The Second Marrige of Deserted Concubine

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Others>The Second Marrige of Deserted Concubine>Chapter 8 Choosing Imperial Concubines? Scary

Chapter 8 Choosing Imperial Concubines? Scary

Although Bruce is the son of the prime minister, he was not learned at all. Although he had learned some crappy Kung Fu, he was just an embroidered pillow-useless. How could he avoid the sudden attack of Prince Louis? He was smashed in a moment, and he screamed, and before he responded, the annoyed wasps thumped its wings and surrounded him, and stabbed his head and his face!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Oops ..." Bruce waved his hands embarrassingly, only feeling the sharp pain from the bare skin, and he screamed suddenly, "Help! Come on! You guys ... you guys! Come to help soon ... ah! Ah... "

The servants had been dumbfounded, at this time just put themselves together, took off their coats to hit wasps. Although the spectators were willing to help, they were afraid of these aggressive little things, had already stayed far away.

Fortunately, although there were many wasps, they can't beat everyone's joint beating, and they have finally been solved. Poor Bruce had been utterly beyond recognition, and he was in pain all over his body. He was not in the mood to attend the Rose Festival anymore. He immediately left under the escort of the servants!

Prince Louis reclined in the wheelchair, and he acted like an onlooker as if it was completely unrelated to him, "Do you really think I am a gentleman who return good for evil?"

Ted shook his head and sighed: gentleman? It's a matter of the previous life! Three years ago, Prince Louis was dead in the great changes. Now he...

Caroline on the side had already seen the clues, and she couldn't help holding her forehead and smiling slightly: Who just boasted that Prince Louis was gentle and self-restraint? That person should really be whipped to death! He clearly was the one who sought revenge for the smallest grievance and couldn't bear half a grain of sand in his eyes!

Because of the high-end technique of the Prince Louis, no one else ever saw the flaw, but regarded it as a small accident. It was quickly forgotten.

"You really deserve it!" Daisy clapped her hands happily, feeling very overjoyed, "Even the heaven couldn't tolerate his disrespect to Prince Louis! Ha-ha! He really was an eight-legged crab, and a few wasps almost made him dead..."

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful of what you say." Caroline gave her a warning look, but she also felt a little funny.

Daisy put her tongue out and agreed obediently: "Yes, Miss!"

Caroline never planned to show any talent, so she picked up a relatively remote corner and sat down. After a while, all of the ladies from the official families, including those from several major centennial families arrived one after another, all of them looking glamorous with pearls and jade in their heads. Apparently, they wanted to stand out and take the lead so as to give people a good glimpse of the amazing feeling.

"The emperor is driving ..."

Emperor Arthur, the emperor in the crown and robe, and the empress Angelina Miller, who appeared in costumes, came slowly, surrounded by the crowd, and had a royal style. The crowd immediately bowed down to salute, "His Majesty! Long live, long live! Her Majesty! Long live!"

"Stand up please!" Arthur took the seat with the empress Angelina, with a smile on his face. "Today's Rose Festival is mainly for fun. More importantly, it is to entertain Empress Dowager. You don't be too restrained! Now, let's welcome Empress Dowager!"

Emperor Arthur's biological mother, Empress Dowager, Ruth Garcia​, who was nearly 70 years old, was still hale and hearty, with while hair and youthful face. She was a very kind old lady. Facing the kowtowing of the crowd, she nodded her head in courtesy. She had a kind of grace and luxury in the royal family.

After a round of toasting, the competition officially started, and the winner was quickly determined. Bonnie Anderson​, the daughter of the vice prime minister Edward Anderson was good at cooking; Yolanda Perez, the daughter of the prime minister Benson Perez, was the first in poetry; Zoey Green, the daughter of the minister of rites Derek Green, was superb in choreography...Helena had always boasted that she was excellent at zither. As expected, no one could compete with her and was the first in zither.

In order to overpower others, the girls tried their best, and the scene was fierce and lively, making the Empress Dowager who had not seen this scene for a long time very happy and glowing.

With the results of each competition coming out, this Rose Festival was finally coming to an end. Emperor Arthur was delightful. He stood up and said, "You girls have worked hard! Everyone has a reward! Come!"

Under the order, the servants brought out a tray, put dozens of different kinds of pockets above. Arthur smiled slightly, and a strange light suddenly appeared in her eyes: "Girls, the items in the purses are different, and some are expensive and some are cheap. Today we also come to see how you are lucky ... Do not open the purse. Pick your own."

Catching the strangeness in Arthur's eyes, Prince Louis could not help but move in his heart, and a hunch immediately rose: Could it be...

As they were emperor's reward, the daughters naturally did not dare to decline, and went forward to choose one after another. Caroline didn't want to stand up. When she saw a silver-grey purse in the tray was so elegant, she whispered to Daisy behind her, "Daisy, go and bring the silver-grey purse for me."

Daisy agreed, came to take the purse over, and looked curiously: "Miss, open it?"

Caroline nodded indifferently, "Sure."

Daisy couldn't wait to open the purse, and suddenly cried out in surprise: "Wow! It's so beautiful! Miss you have a good vision ..."

It was a butterfly hairpin made of white jade. It was so white that there was no trace of mottled color. At first glance, it was definitely superior, and it was worth tens of thousands! Lydia next to them only got jade bracelet worth a just thousand. Caroline's butterfly hairpin made her very jealous. She deliberately smiled very mildly, "My younger Sister, I don't think you like jewelry anymore. How about we exchange? I think this the butterfly hairpin very suits me......"

Shameless! Daisy was furious, but Caroline said slightly," Since second sister likes it, just take it. Daisy."

After the master had ordered, Daisy had to hand the butterfly hairpin together with the purse to Lydia, and at the same time she brought her jade bracelet back, angrily backing aside, muttering something in her mouth. Caroline didn't care, just sat quietly.

Seeing that all the women had received the purses, Emperor Arthur waved his sleeves and said, "Young ladies, in fact, I have held the Rose Festival to this day for two reasons. One is for the empress dowager's birthday, and the other is the most important. That is choose imperial concubines for Prince Louis! "

As soon as this word came out, everyone had a moment of silence, and then there was an uproar: what? Choosing imperial concubines for Prince Louis? This......

Ice Land had been once ruled by one nation, then it was split into such four countries as East Acesia, West Wood, South Doom, and North Litho. West Wood was near the desert; South Doom nation was hot, humid and rainy, and North Litho was surrounded by snowy mountains on three sides. The natural conditions were relatively harsh. Only East Acesia was prosperous in the eastern region where it was rich, warm in winter and cool in summer. Because of this, the three countries did not hesitate to launch large-scale wars in successive years, trying to invade the land of East Acesia, and even trying to invade the Central Plains.

The East Acesia was rich and strong, so was its troops. It repeatedly repelled the offensives of the three countries. However, As it used one nation's strength to counter the three countries' successive offensives, naturally, it became more and more difficult, and it was gradually invaded by the three countries and occupied a large area of the west, north, and south borders. The three countries tasted the sweetness, and they became more and more aggressive. They tried to destroy the East Acesia and divide its land.

At this moment, the undefeated myth of East Acesia, the god of war, Prince Louis, was born, which shocked the world! He led the brave and fiercely trained millions of Lopez family troops to battle. They were invincible, and under his leadership, the troops forced all three nations back to their hometowns, regained all the lost lands, and then forced the three nations to sign a peace covenant. With its fierce momentum. He had won the reputation of King "Wolf ", and no one can surpass him!

However, heaven envied talented people. Three Years Ago, Prince Louis suffered the defeat in a batter in the Moon Gateway. His troops of thousand soldiers had been annihilated, and he suffered great poisoned himself, coughing up blood all day, and his right leg was disabled and he became a useless man! After that, Prince Louis lived in seclusion, and the god of war almost became a distant legend...

According to rumors, the poison in Prince Louis body had become more and more serious in recent days, and he would soon be dead. There were also rumors that Prince Louis once had several concubines. But each time after spending the night with Prince Louis, those women all died from poisoning!

Suddenly hearing that the Emperor Arthur was going to choose concubines for Prince Louis, how could these young ladies don't feel scared? No wonder today's Rose Event were attended by all unmarried women who met the requirements. Obviously, if the news leaked, all ladies would make excuses and don't come...

After a short surprise, Prince Louis's expression remained unchanged, and he secretly gritted his teeth, "The old man dared to fool me? Didn't he asked me here for fun?"

Ted tried hard to stifle his smile, "Yes, it's for fun, but to let others to see you for fun ..."

Pretending not to see the crowd's response, Emperor Arthur looked back at Prince Louis with a smile: "Louis, the contest was over. All the girls were talented, pretty and skilled. Which one do you like best? Tell father, father will immediately marry her to you! "

This sentence was no less than a blockbuster, which made the top performers Lydia, Bonnie Yolanda, etc. all scared to death. They desperately retracted their bodies, hoping that they had the wings to get out of here: Damn! If I knew it before, I just wouldn't work so hard! If I was really choose by Prince Louis, would I be dead. Even if I could survive, wouldn't my life be ruined?

Equally frightened was Karen, the daughter of Hill family. Recently, the domestic servant Cary was ordered by the emperor to go to Hill family to make a match-making for Prince Louis and her. But she made a mockery of him. What if Prince Louis took this opportunity to retaliate...

However, everyone's worries seemed superfluous. When the noise of the crowd was slightly reduced, Prince Louis, leaning on the wheelchair, waved his hand indifferently: "Father, I said I have no intention of marrying a wife ..."

"I know you will definitely say that." Emperor Arthur interrupted his words immediately, with the complexity in his eyes, "Louis, you have reached the age of marriage, and you have made great achievements for the East Vietnam. It's time for you to have a caring person to talk! If you don't want to choose by yourself, father will choose for you! Girls, take out the item in the purse! "

The girls were puzzled, but did not dare to disobey Emperor Arthur's order, and had to take out the items in the purse. They were jade pendants, jade bracelets, golden hairpin and so on, all different. Emperor Arthur stroked his beard with a smile, and said loudly, "I knew Louis would be shy, and must be embarrassed to choose a wife in public, so I mixed a white-jade butterfly hair pin in all the jewelry. The girl got this the butterfly hairpin is Louis's princess! "

Suddenly, the crowd became silent. Everyone consciously held their breath, looking for the terrible white-jade butterfly hairpin...

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