The Second Marrige of Deserted Concubine

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Others>The Second Marrige of Deserted Concubine>Chapter 4 You have No Right to Punish My Maid

Chapter 4 You have No Right to Punish My Maid

A few days later, blacksmith Lee finally made all the instruments needed by Caroline and delivered them to her place. When the night was quiet, Caroline ordered Daisy to go back to rest, and then closed the doors and windows and began to heal the deformed right arm.

As a top forensic doctor in modern society, no one knew the structure of the human body better than her. Besides, the fingernails on her index fingers had been removed for work, and replaced with a miniature sensor. One of the functions of this sensor was to transmit a clear image and its internal structure of any object touched by her index fingers to her brain.

Using the sensor to determine the specific condition of the bone deformation, she took a deep breath, picked up the operation hammer and hit her right arm with it...

Because everything had to be done by herself, Caroline couldn't use anesthesia powder to relieve such intense pain, and she almost passed out!

Her eyes were dark and she had to stop temporarily and gasped fiercely. After the initial severe pain eased a little, she gasped and continued her work...

By the time her right arm was finally put in the right place, Caroline's clothes had been soaked with cold sweat, as if she just got out from the water! Although she had undergone a lot of rigorous training as an agent, such unbearable severe pain almost brought her down.

It seemed that this body was too weak, and she needed to work out to make it fit and strong. Cleaning up her cold sweat with all her strength, Caroline went to bed exhausted. Because of the severe pain, she had kept sober until the twilight came.

Time passed quickly. A very slight footsteps came from the door. Caroline natural vigilance made her immediately open her eyes and sit up: "Daisy?"

"Yes! Miss!" Daisy answered immediately, "Are you awake?"

Turning her head to look out of the window, Caroline found the sun was riding high. She thought to herself that she really had a dead sleep and said: "Come in, but is there something wrong?"

Daisy frowned, went forward, gritting her teeth, and said, "Miss, Prince Nicholas has gone really too far, right? It is him who broke of the engagement a few days ago, and it is also him who is always disturbing you! If he feel regretful now, why did he does it before? Now he realizes how good you are? It's too late as you don't not have a liking for him! "

After she had finished speaking, Caroline asked indifferently, "He is here again?"

"It's not the case." Daisy shook her head. "It's his personal guard Tankard Walker who came and said that Prince Nicholas would like to invite you to his place to enjoy flowers in three days."

Caroline smiled, "I won't go."

"Yeah, that's what I told Tankard!" Daisy angrily said, "But Tankard said Prince Nicholas wanted you to be sure to go to his mansion three days later, or Prince Nicholas himself would personally invite..."

"Invite, invite what? What are you talking about?" In the fury, Helena rushed in like a gust of wind, pointing at Daisy and yelling, "Prince Nicholas has already dismissed engagement with Caroline. They have no connections any more. How will Prince Nicholas invite her to appreciate flowers? It must be you who falsely transmitted Prince Nicholas's will..."

Daisy always hated to see Helena' being arrogant and domineering. She looked at her coldly and said: "Miss Helena, I didn't falsely transmit Prince Nicholas's will. Prince Nicholas indeed invited Miss Caroline..."

"Dare you talk back?" Helena screamed, "Yilia, slap her! Hit her hard for me! I will take the responsibility!"

There is a certain truth to this kind of master and slave. Helena has always been accustomed to flying, leading to the nostrils around her, as if half of the master of the Residence of the Official in Ding Nation.

There was some truth in the saying that like master, like minions. Helena had always been an overbearing and domineering person, so were her minions. They were so arrogant as it they were a half master in Bennett Mansion.

It was by no means a coincidence that Helena suddenly appeared in Caroline's house at this moment. Since discovering that Prince Nicholas had never forgotten his the old lover Caroline, she treated Caroline as her enemy, and sent her confidante Yilia to keep an eye on the situation here, fearing that two of them would come back together. Unexpectedly, she really found something today. Naturally, she was furious, and rushed in to question Caroline.

Upon receiving Helena's order, Yilia answered "yes" immediately. She rolled his sleeves and made few steps forward, raised her arm high, and hit Daisy hard in the face...




After a series of sounds, Yilia lay on the ground, groaning while covering her face! Helena was dumbfounded, and it took a long time to for her realize that Caroline, who had always been fragile and week, slapped Yilia to the ground. She stepped back in shock as if Caroline was a ghost: "You ..."

"My dear sister, before you hit a minion, you should see who is behind this minion." Caroline retracted her hand and smiled lightly. "Daisy is my maid. I have the final say for her life and death. When you have the final say for my minions?"

"You, you... "Being humiliated by a deformity who she thought was more humble than a slave, Helena suddenly felt she lost face and almost jumped with anger, "So what?? Since she dared to offend me, she deserved the punishment! Damn! I will not only slap her on the box, even if I kill her..."

"Don't you dare." Caroline picked her lips and interrupted her. The cold sharpness in her eyes was like a blade. "Let alone Daisy didn't offend you today, even if she really did, you mustn't touch her!"

"Then let me just try and see?" Helena was almost mad and she looked like a vixen. "This cheap girl's life is also cheap. Since she is disagreeable to my eye. I can ruin her whenever I like to. What can you do?"

"Well ..."

Caroline suddenly raised her hand, and with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, a cold light shot out like a meteor, and went straight to Helena's face! Although Helena's Kung Fu was good, she did not expect Caroline to move her hands with no warning. In addition, Caroline's movement was too fast. Helena was so scared that she forgot to dodge, but screamed instinctively, "Ah!"

For a moment, the cold light rubbed her horns and shot, nailed to the door frame! In the scattered hair, Caroline said quietly, "If you are confident that you can move faster than my flying knife, try it yourself."

In an instant, the cold light grazed her temples and shot past, nailing the door! Amidst the scattered and fluttering hair, Caroline quietly spoke, "If you are confident that your movements are faster than my flying knife, just feel free to try."

Helena was stiff, then she became limp. She knew that she wouldn't faster than Caroline's flying knife! Based on the principle of good guys ... good girls don't take the immediate loss, she stared at Caroline with a scornful and hatred grin and said, "Do you ... do you really think Prince Nicholas's invitation means he has a special feeling for you again? You are just a wreck. Don't daydream about it! I'll just ... go to Prince Nicholas and let him marry me as soon as possible, just wait! Just wait! "

Yilia, who had been knocked to the ground, stood up and helped Helena stumble away. Because of the protection of Carline, Daisy was moved to tears, and said, "Miss... You are so good to me. I am willing to die for you without regrets ..."

"Die? If you really appreciate me, you should will live well. "Caroline looked calm. "Also, from now on, we are sisters. No more unnecessary formalities between us."

"Yes! Miss!" Daisy promised loudly, "Then ... what about Prince Nicholas's invitation..."

Caroline's slung her sleeves and said "I don't want to go, isn't there some who love to go even without being invited."

Because of the sudden change of Caroline, Prince Nicholas immediately changed his attitude towards her, so that Helena, who had long been determined to become his princess, was so anxious that she hurried to the residence of Prince Nicholas. With permission, she went straight to Prince Nicholas's bedroom, and before she raised her hand to knock on the door, she heard a burst of laughter: "'giggle'... Your highness, don't do that please... What if others see this..." The young woman's voice was charming and sweet, making her hair straight.

"What are you afraid of? I am the boss in my place. For what I am going to do, who dare to say a word?" Prince Nicholas smiled, and made a very slight puff, which was quiet imaginative...

"Your highness, I really love you, and you mustn't fall me ..."

"How can I fail you? I have the same feeling to you, and the sun and the moon can tell ..."

"Ah! Your Highness, You mouth is covered with honey? I don't know how many girls you've fooled! First is Miss Caroline Bennett, then Miss Helena Bennett..."

Prince Nicholas was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was full of disgusting obscenity: "Speaking of it, Caroline is indeed very different from the past. She is as pretty as a fairy. And I shouldn't break off the engagement with her in such a hurry. Otherwise, it will be good to take her as my concubine for a few days and then kick her out when I lost interest..."

When it's hard to tolerate, there's no need to endure!

Helena was just humiliated by Caroline. Hearing the dialogue, she couldn't bear it anymore. She kicked the door open and broke in, gritted her teeth and said, "Your Highness!"

Both of them in the room were shocked. Prince Nicholas turned around, but just smiled: "Well, are you here? Then sit down!"

The man and the woman all sat at the table, but most of the woman's body was already into Prince Nicholas's arms, and the woman's hair was a little messy, and her clothes were disheveled. It's obvious that they had just been very intimate. Although Prince Nicholas was slightly better dressed, he was also flushed with desire. The most annoying was that when he saw Helena coming, instead of being panic-stricken when he was caught doing bad things, he went even further and sniffed around the woman's neck, as if he could not wait to swallow her!

This erotic scene made Helena nearly faint, and then she flushed with anger: "Your highness! How can you ... treat me this way? I ..."

"How did I do?" Prince Nicholas interrupted her lazily. Although he had a smile on his face, he was full of coldness and scorn. "As to who I want to stay with, I need your consent?"

"You ..." Helena covered her heart and couldn't accept it. "You promised, you promised to marry me, but now you ..."

"I did promise I will marry you," Prince Nicholas glanced at her. His attitude was quite peaceful, "and I don't plan to break my word, what are you excited about?"

Helena was relieved, then she stared at the woman in his arms fiercely: "Then ..."

"She is she, you are you," Prince Nicholas interrupted her impolitely, "she will also marry me, and she ... will be my princess. Both you and Caroline will be my concubines. "

Without waiting for Helena to come to herself from this shocking news, the woman in the arms of Prince Nicholas sat up straight with a smile: "Your highness, When did I promised you to be your princess? "

Seeing that familiar face, Helena widened her eyes in amazement: "Is it you?"

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