Cold CEO's Reborn Lover

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>Cold CEO's Reborn Lover>Chapter 4 Mr Lee

Chapter 4 Mr Lee

Fengxi stared at the new area the manager had assigned her to, The Claire Hall.

They had passed by a few other hotel employees on the way to the hall and the employees had greeted the manager as ‘Mr Lee’. So, she assumed that was his name.

Her eyes gaped in amazement at the grandness of the hall in front of them. It was large enough to accommodate the entire population of the Dusk Woods. The Dusk Woods was the habitat of the foxes back when she was Fengxi. There were at least two hundred foxes living in the woods.

This hall could admit about eighty or ninety humans.

“I thought you told me to clean a guest’s room?” She uttered aloud.

Mr Lee smiled, looking up from the screen of his Blackberry. All these brands and names had come so naturally to her head that she knew Feng Xia must have been an expert in the industry. It wasn't surprising that Feng Xia must have been so fluent in languages that she had spoken to the manager in English.

“There’s been an emergency. I’ll get Lily to handle the guest’s room.”

“What kind of emergency?”

In her excitement to get away, she forgot she was Amberlia. Her curiosity took over, surprising Mr Lee. He glanced at her, exhibiting a little arrogance in his stare.

“Don’t you think you’re asking a bit too much, Miss Amberlia? Isn’t this your place?”

She reacted quickly. Feng Xia’s brilliance helped her out of the situation. “Sir, I need to know because if it’s an emergency, I have to work faster and produce better results. I can’t let down the face of the hotel if it’s not up to the guests’ expectations.”

His eyes widened, and his lips curled into a grin.

“It seems you know your stuff after all, Amberlia.”

He stared about the hall. From the looks of it, Fengxi guessed there had been an art exhibition in the hall before this, and some decorations remained strewn on the floor messily.

“A client booked the Luna Hall for a few days. Today, the equipment malfunctioned. So, the client has requested for an urgent replacement for another hall, and this is the only available hall since the others are being used for other events.”

Just her luck. Of all days, why had the issue happened today, while she was ‘Amberlia’?

She faked a smile. Only by convincing the manager she was capable enough for the job and once he left, she could make her escape. Now that she didn’t have her powers, it was arduous for her to jump off a fifty-storey building while suffering no repercussions.

She seized the handle of the broom and got to work. Fortunately, her hands moved naturally, and she knew Feng Xia was not a newbie at doing household work. She just needed to keep this up, and Mr Lee would probably depart the place soon.

“The client will need the hall in about three hours.”

Three hours? It was just a short time for such a gigantic place! Her eyes darted about the four corners of the room, her observations of the clutter sending her into such a flurry. When she was a fox, she was the ‘princess’ of her tribe. She didn’t even need to do a day of work, and had servants at her whim!

She swallowed hard and maintained her emotions to stay as calm as possible.

“I’ll manage it,” she said, using her fake confidence to mislead the manager. But knowing her status as just a cleaning staff, how could she even ask him to leave? She swept faster in her attempt to convince him.

He just smiled and sat back on one of the couches in the resting area of the hall, while surfing on his cell phone.

Didn’t he, as a manager, have other, more significant things to do? Like, manage some other staff? Train employees? Or even check up on the guest rooms for anything out of order?

It didn’t seem like it. The man just relaxed his arms as if he had just performed some menial tasks, before muttering something inaudible to himself. Fengxi watched him slowly as he smiled while reading the screen of his phone. On second thought, he didn’t look at all that bad-looking. He was also quite charming, with dyed blond hair slicked back in a trendy hairstyle.

These days, youths were interested in sports, and his muscular tone did account for that. He seemed to be not more than a few years older than Feng Xia. If she was Feng Xia, would she be interested in him?

Or did Feng Xia prefer that man who resembled the Great Immortal?

One day, if Feng Xia reclaimed her body, who should she choose?

“Hey, don’t laze around. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you how many hours you have left.”

She heard Mr Lee’s voice behind her and almost jumped. Just how long had she been daydreaming? She quickly cast her thoughts aside and resumed her work.

“Sorry, sir.”

He waved her off and headed to the dispenser nearby. Fengxi couldn’t help stare as he picked up a disposable paper cup and, with a press of a button, thick black liquid began streaming into the cup, stopping just before it was full.

That black water turned out to be what Feng Xia’s knowledge base called ‘coffee’. She licked her lips, wondering how it tasted.

But knowing the situation she was in, it wasn’t appropriate for her to be asking her superior for a drink like that. She had to get her tasks done first.

After downing the liquid, Mr Lee headed back to his resting spot earlier and resumed surfing on his phone. She moved faster, knowing she had to make at least some progress for him to take her seriously. Her arms ached constantly, but she ignored her discomfort, recalling how she, as a fox, would often consume a few herbs from the woods whenever she got injured in play.

At the least, if she got hurt, she would just need a few pills to regain her strength.

She finished sweeping away the remnants of the decorations earlier and bent down to pick up some debris to dump them into the dustpan.

The moment she bent down, a sharp prick radiated through her back, and she almost cried out in pain.

Feng Xia’s body turned out to be so weak! She gritted her teeth and withstood the pain, struggling to pull herself upright. The pain was almost unbearable, but she couldn’t show her weakness right now, especially when Mr Lee was watching. After much struggling, she crawled towards the nearby resting corner and catch on to the back of a couch, which she used to pull herself up.

But out of the blue, she felt a spasm at the bottom of her leg, causing her to jerk forward and crash painfully into the adjacent seat. Conquered by the pain spreading through her abdomen, she couldn’t even figure which was the greater evil: her back pain, or the cramp in her leg.

It was then that she realised she had fallen on something soft, and a groan of pain greeted her ears. In her carelessness, she had struck the resting manager by accident.

“I’m so sorry, Sir!” she uttered apologetically, waving her hands frantically.

Mr Lee groaned again and rubbed his eyes.

“Miss Amberlia? What bad luck it is for me today. To be hit with a large rock on my birthday.”

His birthday? She attempted to pull herself off him, but the cramp in her leg prevented her from moving it at all.

“Leg… cramp” she flinched, pressing down on her leg to ease the pain.

Mr Lee looked amused.

“I’m surprised you’ve never encountered a leg cramp before.”

Before she knew what was happening, he had bent over and massaged her foot gently with his right hand. The deft strokes of his hand proved warm and soothing, and she no longer felt afflicted by the outburst of pain earlier.

“My… back,” she remembered quickly.

His eyes wandered up and down her body. “You… you genuinely aren’t Amberlia Foster, are you?”

She swallowed hard. On the screen of his phone that he was holding up, she saw a photograph of Amberlia, followed by her name written in handwriting below.

“So, who are you? Before I call the authorities. This hotel is heavily guarded.”

“I…” She racked her brains for a solution. It was as if she had fallen deep in a pit that she wasn’t able to climb back up. What should she say to prevent him from calling the police?

“I’m just running away from my overbearing fiance!”

She had shouted out the first thing that came to her mind. Or rather, Feng Xia’s mind.


“His name is Tong Yue, and he forced me to marry him on the condition that he would let off my parents! My parents are in his debt, but I don’t want to!”

How did Feng Xia actually come up with these weird ideas? She covered her cheeks with her hands and bawled pretentiously, feigning that she was forced into marriage. Tong Yue’s name was the first to come to her mind.

“Tong Yue, the CEO of TY Group? He’s your fiance?”

Faking a look of reluctance, she nodded with a faint ‘yes’. Then she took out the gold VIP card she had found on Tong Yue’s desk in the imperial suite to prove her connection with him.

“Please, Sir, help me out of this!”

Mr Lee paused and heaved a sigh.

“Actually, he is the client who will require the room in three-no, two hours and fifteen minutes. I’ll get Jax to cover your-no, what Miss Amberlia will do, but you have to make your escape now. Before they find you.”

She relaxed her mind. So, he was buying it. But how should she escape Tong Yue now?

But before either of them could say anything, her phone rang so suddenly that she jumped upon seeing who the caller was.

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