Taming The Bully

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Original>Taming The Bully>Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Jennie Wilson POV

Then I suddenly bumped into someone, something rough. I looked up and found the same guy whom I met outside the store window, the green emerald eyes guy.

He pulled me toward him, and hid me completely covering me in his embrace and shifted to a dark place.

I wanted to scream but he clamped his hands on my mouth. I could see the middle aged man wander here and there looking for me , but after few seconds he left the place.

I felt relieved..maybe this guy was helping me. He meant no harm after all...

"Th...thank you for saving me" I shuttered because I was still in his embrace.

I tried to push him but he wasn't budging at all. His grip became tighter on my arm and now he pulled me dead close to him and his hand encircling my waist. His breath fanning my face.

" What are you doing here, this late? Don't you know it's too dangerous for a girl to walk alone at this hour" His words were so harsh but his eyes.... They were fire.

Why does he sound familiar? .....I have heard it before! Wait! is it Vincent!!?

" Why do you care!? I can walk whenever I want, when you men have freedom why can't I " I snapped at him.

" You are a stubborn b*tch aren't you!. Talking back to me like nothing happened way before. I could see how courageous you were " he said in his deep voice.

" Let go off me please, I have thanked you for helping me, will you leave me already..!?" I pushed him, but as usual he didn't move a inch.

" What do you want Vincent! I know who you are, don't think I am a fool, I recognize you despite your mask" I said rolling my eyes. He didn't move his eyes away from me.

" Why are you following me Vincent, I am not interested in you, so please leave me alone" He removed his face mask.

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him over my shoulder, his eyes nearly dark with fury. " Don't provoke me, Do you want me to hurt you!? Is that it!?"

He got into my face " First thing I am not interested in you too! You are just a f***ing slut, what else would you do at this night" tears started flowing through my eyes.

How can he be so rude! How can he talk to a girl like that.

Doesn't he know what I was doing there?

Is it my fault that man started chasing me!?

The tears were rolling continuously, I lowered my head feeling defeated, hurt by his words, nobody said these words to me... I could bet he was laughing internally at me. I was sure he already had the next humiliation on his mind.

Surprisingly he removed the pressure, but he still held my waist and I could feel my pulse hammering against his fingertips.

His attack never came, and the atmosphere between us shifted, the air charged with anticipation. Our body touching each other, his breath tingling my skin.

I could feel his anger, pulse calming down. He was relaxing now, his gaze never living mine. I tried to wiggle off but he pulled me more towards him, just a inch away.

A few seconds passed he was still glaring at me...he looked at my lips, something ferrel passing through his eyes that spoke everything opposite of what had just come from his mouth, and for a crazy moment I thought he was going to kiss me.

However whatever held us together was gone quickly as it came, and again we were nothing more than enemies.

He let go off me abruptly, stepping away from me. " You better rethink before you open your f***ing mouth again" he swiveled around and started walking. Giving a glance of hatred, he spun on his heel and stormed out of there.

I somehow managed to find Rosé's house. I ran to my bedroom. I layed on my bed tears slowly falling through me.

It's because of him I went outside, he is mentally torturing me. I was never ever been called as a slut, thrash, gold digger!

Why me!? What have I done to him? Is it my fault, that I'm poor. Can't I have my freedom....

I cried silently ducking my head on the soft pillow.

Was he keeping eye on me...I met him on the store, on the street....or is just a coincidence!

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