Taming The Bully

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Original>Taming The Bully>Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Jennie POV

My brain was reeling out. I didn't turn back. Please let it not be him again....

I increased my speed of walking. I walked at the brisk place reaching my little apartment in a matter of minutes.

I felt a relief when I heard the familiar click of the lock opening and pushed open the door into my warm apartment.

I set my bag on the stand at the side slipping off my boots and coat, hanging up my coat on the coat rank. I jerked when I someone called me.

" You're back Jennie!" mom squealed.

" Oh my God! Mom you scared me...and why are you still awake.." I said keeping my hand on my chest.

" Well I had some work to do" she said lifting a heavy box.

" Mom, how many times I have warned you not to lift heavy things. It's not good for your health" I sighed taking the box from her.

" Oh dear, can't I do little things...you expect me to sit idle.!?" She pouted.

"Exactly! My mom is precious to me" I gave a peck on her cheek.

" Did you eat? Did you take medicines?"

"Yes dear , your father took care all of it." She said smiling widely.

"Good night ma" I said hugging her.

" Good night sweetie." Mom pecked my forehead and went off to her room.

I walked towards my room eager just to sink into the warmth and comfort of my bed after that terrifying walk.

Was it him or it's my hallucination..? It's been 2 week since he attacked me!? Why do you care anyway? Forget it and move ahead in life..

Next morning..

"Jennie.....oh Jennieya....." Lisa screamed from outside.

" I'm coming down now, please don't call my name again" I yell as I walk downstairs.

Mom was serving breakfast to dad and Lisa was sitting on a couch.

" Hey college girl" Lisa smiles a bright, perfectly lined smile while standing to pull me into a tight hug. I hugged her giving same bright smile to her.

" Aunty... I have a favor to ask! " Lisa chirped.

" Go on dear, we are listening..." Mom said.

" Well it's like this.......we have a friend who is offering us to stay in her house, you see we cannot make up and down from college to house and vice versa. It will be hectic, so I am telling her to move in with me" she said in one breath.

" Mom I cannot live without you all " I pouted.

" Oh come on, kindergarten kid....it's not like they going to eat you up there" Lisa teased me.

"Aunty please.....please make her agree, it's for her own good" Lisa whined.

" Dear I think Lisa is right...3 hrs will be very hectic....in total 6 hrs for coming and going. Besides here environment is not suitable for studying dear.... maybe that's better" Mom said.

" But mom...."

" Oh come on Jennie dear.... I am there with your mother, nothing going to happen to us. We just want you to have a good future and a comfortable life" Dad grinned. I hugged dad and mom tears escaping from my eyes. Lisa was silently, carefully wiping her eyes watching our family bond. I separated from them and I faced Lisa.

" Yes I'm coming..." I said giving a bright smile to her.

"Yay.... finally" she hugged me and started jumping like a kid.

Next day....

" I just can't believe you are in college! My only daughter, a college student, living on her own. I just can't believe it" Mom whines and wipes her teary eyes.

" Ma..... don't cry, this is why I don't want to leave you" I whined.

" Don't worry about her dear, just pack your things" Dad gave a pat on my back.

" Okay sweetie, I am baking cupcakes so you could take them with you, chocolate! your favorite" Mom winked and I giggled.

" Thanks Mom, You are the best!" I kissed her cheek gently, mom and dad walked out of my room as I continued to pack my things.

After I filled 2 luggages, 3 small travel bags, and my backpack, I skipped my way down the stairs. My parents were giving me a nice farewell. I heard a car honking sound. It must be Lisa!

Dad brought all the luggages down and dragged it towards the car. I hugged mom and dad And then we were off to the Rosé's house. My eyes widened when I saw Rosé's house.

Rosé was waiting outside for our arrival.

" Oh my God! This is your house!!" Lisa gawked at the house.

"It's nothing much...haha, let's go inside folks" Rosé said cheerfully.

" See I don't want to live alone here in this big house, I told Dad to buy a simple house but he bought this for me, I don't want to be a third wheel in my cousin's house since he has a girlfriend, so I decided to live here." Rosé said cheerfully.

" Hmmmm.....so where is our room!?" Lisa said excited.

" There is no ours, everybody gets each a room" Rosé laughed seeing our expression.

" Now that's why I love you" Lisa chirped hugging Rosé and jumping. I rolled my eyes by their behavior. These are kids literally!

Finally I was in the room in which I will be living. It was 3 times bigger than my previous room.

" So do you like it!? " Rosé said raising her eyebrows.

" Like it? I love it Rosé, thank you!" I hugged her.

" Oh it's nothing, I am glad you accepted to stay here! I'm soo happy" Rosé hugged me tightly.

" Can I rest for a while, I feel tired " I pouted feeling tired.

" Sure...room is all yours! " Rosé bowed to me and left the room. Feeling exhausted I lay on the bed. I was feeling homesick. Everything was perfect here still I missed mom and dad. I have never lived alone before. Did I make a right decision coming here!?

After few minutes. I freshened up wore my pyjamas and I begin to unpack my bags. My clothes are neatly folded and stored in the big closet. I started arranging the things.

Suddenly Rosé shouted " Jennie.....come down look who's here, come down I want to introduce you"

Introduce me!? It's must be her cousin and her girlfriend perhaps..

I ran down the stairs. There were many people maybe around 5-6 people, but only Xavier was facing me. Rosé pulled me towards her and screamed " look who's here everyone"

Everybody's attention was now towards me. I froze. God! It's them....it's him....the guy who attacked me in the cafe!

My knees went weak, but Rosé was holding me tightly as if I was going to evaporate. I spotted him....the maniac.


My breath hitched in my throat, my heart started racing. He was directly looking into me.

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