The Second Marrige of Deserted Concubine

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Others>The Second Marrige of Deserted Concubine>Chapter 6 It's Done

Chapter 6 It's Done

In the afternoon, Caroline sat alone in the gazebo in the courtyard and looked in the distance, down, like a seclude orchid in a deserted valley. Seeing this from a distance, Helena's heart seemed to be bitten by a poisonous snake, and she became jealous. Gritting her teeth, she pretended to be intimate and said, "My younger Sister, are you free now?"

Caroline looked back: "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just that I shouldn't have argued with you that day, and I came here apologize." Helena said with a smile, "Also, my brother wanted you in his place to discuss with you about something."

Gavin? Caroline frowned slightly, and stood up: "Okay."

When she came to Gavin's residence, the surroundings were quiet and there was no even half a figure. Caroline frowned slightly and knocked on the door. Immediately after the door was opened, Gavin's servant Jim nodded and stepped aside: "Miss Bennett, please, master is waiting for you inside!"

Stepping into the lobby, Gavin was sitting at the table, with a smile full of enthusiasm: "My younger sister is here. Please sit down! Jim, serve the tea!"

Jim nodded and retreat, and sent two cups of hot tea full of aromas before long, then retreated. Gavin desperately pressed his excitement, and laughed more and more enthusiastically: "This is the new tea this year, it tastes very good. Caroline, just taste it."

Caroline sit still: "You say you want to discuss with me ..."

"No rush, no rush!" Gavin lifted a tea cup and moved it to her. "Come, have a cup of tea to moisten your throat, and I will talk to you slowly."

Flattery with no reasons, either craftiness or stealing. Caroline's eyes were light, and she lifted the cup accordingly ... As soon as she touched the tea, she was keenly aware that it contained a strong aphrodisiac! Gavin, are you still human? You even coveted your sister?

Taking a sip as if nothing was wrong, she put down the cup and smiled slightly: "The texture is mellow, with long the aftertaste, good tea. Brother, please."

Taking advantage of the opportunity to serve tea for Gavin, she flicked her fingers and the drug hidden in the nail seam fell into the tea water. Although the drug was not aphrodisiac, it was more violent.

Gavin didn't know that he had been calculated by the world's top agent. As if to prove that the tea had no problem, he took up the cup and drunk all of the tea, waiting for the aphrodisiac's influence on Caroline...

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a blast of heat exploding in his body, making him hold his stomach and wailed: "Ah ... ah! I feel so terrible..."

"Brother? What's wrong with you?" Caroline frowned and walked out, "Take it easy, I'll call Jim to serve you!"

"Don't! You ..."

Gavin only had time to say these two words, and his reason collapsed instantly. The whole person became muddled, and didn't know the place and time. At this moment, Jim pushed in the door and came in, and when he saw Gavin's flushed and painful face, he was startled, and immediately ran over to help him: "Master, what's wrong with you, master? Come...what!"

Under the drug stimulus, Gavin already knew nothing, only knew that he needed to vent, whether the other party was beautiful or ugly, or male or female! So when he saw someone approaching, he immediately went mad and threw the person to the ground, tearing his clothes hard!

Jim was just a teenage boy. Where he had seen such a situation, he was so frightened and struggling desperately: "Master, what are you going to do? Let go! Help! Help! Help ..."

Gavin frowned, sealed his acupuncture with one finger, making him unable to move, so he continued to tear...

Jim wanted to cry but without tears. Then he remembered that he had sent everyone way with an excuse in accordance with the instructions of the young master Bennett, and he had put the drug in the tea himself. It was originally prepared for Miss Bennett, so that they could have sex. Who knew that it was him who was with the young master? But they were all men...

Without knowing how long has passed, a clutter of footsteps suddenly came out of the door, followed by the sound of Helena's voice: "Hey? Why the door is closed? Isn't brother here?"

"Not here?" Corrine continued, "Didn't you say Gavin asked you to invite us to discuss things?"

"Yeah!" Helena answered, "But I think something is wrong, father and mother please wait. I'll knock on the door!"

Outside the door, Helena, who thought the plan was successful, sneered with pride, deliberately stepped forward and knocked on the door, pretending to be happy and said, "Father, mother, the door is not closed. The older brother is inside, let's go in ... Ah! This... "

As the door was pushed open, the scene that came to view made Helena scream in astonishment. She almost sit on the ground with her butt! General Bennett, Corrine, Lydia Bennett​ and others were even more surprised. They rushed over and screamed in unison, "Ah! This ..."

On the carpet in the hall, Gavin, who seemed to be in a coma, and Jim were stripped together, all covered with traces of passion! Especially Jim, the body was not only covered with bruises, but there was also a blood stain on the carpet underneath. At a glance, they knew what had happened: the young master of Bennett Mansion, and the servant...

"Gavin!" Corrine, who first reacted, felt as if the sky had collapsed. She stumbled forward and picked up the torn clothes and threw them cover him, screaming incessantly, "Who the goddamned framed you like this? I have to chop him up and feed him to the dog! Gavin! Gavin, you wake up! Gavin! "

The Slaves behind the crowd had never see such a scene before, and their eyes widened and they dared not speak, but they saw the scene just now. Because of this, Helena was more anxious and angry: Damn! What on earth is going on? Isn't it supposed that Gavin and Caroline have a sexy relationship, and then I deliberately brought people to "catch"? In order to enhance the effect, I also deliberately brought so many people, but...

In the scream, Gavin, who was sleeping, frowned uncomfortably, and finally opened his eyes slowly. When he saw everything in front of him, he just blinked doubtfully: "Mother? How are you here? I ... oh so uncomfortable ..."

"Gavin! Who framed you? Hurry up!" Corrine was furious and full of murderousness. "Find out that person, I will chop him into pieces!"

Gavin's reason returned further, and when he saw Jim, who was obviously ... by the side, a terrible guess hit his mind instantly, and he changed his face: "What? This ... Mother! Let them go out! Get them out! "

"Go out! Go out!" Corrine madly waved her hand, "Somebody comes here! Drag this shameless slave down and beat him to death!"

Poor Jim lost his life while still in a coma, but to whom he called for justice? But killing him was just in vain. So many people have seen with their own eyes that the young master really liked man. If this matter was spread out, his reputation will be completely ruined!

Would Corrine not know this? At the moment, she urgently ordered Helena to pass the order. If anyone dared to say a word about what's happened today, there was mercy! After everything was properly done, she gritted her teeth and yelled at Gavin, who was lying on the bed, "You jerk! It's not enough to be coquettish with women, and now you are playing with man! Are you trying to make me die of anger? "

Gavin felt quite grieved and gritted his teeth, "Mother, I didn't ..."

"Didn't?" Corrine cursed angrily, and she was so angry that she really wanted to give him a box, "The facts are in front of you, and you dare to deny it? If you just have to try something new, won't you change to a secret? Why you actually messed around in the hall floor. Are you trying to look for trouble? "

Gavin felt even more wronged, but at this moment he calmed down and realized that there must be something wrong! At that time, he did order Jim to place drug in Caroline's tea, but why did Caroline stay safe after drinking tea, and he ... Jim, the boy, did a poor work and put the drug in his cup?

"Mother! Take Jim here!" Gavin yelled angrily, "I want ..."

"Take what? I've already killed him!" Corrine snorted coldly, staring at him with disappointment, "You listen to me, don't go anywhere during this time, stay in the room to shelter for a while. Let's talk later! "

Hearing that Jim had been beaten to death, Gavin was surprised, but he was glad: he died, at least he would not reveal his secret. This matter was regarded as the consequence of his inability to handle the stuff well, and therefore his death was not considered unjust...

At this moment, the maid, Molly, came to report that General Bennett invited her to the hall to discuss matters. She scolded Gavin a few moments, and then came to the hall with the lingering anger. Before General Bennett spoke, she rushed and said, "Freddie, I have made it clear that it is the minion Jim whose psychology was abnormal drugged Gavin with the intention of blackmailing for favors. I have beaten Jim to death to uphold the ethics and moral standards of Bennett Mansion! "

General Bennett naturally knew that this was not the case, but he didn't say much. He looked at Corrine coldly and said, "You deal with this, and don't make it known to other. I come to you now because the emperor has just invited our Helena, Caroline and Lydia to attend the annual Rose Festival in 3 days later in palace. You must help them prepare carefully! "

"the Annual Rose Festival?" Helena frowned. "It's only the sixth day of April today. It's more than half a month before the Rose Festival. Why ..."

"It is the Emperor's order," replied General Bennett, "The day after tomorrow is the birthday of the Empress Dowager and the Emperor said it might as well be held in conjunction with the Rose Festival to make the Empress Dowager happy."

Since it's emperor's order, nobody made any comment. But Caroline followed, "Father, I have a disability and have not participated in the Rose Event for many years. It is even more indecent for me to attend this year's ..."

"No way." General Bennett declined immediately. "In my opinion, I really don't plan to let you participate, but the emperor has already stated that all unmarried women, no matter they are deaf, dumb or blind, between the age of 13 to 20 from official families must attend and those who have disobedience will be severely punished! "

As soon as this announcement was made, Caroline frowned slightly, and everyone else looked at each other: What the emperor is thinking about? It is not about choose imperial concubine... even if it is to choose a concubine, would he still choose some deaf, blind or lame ones?

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