Blindly mated to badboy Alpha

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Fantasy Romance>Blindly mated to badboy Alpha>Chapter 5 jealous!

Chapter 5 jealous!

Isabella pov

That day should be called a disastrous day or the worst nightmare ever! Seriously, for my whole life, I didn't fight with anyone. But that day was filled with beating and yelling and threatening! But even so, I was living the biggest dreams of mine. Which was being loved and taken care of me. I wasn’t able to live before or enjoy such great emotions and feelings.

It was amazing, regardless of the whores that trapped me in the bathroom and kicked the hell out of me.

I knew why they did that. They wanted to scare me to stay away from Noah. They saw me as useless and that I didn't deserve to be with him.

Maybe they were right because I was better than him in different ways. At least I have never treated anyone in a bad way. I have never threatened anyone. I have never hurt anyone anyhow.

But I was saved again by Noah, and I was grateful this time. I didn’t want to lose one of my senses similarly. It was enough for me to be blind for my whole life and for the rest of my life.

He wanted to drive me to my house, but I insisted on continuing with my classes because I didn't want to come home early and ruin my parent’s day and scare them. I was a lonely child, and they loved me so much.

But this time, he didn’t leave me. He headed with me to my classroom, almost gritting all the way to the class for everyone to move away and make a path for us.

He helped me to sit on my chair, then pulled a chair and sat next to me. “Noah? What are you doing?”

I asked him in curiosity, he said simply as if it was something normal “staying with you.”

“what? You have classes, please don’t act childishly, I don't need a personal guard.” I said to him, trying to convince him.

But no, he said firmly, “no Bella, I said I’m staying then I’m staying. Now concentrate on your lessons and forget about my presence.”

I sighed and did what he had asked because I didn't want to drop that year because of anyone. I used to get the full marks and I will.

Actually, even with my full marks, there was one who always topped me on ranking— Guess who? Him! Yes, my mate Noah black. And I wonder how a bad boy like him who never studied could do that? I guess he was born with a high IQ.

After the class, which was the last one—. My teacher informed me, “Bella, I will be waiting for you in the studying room. Don’t be late.”

I nodded my head politely to my teacher “yes, sure sir. Thank you.”

After he left, I grabbed my backpack and my books and stood up; Noah asked me out of the blue, “what studying room?”

I explained to him, “because I’m blind, I can’t depend only on hearing the lessons for just once. So the teachers used to help me after classes privately. I have to go now or the teacher will get mad at me.”

And I turned my heels, but I was still hearing Noah's shoes tracing me. I didn’t say anything because I didn't expect him to join me in the studying room. Once I stepped inside I greeted my teacher.

But the teacher coughed “what are you doing here Noah?”

And that’s when I noticed that he didn’t say anything because he intended to be with me.

I didn’t comment, just sat on a chair. Noah sat next to me and raised his legs to the desk in front of him arrogantly answered the teacher “what? Joining my luna.”

The teacher cleared his throat in a half yell tone shockingly “your luna? Bella is your luna?”

And that’s when Noah stood all of sudden kicking the desk by his feet and punching the teacher in his face “dare to call her Bella again and I will be fucking kill you! Her name is isabella. No, you will call her from now on, miss Isabella black. She is mine! Did you hear me?”

“Noah, please stop.” I hollered to stop him.

But that didn’t stop Noah. I didn’t know why he got angry suddenly. He dragged me painfully and picked my bag for me. Then after a few minutes, we reached his car.

I refused to get inside. And I turned my back to get into the school bus. But he gritted his teeth, shouting at me, “Bella! Get inside the car now.”

I shook my head and coldly said from the tip of my nose, “no, unless you gave me a reasonable explanation why in the hell did you punch the teacher.”

He frowned and huffed, “that fucking jerk was checking you out! I could tell how much he liked you! Fuck dammit Bella! You are mine. Now get inside the car.”

What is he jealous of?!

I blinked and asked him in a whisper-soft tone, “are you jealous, Noah?”

He opened the car door and pushed me gently to get inside and sighed, “yes, Bella. I’m so fucking jealous. That I want to go back and strangle his neck and kill him. Are you happy now?”

I chuckled lightly, “get in, Noah. Just drive me home. You are insane.”

And finally, that weird day has ended!

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