Off to the paradise

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>Off to the paradise>Chapter 1 Living my life

Chapter 1 Living my life

Living a life of a gay person is not easy as of now,many parts of the world still intimidate,ridicule and even pose threat to homosexuality.

This is a journey of a young boy name Xiao Xing growing up in one of the many emerging cities of China.

It's Chongqing being neighbour to Chengdu another homosexuality friendly city it's quite friendly to gay people.

He realised his identity in his childhood but obviously the term gay was unknown to him at that time.When he got attracted to a boy in primary school but his experience was very different from most of the people of LGBT community.

He never think of it as unnatural or something different ,he thinks what he experienced is very normal which it should be.

He lives his life while having lot of friends whom you can call friends since birth ,this is the term he mostly use while describing his childhood friends.

His life doesn't remain this simple, it is accompanied with lot of hardship and unknown profile of life he is unaware of, from here his journey begins to meet the hard end of life which turned him into a strong young men who can't be shattered down even by the roughest wind of life.

He has a very strong fascination for United States culture specially pop music.He love the music of 90's.He says now songs are not good as earlier, though he never miss a chance to listen newly released songs.

Modifying his thoughts and his childhood are dreams,not the one carrying his career interests but mysterious dreams revealing his personality and inner being that lead to spiritual finding of oneself, they are complicated but possess great importance for him.

He is a single child of his parents ,no he was not always a single child he had an elder brother who died as infant.

His parents brought him up in a very comfortable and caregiving environment , trying to give the best life that any parents wants to give to there children.

Both his parents being professionally doctor wanted there only son to be doctor too,which is very much encouraged in modern Chinese society.

In his childhood he experienced some wierd incidents, which still exists in his memory.They are mysterious by nature, sometimes lead him to unwanted curiosity.

They used to live in a simple House resides near the Yangtez river and not in an apartment as of now, it's been a whole different world since then.The mountain city has gone through unimaginable changes to become one of the futuristic city in the world.

In the late 90's population of china being huge causing shortage of jobs and existence of some other unsorted socio-economic causes which lead to an environment of people who are unfriendly towards society evolved.

In his memory Xiao always remember that he got lost for two days and his parents were searching for him crazily, loosing one child before , loosing another can't be withstand by his parents.

At that time prevalence of underground orphanage and kidnapping for ransom were some of the possible threat his parents mind were terrorised from, though local authorities were trying to search him he couldn't be found.

After two days of absence from home he returned by himself to home.

The most strange part is he was neatly dressed up and absolutely healthy.Getting there child back after days of search, his parents were overbearingly cheerful and didn't care much about his missing reasons.

Till today no one could find the reason of absence of the four year old kid from home without parents support.

He thinks that some good will people must have saved him or just being an hyperactive child he roamed around the city and by his cleverness he survived the two days.

He also has some blurry memory of lots of hippy people around his home, from whom he use to get scared of back then.

In his childhood once he encountered a thief indirectly.In the silence of night sounds of cracking a lock could easily pass to his ears and make him awake unaware of the incident taking place.

Parents being away from home for work purposes,he was with his granny alone.

He observed the incident the whole night without getting back to sleep.

In the next morning Xiao family got horrified to found that the previous night a burglar tried to broke into the house , though he failed in his attempt.

These are some of the crazy memory Xing go through in the time of recollection of childhood life.

These aren't his only memory.He went to kindergarten and made some amazing friends with whom he still stick around.

Going on frequent outing to there mountain House, growing vegetables there, sometimes visit to the water fall and had boat rides on Yangtze river passing under the bridges while looking up at them.

He loved them all.

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