The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Aiden's [P.O.V]

My blood dripped and spilled over my white shirt as Rona kept stabbing my arms from left to right.

Even so, I wasn't feeling the pain. I wondered what made His hurt?

"Rona!... Rona where are you going to?" I asked His as he walked down from the pulpit after being crowned truest royalty.

Her silver looking dress with silver stones glittering but with very sharp edges that were like knives at the same time.

So, it has to be special or something supernatural.

It couldn't be the gown Alena had bought for nineteen million for His as It had a supernatural presence on Its own and I couldn't see any flaw of It at all.

He walks with the wolf's traditional knife in His hands and everyone Kneeled except His parents and the rogue of war, Alena.

"Rona, what must be granted for you on this day?" My beta asked His and he paused turning back and staring straight at me with His truest royalty powers making His glow and differentiating His from others.

"Oops! I nearly did it on my own, well will my wish be granted instantly?" he asked and my beta acknowledged with a yes.

"Good! I want Alena prosecuted for seducing my mate" he continues and His mum gets unsettled in His truest royalty anger.

"What did you say?" Rona's mum questions His very annoyed.

"He must be Punished!" My beta says in between and he smiled but I could see sadness still covering it.

"There's no reason for that, it is better if he is dead," I said thinking extensively and His mum gets settled immediately but with Rona surprised at my words.

"Take His and lock His up in the dungeons and then with Rona's first command... Do what you must Kill her" I said and my rogues came carrying Alena who was on His knees throughout.

"Is there anyone who objects to the coming together of Alpha Aiden, the true son of the Moon God with our truest royalty to be... Rona Henderson?" The beta asked and everyone stayed mute.

"I object and pledge the truest royalty power and position of the blue moon pack as I am still the rogue of war Alena, I challenge with a Fight for Rona's right!" Alena says and Rona rushes at His

"I'd give you a quick death then!" Rona says as he flies in the air using His truest royalty growl at Alena who struggles but later bows to the incomprehensible power.

"Stop this at once!" I growled and my stubborn little mate who had just shown that he wanted me landed to the ground breathing heavily with His wolf pissed.

The truth is that I don't love Alena, but I do care about A lot because I know that I am all that he has got left and if cars were to fight His ... I really can't tell what the outcome would be.

"A duel will be arranged on the objectors' words which are the fight for Rona's truest royalty rights, powers, and position in the pack, this is the global law and we must abide," my beta says as he walks towards me.

I turned to look at him but felt an itchy thing over my ears and as I wanted to touch it, my eyes met a quick sight.

It was Rona's mum holding rogue Alena with His neck up in the air.

"Drop her!" I said loudly in anger and he dropped His to the ground like a trash bag.

"I can't believe you would let your mate Rona be challenged by this selfish, power craving, non-royal, useless thing!" he says as he turns leaving.

"It's the law and you know it," I said looking at His as he comes to a halt.

"Then next time... Bend the law, you are the alpha, after all, Aiden," he says making me growl in the annoyance.

Alena was intelligent to have challenged Rona to a power duel since it saved His from Imprisonment and death, but very foolish to underestimate me.

I turned to look for Rona as I followed His scent leading into the forest, only to find His seating close to my favorite tree.

I saw His Clean His eyes, probably from the tears today had caused His to bring out and I stood behind His with His body very still and non-shaking.

He tried to get up and I stretched my hand and he did the same but he held something else to stand up.

He got hold of the middle section of my dick and he used it to stand up.

I didn't know how to react but he knew how to as he screamed a "what the hell"

"Why didn't you give me your hand?" he asked me and I stepped closer to His as he moved back till, he was pinned to the tree behind His

"I gave you my hand but you grabbed something else! How am I to be blamed?" I asked His and he tried to reason it.

"Okay, whatever!" he says with His face turning red already as I came much closer to His to enjoy His scent.

He tried to push me away but I cocked my neck with hers as I grabbed His butts, squeezing both and enjoying the little amount of pleasure that I derived.

"I can't be doing this with you when the future of our heir is at stake!" he says as he starts to struggle again.

"Rona! You stabbed me so many times today and I wonder why you did so? Were you pissed at me?" I asked very cutely.

"His scent was all over your pussy alert freak!" he said to me and I released him to look at His beautiful face.

"I saved His from falling off the stairs this morning and so when I grabbed His I guess His scent brushed over me" I explained to His and he kept silent and I suspect that he had felt a bit guilty.

"I'm so sorry" he confirms His guilt and I smiled staring at His beautiful face and lips that were attracting me with His eyes now watered with tears.

I leaned in for a kiss just for a sound to storm making the ground itself shake emerging from the pack area!

"Alpha Aiden! Your brother is awake!" Andrew, my best friend who happens to be a rogue, says as he falls down to the ground with his spinal cord out of his back sprinkling blood about and I rush to raise him up but then.

He busted into dust.

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