Handsome Billionaire CEO (every woman's man)

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>Handsome Billionaire CEO (every woman's man)>Chapter 1. It's my life

Chapter 1. It's my life

Beautiful Angels from inside to the outside are hard to come by in anybody's life.

My name is Mr. Lee, people call me, "THE LOVERBOY ". They say I am handsome, good-looking, hot and sexy, romantically built physically, that I look healthy, attractive, just name it! And above all ... they call me the richest and the cutest dude in town, has become every woman's dream to be with all her life!

Well ... I would not say they are wrong... Neither would I say that they are right! My reason for this is because ... I am a very free man with no woman in his life, and even when there was, they still never let me be. Everyone can access me anytime, any day ... without me feeling bad, nor even rebuking them and seeing them like trash when they are not. And also ... maybe because ... I am a peacemaker, a fun-loving young man, full of so much energy and great vibes for the things and the people that I love and care about... . I am an encouragement to others, and I do not care nor worry about my haters because, in life expectancy, the opposite sometimes from people. It may even come from the people you love and care about. Do not always expect people to love you for who you are always, or for what you do, for there is always one thing they call, " the fear of the unknown ". Do not expect too much from people, for if you do, you might end up feeling disappointed!

I am my boss, and I do my things just the way I want them to be done! I do not give a shit about anybody's opinion concerning my life. Though, I do well to check properly whenever anyone tells me about something or gives me his or her opinion about a certain thing(s) I may want to involve myself in, before accepting and applying it into my life or business.

Some persons call me a flirt, while some call me whatever they like, but the truth is ... I DO NOT CARE! cos I am not living my life to please any damn person, but to give myself the shot for the very best that gives me pleasure and the maximum peace of mind that I need.

About my hobbies, I do not smoke, neither do I drink. I enjoy doing things in a manner that I do not have to hurt any single soul, for it is not good for you to hurt anyone around you, be it far or near. I am such a free man that I can fly very high even with a feather if only I had one. I love to be free, but I do not joke with my job! I give it my shot whenever I have got any work to do or contract at hand. And I do well to carry along all my staff without leaving any one of them behind in the matters concerning work and other related issues.

About my love life, .... What more can I say about it?

Well ... I am a young man whom everyone expects to be in a relationship. For no one would believe I do not have a woman in my life should I say "I do not have". But the truth is, there is no woman in my life, and right now ... I am searching for true love. When I say "true love", I mean TRUE LOVE. I need a woman who would love me genuinely, and do what should be done at all times, in the most appropriate way I have been in love before but was a victim of love because I was not taken seriously by the one with whom I was madly in love She was only acting like she was in love with me all because of the little change I have got to throw around.

Now about my last relationship;

It was a very beautiful one, no doubts about that. I was so much into her, and we kept rolling like that. She was visiting me at will, of which she had her spare keys to my apartment, that she could visit my house without informing me before coming. Her name is Nuan. She was very helpful in so many ways though, but it was all for her selfish reasons. I told her that I am a very sincere and plain guy, who would not want herself nor anyone else to make me feel like I am being deceived. We kept going... Loving and enjoying each other continuously... and as for me, I was going on smoothly, with a free and open mind, until a day came when something terrible happened.

One faithful day, while I was driving past an inn in a town close to mine, on my way to see a sick worker, with a staff of nine, I saw Nuan seated outside with a fellow. At first, I thought it was someone else, but saw some physical features of her. So I stopped my car, and parked at a particular area of the inn, and drew closer to see if actually, she was the one I saw or not. Surprisingly, she was. She saw me immediately I mentioned her name, but she acted as though she did not know me. Even after I called her by her name, she still did not agree she knew me. She kept acting strange all because of the fellow that she was with.

I was shocked, and that alone surprised me even more than I ever imagined. I stood there for quite some time, lost in thought. Until I regained consciousness and advised myself to leave her alone in peace. And as the gentleman that I am, I quietly walked away peacefully. I sat in my car for a moment and then zoomed off.

After that incident, I said to myself that, "I will never fall in love again to any woman in such a manner... all because I received the shock of my life from Nuan.

Loving Nuan was the best decision I thought I ever made, not knowing it was just the irony of it all. Nuan is a wonderful lady, so full of smiles, but behind those pretty and lovely smiles of hers, lies doom. I met her along the street very close to my office, when she was on her way to her place of work too.

It was indeed a blissful and romantic one at first. We enjoy our sexual life to the fullest because we both love sex. And whenever we are in the act of lovemaking, we forget every other thing around us and fuck wild... but it all ended on a sad note. It's a lesson I learned the very hard way, and I am happy I went through such a situation, for it has helped in building and molding me greatly into the great and strong man that I am today.

And now I am proud to be me! Expect more of me.... as you read on!

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