of pair. He could neither betray his boss nor the madam who had been taking care of his family. Finally Julia made him spill the beans by holding his family captive. He told her everything that he had seen in the N city.

Julia could not believe her ears. She was both surprised and shocked to find out that she was a grandmother of the twins and the grandson of hers was the replica of Samuel. When she knew that Ethan is coming to C city with his mother Julia promised herself to reunite this little family. Though she did not know the details of this birth she did not blame Vicky or Penelope.

Her only concern was that Samuel is a kind of person who will never reveal his true feelings to anyone. So she deliberately arranged this blind date to lure his feelings out despite the fact that she hates Natalie. She knew very well what kind of person Natalie was.

“How could a twenty two year old coquettish girl can possibly fool the mother of the brilliant and outstanding CEO..?”

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