Taming The Bully

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Original>Taming The Bully>Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Jennie Wilson POV

Rosé turned and looked at their direction. “ Emma, Xavier..wow you all are here!!”

I felt everybody’s gaze on me. My cheeks burned as I bit my cheeseburger again, so subconscious of myself that eating became a torture.

“ Hey what’s up everyone” Xavier said after the waitress took their orders, turning around, and slapped Rosé on her shoulder in what seemed to be friendly gesture.

“ Tonight’s race is going to be fun” I heard Emma say.

“ Not so fun because they are piece of cake. It will be a easy victory for Blake and Vincent” Xavier added.

“ Wow..like a real race!!?..I wanted to see it once in my life.” Lisa said excitedly.

“Well then..you are invited to see it” Blake smiled at her.

“ Yay..” Lisa chirped . She was asking so many questions like a amused kid and Blake!? He was so calm and answering her every question. Woah I never saw that side of him.

“ Vincent is the ace of the game, the skill and strength of him and Blake, this is going to be a easy victory for them” Emma said as if it was the fact.

“ Like always” Blake said in his deep voice.

“ Don’t sound too smug, bro. I heard some rumours about some guy who’s supposedly unbeatable. They are saying he’ll be racing at the track soon.” Rosé said.

“ Let him come. I’ll show him how it’s done.” Vincent talked big, and before I could stop myself, I pull my gaze from my screen to look at Vincent.

My throat closed up because he was already looking at me, his fiery gaze making me feel like there was no one else in the diner for him but me. It didn’t make sense. If he hated me so much, he shouldn’t be paying attention to me. He shouldn’t be looking at me like that.

“So you are coming right!?” Emma said looking at me.

“ Huh! Me!? No no...I am not into such things... I am not coming” I shuttered.

“ Oh come on it’s going to be fun” Jisoo pouted.

“ Sorry but I can’t come...I have to study and I have some work to do”

“ Ha! Nerd, can’t even enjoy her life” Lisa cooed. I gave her a death glare.

“ I think we should get going, lunch time is over ...” I said nervously.

“ Okay meet you at the race then...bye “ Rosé said getting up from there. We were off to our class.

*After all the classes*

“ You peoples should get going I will catch up.... I need to ask some doubt to Mrs Williams..” I made an excuse... I wanted to spend time alone.

“ Okay..see you soon.” Rosé said and she went off with Lisa.

I went to the terrace, where there were no people, you could see whole Hunsberg University. The wind was flowing smoothly. I relaxed, leaving my hand in the air. Then suddenly I heard a voice.

“ Hey!”

I jolted when I heard a sound....a guy voice! I turned to look who he was.

“Uh..hi..Hayden” oh God why is he here!?.

He started coming towards me, my heart was beating crazily. He smiled at me. God! He is so charming...

“ What are you doing here..!?”

“ Umm... relaxing I guess..”

“ Yeah... right...uh....do you have microbiology notes...I mean...of previous class..” he said ruffling his hair. He looked cute when his hair was messed up. I bet he was nervous...so cute!!!

“Yeah sure, wait a sec” I opened my bag and searched the microbiology notes and gave it him shyly, because his gaze was on me...and my heart was beating crazily.

God! What has happened to you !

“ Uh thanks....” Then there was a pin drop silence. It lasted for 1 sec...2...3..4..

“ Uh....Are you and Vincent together....I mean...is he your.... boyfriend!?” He stammered, still looking at me without blinking.

“ No....no I am not his girlfriend” I laughed nervously.

“ Then at the party...?”

“ Oh it’s nothing...my friend knows him that’s it..we are nothing..”

“ Uff... that’s a relief...” Hayden relaxed, his lips curved to a smile.

“ Excuse me.!?” I asked him confused and amused by his words. Suddenly he came closer to me. I was feeling uncomfortable now.

“ Well you know fresher’s party is about to happen...so... I want you to be my date..” he whispered it into my ears in his deep husky voice. I almost shivered.

Did I hear it right....!???

He is asking me to out I mean as a date..?? Well nobody asked me that..... before..I was blushing now.

“ Why me... there are so many girls in our college..”I asked shyly.

“Uh ....I mean..my friends are already paired, I have no one else... and they are forcing me....to come in pair... I have no choice...they don’t understand... you see they are stubborn..... besides you are beautiful and worth it... I can proudly take you as my date”

“ It will be my honour, if a beautiful lady like you be my date” he bowed making it the situation dramatic. I was blushing hard now. No guy treated me like this before. And there’s Vincent....that jerk. He should learn from Hayden...

“Umm....ok...I will be...your date...in fresher’s party..” I said nervously and blushing heavily.

“ So it’s a Yes!? You will be my date..?” He was excited and his face lit up.

“Um...yeah...I will be your ....date.. in the FRESHER’S PARTY” I exaggerated the last words, I didn’t want him to be mistaken.... thinking..

Mistaken for what huh!?

For accepting to be his girlfriend?

You want that right Jen!

What no!

Come on he is handsome....a nice gentleman...what do you need...

No! I have to stay single...don’t forget why you came to Hunsberg University...just shut up and complete your goal....it’s for your own good...

You shouldn’t waste on these stuffs....love is not made for you Jennie...it’s only for rich people... you can’t afford love...not at least at this period of time...

Suddenly I came out of my thoughts when he grinned widely, I guess he was happy...he is so cute and charming..

“ Well you didn’t finish our dance last night....so let’s dance” suddenly he snaked his hands around my waist and turned me round and round.

I giggled by his actions. We were moving, without any music, laughing....humming the song. He made me feel good.....my mind was free now...enjoying the moment.

“ You know about the race...happening on the west side of the city..?”

“Yeah I know Rosé told me, isn’t it illegal..?” I asked amused.

“ Yeah it is, but most of the cool stuffs are illegal. It’s a big match everybody from different colleges, from all around the city, come to race.” He said facing me.

“Will you join me, I mean I am participating the race for the first time... I would be happy if you come to cheer me up” He rubbed his hand on his neck nervously. Why is he so cute!??

“ I’m sorry but I can’t come, I have some work to do “

“ Ah.... please... please...it’s my first match...you see I turned 18 and now I can participate in this match...can’t you come at least as my friend” he showed his puppy eyes and whining like a baby. Why is he so cute....stop it......


“ No but...you are coming and that’s final” he grabbed my arms and started dragging me out of the terrace.


“ Nope I am not listening...”

“ Slow down at least....”

He made me climb his car, and we were off to West side of city. He headed down a long ground path way in the woods that let us deeper and deeper into encompassing dark.

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