The Substitute

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Contemporary Romance>The Substitute>Chapter I Changes in the Wedding

Chapter I Changes in the Wedding

After spending 6 months overseas to complete her work assignment, Liz is very excited to go home.

Their wedding is already scheduled next month, she is very thankful that her twin is very supportive. In her absence Lea was the one who coordinated with the wedding suppliers foe the past 6 months. Lea confirmed and finalized the church, reception venue, floral arangements, and the menu. Lea even contacted the relatives of both parties for the hotel accomodations for their visit during the wedding. Her body measurements were sent via email which Lea bought to the dressmakers. During their video calls Lea often said that the wedding will be so extravagant it will be the talk of the town for months.

Alex her fiance was also very supportive and excited, he never fails to calls her daily . Before leaving her work she was offered a new post in one of the Islands of Micronesia. But she declined since she is about to get married, and they have decided that she will work near home to be with her husband. Despite her outgoing nature Liz believe that wives and husband should always stay together.

She was so excited to be with Alex again so they can prepare and finalize the things needed for their wedding together. She arrived at the airport by 5:30 in the afternoon and was disappointed when Diego their butler was the one who pick her up.

When Liz called Alex she was surprised to heat that he and his parents will be at her family villa for dinner. She also noticed that Alex sounded stressed over the phone.

Her Mom opened the door for her and instructed Diego to bring the luggage's to her room. Dinner was already served, Alex and Lea was seated side by side flanked by Alex's parents. Liz was given the seat facing Alex, her father occupying the chair on her right while her mom occupied the chair on her left.

The foods served were all Liz's favorites, but the atmosphere in the dining room was too tense that everybody is barely touching their food. Liz knew something was wrong so she initiated the talk. When he asked Alex about the wedding preparations everyone look at her, then her Dad told her that some urgent changes are needed. His Dad then handed her the invitation, when Liz opened it she was shocked to see Lea's name was written instead of hers.

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