Taming The Bully

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Original>Taming The Bully>Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Jennie Wilson POV

" Lisa calm down, look mam I am sorry but I can't help you...we are students here, we have worked hard to reach here. Please leave us alone to live peacefully. We don't want any trouble"

" How much money do you want!?" Blake raised his voice.

" Excuse me " I said confused and angry.

" Just speak up, how much money you want to pull this act, I know you low class people want money, you go up to any extent for money" Blake spat the words like fire.

" What did you just say, we don't give a f*** to your money, who wants your money, how dare you talk about her like that, you spoiled rich brat" Lisa spat the words on his face.

" Guys stop it" Rosé said pulling Blake to a side.

" I knew it, I told you Emma this is useless, turns out she is same as that b*tch, gold digger, heartless, after all she carries the same f***ing face of hers, even her personality matches" Blake kicked the chair furiously making it to fall.

"Oh don't you talk about her personality, she is the most beautiful from inside as well as outside, we down need your opinion" Lisa spat at him pulling me behind her.

" F*** you! Let's get going Emma there is no hope from this b*tches. " Blake dragged Emma out of the hall.

" Please reconsider your decision, we need your help" Emma shouted while Blake was dragging her outside.

"You .....you were the one who set up all this " Lisa barked pointing at Rosé.

" No wonder why you were asking us to stay, showing all of a sudden concern. I should have seen it coming. " Lisa said flashing her angry eyes on Rosé.

" You people think we are cheap just because we are poor, because we don't match your status. Is is our fault we are born in poor family. We do have a heart and we have a right to live too, make decisions, you people think you can buy everything by money "

Lisa started breaking down. I caressed her back crying.

" I should have let you stay in your house, it was my mistake. What will I say to your mom and dad if anything happens to you. They believe in me." Lisa said sobbing.

" It's ok Lisa , calm down everything's fine." I pat her back tears continuously flowing through my eyes.

" Let's get going from here, we shouldn't stay here" Lisa wiped her tears and dragged me towards to her room.

Rosé blocked us " please listen Lisa , Jennie I am sorry, please forgive me. I didn't know the situation would turn out like this. But you are my true friends, please don't leave me. I admit it I was wrong....but please don't leave me alone here I promise it will never happen again" Rosé started crying hard.

" Please think about your parents, your studies, you can't leave it like this, your parents have so much hope on you, please don't give them pressure for small small things. Besides it's 11pm. What will they think! I promise I won't repeat it again. It's ok if you don't want to help them, please don't break our friendship" Rosé begged holding our legs.

" Rosé what are you doing, I pulled her up. We hugged each other.

" Blake is blunt but he is good by heart. Everyone are good. They didn't mean to be rude please I am sorry" Rosé said in between sobbing.

" Please don't leave me alone in this house, I personally wanted you to stay here. I know what you people are. I always envied you people. Please don't misunderstand me"

"It's ok Rosé....I am sorry I raised my voice at you" Lisa hugged her.

We went off to sleep. Lisa, Rosé slept in my room, we hugged each other sleeping on the king-sized bed.

*Next Day*

It was the 1st day of our college. Hundred of people, parents hugging and kissing their children goodbye, cluster of freshman, dressed head to toe in Hunsberg University gear.

The orientation is short and I sit with Lisa and Rosé, my usual forte. Our parents couldn't come because of their job, but it's ok I had nice farewell in home. I miss them!

We finished everything and we were strolling in the campus.

"I need to pee...." Lisa said jumping like a kid. Rosé and I laughed at her.

" Fine let me show you the washroom, Jennie coming!?" Rosé said holding Lisa with her hand.

" Nope, I'll wait here.... Come fast ok" I smiled at them.

" Bye.." Lisa waved me. I relaxed, breeze winding, watching students playing, talking, walking.

Then suddenly someone grabbed my arm and i dashed into a wall. Wait it's not a wall!

I raised my head to see....the maniac...I mean Vincent.!

His fingers pressed into my skin painfully, reminding me of his sheer strength. I tugged my arm to set free, but it was useless. He could snap my wrist into two if he wanted.

" Stop moving... You know I can ruin you in a second. It's that easy." He said with the clenched teeth. I was shivering out of fear.

" Now listen carefully..." He said quietly only I could hear him.

" Don't you ever f***ing think you can replace my Eva, I know what my friends are up to, you are nothing but a piece of shit to me. You are just a gold digger aren't you!? Don't you even dare think that I will fall for your trick" I was hurt by his words. They were piercing right through me.

" First of all I am not interested in your bullshit life, who the f*** is interested in you, you are nothing but a psychopath" I snapped angrily at him.

" You don't know whom you are talking to, kid" he spat the words at me. His glare gave me shivers.

" Oh yes Donald Trump, Hi sir how are you? Now leave me" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. He was fuming now. In second he was so close to me that I can feel his breath. Now he hold me by my waist and whispered in my ears.....

" When you don't know the person you shouldn't argue with them. The person can be a danger one or can ruin your life" he spat dangerously in my ear that I felt a shiver ran down my body. He was giving me a glance full of hatred.

" You can never replace my Eva, stay out of my sight it's better for your health" he said in his deep voice.

"Trust me I just want to stay as far away from you as possible. I don't want a bloody psychopath linger in my life. I better stay away from you...very very far away" I spat.

His grip became tighter and his body was completely touching mine.

" Let go off me" I whined from his hold. He didn't move at all, he was staring at me continuously without blinking, his eyes scanned my face.

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