The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Lora's [P.O.V]

I can't faint now!

Oh yeah - I have magic.

I commanded the fault to leave and I woke up.

I looked at him carefully examining his body.

He was beautiful.

He looked perfect but there was something else about him...his eyes had glows of blue in it and the fear creeping into me was making me weak.

I struggled and stood on my feet as I pointed a stick at him to protect myself from him.

He walked a step closer to me and I could already tell of his intentions.

I could see the evil in his eyes together with the lust as he checked out my body.

Before I could move backward, he held me by the arm carrying me over his body as he jumped so high running away with me over his shoulders.

I knew what was happening.

He was kidnapping me… on my birthday?


I screamed out loud in the fear of what he planned to do with me.

He can't be trusted.

I could feel my dad.

He was already close and I prayed from my heart so gracefully that he finds me sooner or in a never ever later lol.

"Dad save me!" I screamed out loud as soon much tension was emitting out of me as I tried to fight him off from taking me.

He dropped me to a tree with his claws already out and he stretched it probably to kill me.

I am so done for today.

"Yeah right, kill me! All bad guys like you do it" I said to him and I could already see the surprise in his eyes that lit blue with a little pity emitting out from his reaction.

"Stop screaming. or I would..." he says out to be but I interrupted him as I continued.

"Or you would kill me! You're pathetic!" I said to him as I stared into his eyes with boldness as I did not even care about my own life.

"He is a killer of thousands of rogues and alphas so I should be nothing." I thought to myself.

"Why do you think that?" he asked me with a smirk that looked too hot to take my eyes away because it looked perfect in my eyes.

"I won't kill you. I have got a lot to do with you first." he says to me and I almost felt like falling to the ground as my legs weakened to the power in his base, damn that romantic voice that triggered me.

But why should I be sexually triggered to his words when the most important thing right now is to escape from his hold.

He picked me up again and he ran this time faster than he did before and poor me could not scream as even my mouth was tied in a way that no matter the sounds, I made no one could hear me.

But then this can't stop me from helping my dad find his daughter.

I pushed saliva out of my mouth till the clothes that were covering my mouth started to get wet with my spit dropping over the floor of the thick forest.

I knew that my dad would trace me with the scent. I just pray that he will find me on time before I lose my life slowly or worse be killed by him.

It occurred to me that I could mentally talk to him.

So, I mind linking with him asking him where he was taking me too but he did not reply to what I was talking about.

So, my story goes that some evil villain will just pop out from some legendary story, steal and kill me and nobody will even know... Wow!

Then a tree fell from behind us to the floor and my eyes and that of my dad met and I could see the fear in his eyes.

He was worried to see his daughter being stolen from him right in his own eyes and that made me feel so sad.

I was hurting and the wild wolf taking me away did not even want to talk to me.


My dad and the other elders transformed into their wolf form rushing toward us and it seems Xavier had noticed what was about to happen to him.

I tried to mind-link with my dad but still feeling disconnected and distracted as the activities occurring was strong.

I got put into a car and I tried to open the door just to see that it was locked.

"Stay there!" he says and turns walking away from where I was.

Fine! I'd break the glass then.

I tried breaking out from anywhere that seemed possible to escape from but all my efforts came to no avail… Something was making me weak.

That bastard must have had all this planned out already… Why did he want me?

It can't be possible since I am just finding out about this right now.

I looked out from the window to see him charging towards them.

He just killed my best friend; Alpha James and he just grabbed my dad by the neck.

Tears rolled out from my eyes as I saw the fear that my dad had in his own eyes.

It was terrifying and horrific to see how he hit my dad to the ground hard.

"Daddy!" I cried out with a serious pain burning out from my chest.

What did my dad ever do to be treated this way?

Probably a lot of evil things but why? I cried.

I looked over where all these things were happening and I could not see them anymore as their fight had moved into the deep thick looking forest.

"Lora!" I heard my name with the sounds of footsteps approaching the car.

I prayed it was my dad but in this needy time of mine, the moon goddess did not answer my most important prayer.

It was Xavier and he was walking towards the car with blood all over his torn-out clothes Probably the blood of my dad.

"Your dad was tough but too easy to finish." he says to me as I glared at him so furiously that I wished the hurt in my chest could come out and kill him.

Even so my dad did nothing, he still murdered him just so he could take over our pack? Or was it to always be superior over others?

The car engine starts and two other werewolf's who I am sure were Vampires sat next to me.

Why was a werewolf alpha working with vampires instead of hating their kind? I thought it was uncertain.

Now I know that he did not come alone.

He killed them and everyone is dead except me.

And I am trapped with a beast like him.

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