Taming The Bully

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Original>Taming The Bully>Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Jennie Wilson POV

I averted my eyes quickly. Blake and Vincent got inside the Dodge Challenger Hellcat putting their helmet. The match was about to begin.

The furious rumbling of engines roared through the air, and the spectators cheered.

A race girl wearing knee high boots and a mini skirt, looking like a retro chick, sashayed her way to the starting line, breaking through my thoughts, and marked the start of the race.

The cars left the starting line in a cloud, of smoke and my pulse quickened with excitement.

I never knew much about racing, and I had only seen in movies but watching it in person with the sounds of engines and elated crowd all around fed me with energy. I was sucked in the world, my eyes plastered to the cars. Soon they left.

" Look they have to cross the road, take a lap on the foresty area...it's quite risky, but Vincent is good at this " Emma boasted.

" Why two people have to sit in one car ? " I asked her confused.

" Well, you see this race is life risking task, there are many hurdles...bumpy roads, steep area, it's not easy to win the race. So they have a spare partner so if anything happens to him, another person will replace him or help in some situation if something goes wrong"

" So here Vincent drives and Blake guides him... Blake tells him where to go, what to do..that's make them unbeatable." Aaron added.

We waited for 1 and a half hour and then suddenly crowd went wild..cars were coming!!!

I saw Hayden's car from a distance. I was amazed by Hayden's skills, who seemed to rule the track.

He was accelerating way before any of other drivers could. He said he had been waiting for the race for a long time. I don't know why internally I wanted him to win.

Maybe he is your friend that's why....

Go Hayden! You can do it!!!!

He was passing many cars with ease, putting more distance between them, my eyes were only fixed to his car. Watching him, cheering him.

I was hell nervous, I had a gnawing feeling, my heart beating fast. He was going fine...then suddenly Dodge Challenger Hellcat, pulled over.

Shit! Isn't it's Vincent's and Blake's car!!

Hayden's engine roared when he quickened, almost passing the Challenger, but Vincent swerved sharply to block Hayden.

It was like Vincent wasn't leaving him to move ahead, he himself didn't overtake him, he was maintaining the same phase as Hayden's.

Why isn't he overtaking him!?? What do you want Vincent!.

I got a ill feeling something bad was going to happen, and..... now it happened. Vincent dashed into Hayden's car, he was continuously bumping his car on his.

What is he doing!????

If he continues it... Hayden's car will definitely loose it's balance....

Then suddenly Vincent brought his car towards Hayden's car and dashed him with all force.


Hayden lost his balance and....then his car crashed.

My hands started to tremble, his car almost crashed into pieces.

Noooooooooo!!!! Why????? Hayden!!!!!

" Hayden!!!!! Noooooooooo" I screamed loudly. The car flew in air and stumbled many times. It shattered into many pieces. My heart was beating wildly. I couldn't believe what just happened!.... I was panicking.

They dashed his car......they just did it with no remorse...

After few seconds...The crowd burst into cheers, when Vincent's car finished first, like everything was normal.

Can't they see a disaster happened!!!!

Some people gathered Hayden's car, I wanted to go to him, but suddenly Rose caught me.

"Where are you going!? "

" Leave me... I need to go towards Hayden" I was crying heavily. I was going mad due to trauma. But Emma, Rose and Lisa caught me.

" It's common Jennie...it happens in the race.... there's nothing to freak about" Xavier said.

What!! can't they see someone is dying...that bastard did it purposely....

They were not leaving me, I tried to wiggle off, but they increased pressure. I saw someone took Hayden and a guy out of the crashed car.

Hayden was badly injured and his body was covered with blood, but he was breathing, but not like a normal person. They were taking his body away somewhere.

" Leave me I need to go...." I shouted crying heavily. Tears were non stop falling from my cheeks. I was going weak.

" Relax...they are taking him to the hospital.. everything's fine! Why are you tensing up" Emma said caressing my back.

They pulled me towards the crowd. The viewers darted towards the track to greet the winner. The excited murmurs carried two names through the air, Vincent and Blake.

Some took pictures of them, some were taking pictures of their car. Girls were throwing themselves upon them. Rose, Emma,.... everyone were cheering for them. Nobody was caring about the car crash.

Then my eyes met with the beast. He gaze was piercing, his icy green eyes promising me nothing but pain.

Vincent's gaze was full with contempt. We were starting at each other, despite of people around us. It was full of hatred.

Wh* re..... slut.... cheap... thrash....broke what all he called me.. he even attacked Hayden without any remorse...

The words and his actions...were burning me, my anger rose.

I was tired of him, his continuous insults, his torture....

I hate him..... I hate him so much. He didn't leave even Hayden..he is a bloody psychopath...how can he play with someone's life...

Vincent and Blake started coming towards us. Blake smirked at me, and Vincent just stared at me.

Everyone started congratulating them. Rose, Emma, Jisoo, .....everyone hugged them. I and Lisa stood silently. I was burning with anger now.

I looked at Vincent who was already looking at me with no emotion and zero remorse.

He had no limit, no regret or shame for what he has done! How could a person be this heartless, he didn't even hesitate to injure him completely, almost kill him!!

How much of a monster he is!

I couldn't just keep quiet for the unfairness that was boiling me up to the core. I was burning with volcanic rage and all I wished was I wanted to kill him.

I didn't care about the consequences anymore. I had enough of him now!

The curbed anger and rage were erupting in me, waiting to unleash on him.

I went towards him. He was so close to me that it was very easy for me to slap him and so I did it.


I slapped him hard. I could say it was a good slap by the stinging of my hand. Everybody's attention were on us now. There was a pin drop silence.

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