The Substitute

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Contemporary Romance>The Substitute>CHAPTER X \"Storms\'s Aftermath\"

CHAPTER X \"Storms\'s Aftermath\"

After the storm thousands of people are still left sleeping in tents or outdoors. Alex and Edward both took part in the rehabilitation efforts and formed a company whose intention is to provide houses to the the affected families.

Alex has already informed Liz's parents and her twin that he has already found her.


Wednesday before christmas, Alex was entering the school when she saw Liz running,.

Good afternoon Sir, Liz said sorry bu i need to leave my classes are already turned over to Jenny. She was about to leave when Alex held her arm. What happened Alex inquired. Andy had an accident Liz declared the day care called he is already taken to the hospital. Ill go with you Alex said.

They did not talk during the drive to the hospital, Alex was waiting for Liz to confirm that he is Andy's father but Liz did not say a word.

They were directed to the ER, Andy fell on the tree branch ang hit is head on the concrete floor. He lost a lot of blood and needs transfusion, Alex voluntered so both Liz and Alex were tested for compatibility.

After extracting blood samples for the test Alex found Liz in the corridor talking to Edward, he came as soon as he was advised and is also lined up for sample extraction. Although it was evident that their relationship is purely platonic Alex cannot help the control his jealousy.

Do you really have to involve Edward, asked Alex in a high voice. They were waiting for Edward to completw the sample extraction. Liz exhaled and sadly said you don't understand our situation. Their father and son bond is not something that can be broken, Liz declared. When Edward came out of thw extraction room she left the two and went to check on Andy.

Don't judge Liz until you get all the facts straight, Edward told Alex. Be sure to check all of our blood chem resumts before making any nasty decisions.

She went thru a lot 5 years ago, we had to help each other to survive. Whatever happens don't give up on her.

Alex was puzzled by what Edward said, but he did not say a word and waited for the results. When the Medical Technician gave him the blood chemistry results Alex was lost for words, his blood was not compatible but Edwards blood was accepted. He did not bother to check the result of lIz's blood analysis.

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