The Second Marrige of Deserted Concubine

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Others>The Second Marrige of Deserted Concubine>Chapter 2 Got the Interest of the king "Wolf"

Chapter 2 Got the Interest of the king "Wolf"

After a while, Daisy came with hot water and serve Caroline to wash up. She couldn't help but to examine her quiet and calm master. The more she pondered, the more she thought something's wrong, "Miss..." She opened her mouth prudently and blinked, "I feels that you.......seem to be a bit different..."

Caroline picked her lips, and smiled slightly. "What's different?"

Daisy tilted her head. She couldn't tell exactly how her master was different.

Seeing her perplexed look which was quiet cute, Caroline couldn't help smiling and reaching out to hold her. She said lightly, "no matter what happened to me, I remember that you are the only one who is really good to me except for my mother in Bennett Mansion."

Daisy's eyes were slightly red, and she stopped thinking about this matter, sobbing and saying, "Don't say that, Miss. But for you, I would already have died."

"Well, you should go and rest." Caroline smiled and hurried her to rest.

Seeing Daisy leave and close the door for her thoughtfully, she shook her head with a smile, then her eyes fell unexpectedly on her disabled right arm. Her brows frowned slightly, and she rolled up her sleeves to check, but found that the bones had been seriously deformed.

To make her hand completely recover, the bone must be broken off completely and properly docked to allow it to heal again. The whole process was very long and painful, Caroline frowned. After a few moments, she felt eased. This Continent had many good medicines for bone and sinew renewal, perhaps they would have some unexpected effect.

On the next day, after washing up and having breakfast, Caroline took a pen and drew the knife, scissors, tweezers and other instruments required for the operation, and took Daisy out to find a craftsman to make them.

Daisy was very prudent and she insisted with huge courage that Caroline waited at the "Tea-Fragrance House" while she contacted the craftsman herself, in case that Caroline was identified on the street and picked on by some snobs. Caroline had to agree.

By the time Daisy returned, 30 minutes had pass. Daisy was very curious about the stuffs Caroline asked craftsman to make, but Caroline didn't say a word, just mysteriously smiled, "You'll know by then."

Seeing Daisy sweating profusely, Caroline poured her a cup of tea. Daisy thanked her happily and then took a few sips.

Suddenly footsteps mixed with laughter were getting closer and closer, "Waiter! Make a best pot of tea, hurry up!"

Caroline looked sideways, and saw three young women going upstairs and took a table by the window.

The woman in pink just took a sip of the tea sent by the waiter and puffed it out, "Is this the best tea? The slops of my family is even better than this!"

The shop assistant knew that he could not afford to offend her, so he just nodded and smiled humbly.

"Forget it, Holly!" The woman in blue said with an air of arrogance. "What good things can be offered in such a small place? Make do with it."

Daisy looked disdainful and grunted, which made Caroline get interested: "What are these people?"

"They are all from centennial clans. The girl in pink is Holly Evans, the daughter of the head of Clark family; the girl in blue is Karen Hill, the daughter of the Head of Hill family, and the girl in green is Alice Moore, the daughter of the head of Moore family. Because of their family background, these people are arrogant in daily life, and they act like they are princess."

East Acesia was a vast land with abundant resources, and there were numerous centennial clans. As far as Bellerosis, the capital concerned, the families of Scoot, Clark, Moore and Hill are 4 top centennial clans, with Scoot family taking the lead. They were not only rich but also played very subtle roles in the changes of the imperial court. Therefore, they had always been the flattered targets of the princes. No wonder these girl were so arrogant.

"No one from Scoot family?"

"No." Daisy shook her head. "These three are very close, but the daughter of Scoot family never contacts them."

Caroline nodded and no longer asked.

The three girls there obviously didn't notice the two in the corner. After they talking a few gossips, Holly suddenly asked: "Karen, I heard that someone from the court recently visited your father secretly, for the purpose of marrying you to Prince Louis?"

"Yes, but I turned it down!" Karen snorted disdainfully, and the disgust in her eyes was not concealed." Doesn't Prince Louis take the mirror? He is really courageous enough to send a matchmaker to my family. He is a cripple who vomits blood all day, and he still wants to marry me? He is really like a toad who covets a swan... "

"Shah! Keep your voice down!" Alice said pretentiously, but her voice was not small at all, "These three-legged men are hard to find, but so is the one-leg toad is not easy to find, right?"

Holly already laughed and cursed: "You are so mean. Beware that Prince "Wolf"(Prince Louis ) can hear you!"

"Ah! I am so afraid!" Alice sweetly said, "Do you think Prince "wolf" can really hear what I say? I don't care he really does. I say nothing wrong. Karen, you mustn't marry Prince "wolf". Otherwise, we will lose face to be friends with you! "

"Huh! He really wishes ..."

Chatting and laughing, the three finished their teas, and they got up and ready to leave. Only when they came down the stairs, somehow their knees went limp, with an exclamation in unison they rolled down the stairs one by one!

There was a sudden uproar in the downstairs hall, and many dudes burst into laughter, just like watching a monkey show!

The maids who guarded the downstairs were dumbfounded and scrambled over to help, "Miss, are you alright?"

Compared with the severe pain in the body, the humiliation before people was more unbearable. In the laughter, Holly and others took their sleeves to cover their faces, trying to cover up and fled under the help of the maids!

"Done!" On the third floor, a man in white clapped his hands, he said with a smile, "Prince 'Wolf', are you satisfied?"

The black-clad man in the wheelchair was silent with his back to the door of the room, and a few moments later, several low coughs rang out with a heartrending spasm.

"That's too much!" Daisy, who heard everything those girls say, was very angry." "Prince Louis has made great contributions on horseback to East Vietnam. These people don't know how to be thankful. Instead, they insulted Prince Louis. They....they really should go to hell!"

"Daisy..." Caroline smiled lightly and placed tea money on the table, "but in this world, Few offers charcoal in snowy weather"

Daisy wrinkled her face, and her voice was a little sad: "It's a pity for Prince "Wolf" of your East Acesia..."

"The king "wolf" will always be the king "wolf"." Caroline smiled softly and said shallowly, "Even if he has only one leg left, he is still the king "wolf " with sharp teeth and claws! And some people, even if he has eight legs, are only Just a pathetic crab. A fire can make him completely dead. "

Daisy couldn't help laughing, "Miss, do you mean that some people are born princes, and some people don't look like princes even in dragon robes?"

Caroline smiled lightly, "So it is not a pity. King "wolf" ... is just sharpening his tooth and claws. One his tooth and claws become sharp again, East Acesia, even if the whole will become his preys!"

Within the room, the man in white stood still for a long while, and suddenly smiled and said, "Prince "Wolf", are you afraid? In this world, someone can see you through?"

In the low coughing sound, the man in black on the wheelchair suddenly smiled low, and the meaning of the laugh was profound, "Caroline Bennett"

With a chill shiver, the man in white couldn't help but lament in his heart: is Prince "Wolf" .............interested in this disabled girl?

But ... this the third Miss of Yu Family seemed to be a little different from the rumors ... He touched his chin with his hands, seemingly very curious.

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