The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Rona's [P.O.V]

His hot breath rushed through my cold body and I stared at him waiting for him to continue with the story he was about to tell me with my excited self-happy to listen.

"Okay… it all started like this... A thousand years ago in the heavens which is just yesterday for the gods. My mum the Moon God had me as His only son but then after some time he brought in a new person which he called His son.

He had out of sympathy, saved a breed of His kind that wasn't exactly the werewolf other gods would like since they tried to kill it.

Rather he gave him flesh and he was very appreciative of the grace the Moon God had given to him because he became like His own son with so many powers.

Other years had passed and the senior child, who was the werewolf gone wrong in nature, started feeling threatened as he knew that soon his junior brother would become the supreme alpha of all werewolves.

He liked the power of being a supreme alpha so much, it was like if he could not attain the power... he was going to kill for it.

So, he did what he had to do.

"What did he do?" I asked him thinking exactly what was told to me in my midnight stories.

"Wait... I know! he killed his junior brother, or tried to?" I said to him and he looks at me intensely like it's a suspicion.

"The senior brother wasn't an immortal being like his junior brother who was the real son of the sun goddess and the Moon God but he knew what could take his junior brother’s life," he says to me and I nodded my head for him to continue with the story.

It's getting interesting! Ha-ha

"The Senior brother used his gift that was given to him by the Moon God and he turned it into a weapon.... A weapon capable of killing any god made by his god's gift itself" he says to me with tears dropping from his eyes.

Although I wondered why he felt sad as he told me this story.

He loved his junior brother so much and could not afford to hurt him in the ways he planned so he stayed with his actions silenced.

But when his junior brother talked about his future plans for his Godly position, his senior brother saw that it was not in line with what he would have done with the powers because he always wanted to bring balance in his own way because he felt he was more experienced than his junior brother.

As his junior brother kept talking about the glory he would obtain after launching his plans.

The senior brother saw it as being weak.

He thought to plan without experience was weak.

The Moon God is made of light and he could sense the darkness in both of His son's heart and he brought up a separation between them to keep them safe from each other.

He gave His adopted son a higher ranking in position with expectations that the darkness in his heart would disappear but it didn't at all.

He knew it was in store for him in the future when his junior brother became the royal alpha God of werewolves.

With the senior brothers' position, he charged with an army of godly rogues who rushed down to the earth to kill his junior brother.

But his junior brother had the powers of peace and strength and he used his gift really well as he made peace with the Godly rogues who were supposed to kill him and killed those that were overly filled with darkness.

The heavens were unsettled as they already knew what the graced werewolf wanted to do to their future supreme alpha and the Moon God knew it was going to happen at some point but still obeyed the laws of nature as he watched the darkness grow till it was capable enough and deserving of death.

"Wow! So, he would have destroyed cave since he gave him peace and grace for so long? he must be so disciplined and disappointed in the one he made His son" I said to him and he cried even more.

"Well, you see, maybe he deserved to be paid back with evil for the grace of life he gave to the cave, why did he create a werewolf that everyone hated so much huh? this is why Cave cursed Aiden, that whoever he loves will be the opposite of love" he said me as he began to cry bitterly.

"They all got what they deserved! If he was not perfect then why give him life to see how bad he is?" he says out like it was a question.

“Wait… is this why you were mated to me… A man like you?” I asked in tears.

So, it was a curse all along… But why did it choose me?

I asked myself in my subconscious.

But then Aiden ordered himself as he looked at me intensely like he wanted to say something to me but decided to go on with the story.

Soon it was just these two brothers looking at each other with the same intentions of killing each other mercilessly.

He foolishly asked his junior brother to let him take over his position to avoid the casualties of which the junior brother refused obviously.

"Brother, we don't have to hurt ourselves over this, please... Let me give you peace" his junior brother proposed to his senior brother who found it annoying.

"That is why you are unfit and weak!" he says as he attacks mercilessly with his gift as a sword with the moonlight all around them.

His junior brother growls in anger as he raises his arm to defend himself.

The senior brother stabbed his junior brother with the sword made out of his gift but his junior brother's body consumed it all.

His junior brother was already a pure God.

His junior brother's body had the ability to consume evil and threat but it was all in the favor of his eldest brother because he did something that made the Moon God so mad but unable to save His real son.

In the pain and anger that he felt, the moon god stroked out silver waters to protect the body of His real son and his body together with the darkness in his heart got frozen as he fell from the cliff that him and his Senior brother fought on but he could see what happened to his eldest brother as he turned permanently into a beast with his rogues of the blue moon pack surrounding him.

“That's why I punish him every day of my life because he has caused me a lot and he would never get what he deserves in this life as far as I live and breathe, he would feel what it feels like to be something even gods despise!”

"Mate! but you said you have the spirit of peace?" I said in between.

"So?" he asked unconcernedly.

"If you really did have the spirit of peace, you would have let your senior brother free and not torture him every single day!" I said to him and he stands up and looks at me.

"End of topic! he already took his possession" he says as he touches the place where I was marked with the bite and then he leaves.

I could still feel the darkness in him, there's something fishy and hidden in the story that he told me and I desire to listen to the original story... So, I need to find out from the beast.

"Where's this brother of his?" I said in my thoughts.

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