The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Lora's [P.O.V]

"Thousands of years has passed now" the new Luna of the blue moon pack says sitting down.

"But they have been no sign of the hybrid the moon Goddess had created long ago, but they're signs that the moon Goddess has already prepared her fire werewolves who will cleanse all that she has created in order for her new breeds to come from her grandson" who will wake up from his sleeping curse, so the legends says" my mum, the pack Luna says to we the girls who gathered around her in other to receive knowledge and learn.

"So, you mean that one day some dude will just come out from somewhere and werewolf warriors made by the moon goddess… on fire will actually be a threat to our lives?" I asked in surprise because I just didn't understand why the moon Goddess will want to destroy her creation.

"Wait, I thought that the moon goddess loved us... Why would she want to kill us again?" One of my friends called Bella said to our supreme Luna.

"Well according to history, the moon goddess plans to create a new breed of werewolves and even so it will cost us losing our lives… It doesn't mean that the moon goddess has terminated our reign on the Earth, because it is written that she will bring forth all the Lost souls back again into this world but they will be selected according to how pure their heart is and so, if you have bad intentions for others or plan to work against the duties and commitments of the pack or in general the rules and regulations guiding us werewolves, then there's a possibility that most of us here would not return" she says and everyone holds themselves trying not to believe her words.

But she's the Luna, she can't lie so woah!

"Okay, all we have to do is to have a pure heart, right? And how about the fire werewolves that the legends say has already been put in place waiting for the grandson of the Moon goddess to awaken from the earth?" I asked in return.

"Yes Lora, well that is something that even I don't know, because we are the vessels of the Moon goddess and so anyone here might just be destined to become a fire werewolf when the time comes, so you must train hard and be ready to survive, since even I will not be ready to let the fire werewolves take away all that I love" Luna Monaro says as she looks at me signing.

"You're just talking about yourself mum, sorry… Luna, what if it turns out that powerful people like you will be chosen to become fire werewolves? then that means that we are all going to be in trouble." I said to my mum who happens to be the Luna as we the girls all know how strong and Powerful, she is when it comes to fighting and defending the people that she loves the most.

"So, if she's going to be the opposite of what she is now, then she's going to be pretty dangerous." I said looking at her suspiciously.

All the girls started laughing again and my mum smiles looking at me, since even giving it, a thought seems dangerous not to talk of her in action.

"Well Lora, it's you we should be bothered about because one day, my powers will become yours when you turn eighteen years old and I will step down so that you will become the Luna in order for you to learn how to rule the pack." She said to me and it seemed like she had put all the blame on me but indirectly, she's smart hmm.

"Don't worry guys, I'm not going to be some fire werewolf that's going to take away all your memories and your wolves" I said to them trying to assure them and they laughed even more.

"Bella please tell them OKAY." I said to Bella, a girl with brown eyes, blonde hair, with perfect fair skin, she is older than me and happened to be my best friend since our childhood.

We have been so close since we were little because it just seemed like the magic of friendship just sparked between us the first time we had met.

"Ok Lora, if so, you turn eighteen one day, and your wolf happens to be that of a fire werewolf then I want to be the first person that you're going to take away her powers and memories so the moon goddess would at least have mercy on me since I'm the most sinful person is in this place and her first victim to be judged." Bella says and everyone laughed more including me.

"You're not helping matters Bella!" I said, smiling at her and she held my hand from the corner.

"Even so you become a fire werewolf one day, it is not a bad thing you know why?" She said asking me and I was like… "Oh really, she has woman up today!" But that was just in my mind hahaha.

"Why Bella?" I asked in return.

"Because then you'll be immortal and no other werewolf in the world can kill you except the moon goddess’s grandson or the Moon goddess herself" Bella says chuckling little by little.

"Oh, no Bella, it was also said that once a fire werewolf has taken enough memories, the person's wolf, and the person's powers, the fire Werewolf will begin to Burn and burn till the werewolf is no longer in human existence, but will rest in the hands of the Moon goddess" Luna Monaro says in return and I was like damn!

"And it was also said that only a female fire werewolf with a heart so strong… Filled with love and able to withstand the powers and memories of all the wolves she has drained will be able to survive and will be the mate to our sleeping alpha" Luna Monaro adds in explanation.

"Oh god, that means there's going to be a competition between the females and that means they won't be a male fire werewolf at all, am I right Luna Monaro?" I asked in return.

"Yes Lora, there is only one male fire werewolf, but of course is a hybrid and a dangerous possessing alpha who lives amongst us and he will come for his mate when he has broken out from the sleep curse that the darkness of his past had put up upon him" she explains and everyone was full of tension and not just that, fear too.

"Guess what?" She says and Bella chips in.

"What?" Bella asked inquisitively.

Wait a minute, every girl here is already crushing for an alpha that is busy sleeping somewhere.

Or is it just me? Lol.

"Our pack is the destined pack of fire werewolves and that is why other packs keep trying to destroy us in order to avoid the myths of the future and that's why our females are trained like the males too because there's always danger for us" she says and everyone became sad and cold.

"So, train yourselves not to become warriors but dangerous weapons, and be ready to fight or be submissive to power." she says with her eyes glowing white and everyone bowed in respect as she disappeared by burning off while we said our pledge "Protect all and love for all" I said together with my warrior sisters.

I now understand what I must do.

I will become a very dangerous weapon.

I desire a strong alpha as my mate and I will do everything within my power to be the best!

I hope I become that much a living weapon.

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