Prince Charming's Pampered Wife

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Contemporary Romance>Prince Charming's Pampered Wife>Chapter 7 Much Smarter Than Others

Chapter 7 Much Smarter Than Others

"Baby, if you jump down, how can I live on the earth!" Barbie's father almost cried out.

Mrs. Koo was also anxious and said, "Barbie, don't jump, Moore will marry you. Grandma promises you."

Moore's father and mother looked at each other and their hearts were full of hatred and anxiety.

This fool even played the trick of jumping off the building.

Who taught her?

She was much more flexible than anyone else!

Moore's mother was so angry that she stomped her chest and regretted why she didn't think of this trick and why she didn't put down her identity and pretended to jump down from the balcony, forcing her mother-in-law and Barbie's father to bring Barbie back and stop her to marry Moore.

"Barbie, it's not high. You can't die if you jump down. You can only break your hands and feet." Moore stood calmly in front of the car and reminded her slowly.

When Barbie heard that, her face turned pale.

She just wanted to scare the people below and threaten Moore but what did he mean by saying that? Wasn't he willing to give up?

"Jump down and you will not only be a fool in the future but a fool with broken hands and feet. I am going to congratulate you first for if so, you can get a disability certificate and get state subsidies for the disabled." Moore smiled coldly.

Barbie was so angry that her face turned red. Looking at his calmness and bad intentions in his eyes, she seemed to feel Moore who bullied her as usual came back.

She snorted with great grievance and said with a strong will, "Okay, I'm gonna jump down."

"Ah, please don't!" Her father was scared to death and yelled at her.

Barbie jumped down. During the period of her falling, there was a gust of wind making her clothes blown up and there was also some weightlessness striking her all of a sudden. Honestly speaking, she had a sense of regret at a moment.

She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the pain of hitting on the ground when she landed.

But the pain she had imagined did not appear at all and she fell into a warm hug suddenly.

She opened her eyes and saw Moore who disgusted her very much, bullied her severely, and forced her to jump down from the balcony.

Moore's face was very dark and cold. He glared at her with his black eyes and said, "You dare to use such a trick as crying, shouting, and jumping off the high place to me! Barbie, if you dare to jump down from the high building next time, I will peel off your skin!"

Barbie was frightened to tremble when she imagined her skin was peeled off alive.

As soon as his words fell, he loosened his hands holding Barbie thus making her body fell to the ground and causing her to cry with pain.

Her father was still in astonishment and shock and came to hug his daughter tightly.

Moore's grandma was also angry and annoyed. She looked at Moore, who turned around and was going to leave, and shouted, "Moore, if you don't marry Barbie and take responsibilities for her, let the car run over your grandma!"

Then Moore‘s grandma fell in front of Moore's car, which made Moore's mother extremely angry.

She was late to take action again so that her mother-in-law acted earlier than she. She lost a good chance to threaten the people in the spot.

When Moore saw this, his eyes rolled with strange emotions.

His handsome face became much more horrible.

Moore's father thought his son was about to lose his temperature and came over to help his mother stand up but Moore‘s grandma was unwilling to get up.

"Okay, I marry her so you're satisfied, right?" Moore angrily dropped this word and left without driving his car.

Looking at her grandson whom she was most proud of in her life, Moore‘s grandma suddenly laughed and sat up quickly.

Barbie was also lifted up by her father. To be honest, she was still in confusion at present. She looked at the tall, upright, and noble man under the sunshine with her big eyes until he disappeared in the distance.

It was completely incredible and she still had some doubts that she succeeded in carrying out her plan so easily.

The indifferent and moody Moore, the Sea City's first beautiful man, was conquered by her, Barbie, which was still beyond her imagination.

In addition, why wasn't there a little bit of excitement but some kind of unsteady feeling in her heart?

She couldn't help thinking that Moore may have any other tricks waiting for herself!

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