The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Lora's [P.O.V]

I turned back and the next person my eyes met with was that of my father, alpha Monaro.

"Greeting’s father! Your presence is welcomed" I said to him and he brings me up to stand.

I kept my eyes to the ground as I didn't want his wolf to get provoked by my disrespectful behavior of looking into his eyes but then he raises my chin and I looked into his eyes as I stared about the features of his face, seeing that he was happy.

"In the coming days, you will come of age and be ready to pair with your mate, plus would be given the Luna position so that you can learn how to rule when your mum is no longer there" he says to me as he releases my chin with a smile still on his face.

"Lora make sure that you beat every other warrior, both the males and the females, remember that no one is your friend and you cannot trust anyone" he says to me and I'm wondering why he's giving me all these tips when he knows that I haven't even learnt anything except royal training.

Which entails just how I should behave, plus my birthday is in three days’ time.

"Daddy... Sorry, alpha Monaro, what you are asking of me is not something that I can do because I was never given such training, so I'm wondering how you would expect of me to beat both male and the female warriors who have been taught things that I was never taught before" I said to my father and he laughed walking past me.

"Follow me Lora, there's something that you need to know about yourself." My dad says and I followed him from behind as we entered through the forest, then he pulled off his shirts and started walking very fast. That made me add even my own speed as I kept trying to understand why.

From walking fast, my dad started running and I added my own speed from behind... Running as fast as I could, since it was an alpha that told me to follow him and I will have to oblige and follow him wherever he goes or face the wrath of his wolf.

He was obviously faster than I was since he had the ability to use his wolf energy in order to run faster but I could only use little boost from my wolf in order to run at least closer to where he was heading to and we kept on running deep and deep into the forest and I was getting exhausted while following him blindly like it was a race.

It came to my notice that I was now falling down a cliff and I looked down to see him falling as well.

I closed my eyes in the fear that I was going to get hurt or even worse die.

But then, I fell into a lake full of water and rocks from the left and the right with my eyes monitoring my father, as I saw him swimming out of the lake.

"Come out of the lake Lora, it's time you learnt something no one in the pack has ever learnt before and you're not to disclose of this information to anyone unless to your mum since she already knows what I'm about to teach you" he says to me as I came out of the lake feeling so frustrated because I was now wet.

"Okay dad, what's next?" I asked my dad waiting to see the next thing that will happen, since he just made me jump off a cliff without me even knowing.

Funnily, I wondered why I was running after him as if he was some kind of pizza.

Truth be told is that I had to imagine he was a pizza so that I could really go after him and be able to meet his expectations since if I'm unable to catch up with him it will only mean that the little training that I have been taught will need to be repeated.

"Lora, stretch your hands out" My dad says to me and I stretched my hand out just for him to bring out one of his claws slicing my palm and my blood dripped through the loops of my fingers down to the ground with my palm instantly healing since I have healing energy.

Then vibrations began to occur and my feet started shaking from the floor but my father stood still looking at something behind me like there was anything there except the lake that I had just come out from or was it something else?

Then, something else shocked me.

Through my father's eyes I could see what was behind me, it wasn't something that looked natural so I turned slowly until I had fully turned back to look at what was behind me.

To my surprise... The Waters of the lake had raised and formed a giant wolf made of the waters and it began to part into two from the middle.

And I can see a golden scroll over a rock in the deep depths of the wide lake.

"That's your scroll Lora, go and get it" my father said to me as he stood behind me and I was starting to have doubts on the reason of going into the middle of the water wolf to pick a scroll that was on a rock in between the divided body of water which formed the giant werewolf.

"Are you afraid Lora? or don't you trust me?" my father said to me in return and I knew that voice that just spoke to me, it was not really my father talking nor his normal sense but more on the decision of his wolf.

So, disobeying was an instant death.

"I trust you father and I am not afraid" I said to my father as I walked through the water formed wolf as I headed to the stomach to get the scroll which is said to be of importance to me.

When I finally reached there... I carried it, noticing that they were other scrolls in it too but they were all totally red and not golden.

Then, the waters began to reduce in height and the middle pavement that I had used to come in order to get the scroll was beginning to collapse.

I had to scroll to myself as I looked out to see my father standing with pride in his every movement.

"Open the scroll Lora, and feel the power!" My father said to me and I started trying to open the scroll as fast as I could because I knew that the water was not friendly and probably wanted to devour me so it could keep the scroll to itself.

"Common Lora!" My father screams from outside.

Luckily, I was able to open the scroll and when I looked into it, something changed inside of me, all I knew and could feel was nothing less than me being Powerful and dangerous.

The knowledge of the scroll was mercerizing.

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