Blindly mated to badboy Alpha

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Fantasy Romance>Blindly mated to badboy Alpha>Chapter 7 she’s my mate!

Chapter 7 she’s my mate!

Noah black pov

I couldn’t see her tears and stand silent. I loved her and I wanted her. When she yelled at me, begging me to leave her alone and stop playing with her heart.

I let her go only to make a formal and official move to meet her parents with my good intention to help her in her lessons and studies and tell him about us.

I was sure she would nag about it and get shocked. But I wanted to prove to her how much I really wanted her. And how serious I was towards her.

Luckily her parents were inside. I heard them talking before ringing the doorbell. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, by coincidence I heard them expressing their worries about Bella getting sensitive more and more by passing every year and how she was lonely and had no one next to her.

That’s when I rang the bell and her father opened the door for me. To be honest I was surprised to see that Bella is the daughter of our best warriors!

They greeted me and I shook hands with them respectfully, they bowed their heads but I asked them not to do that.

Royally they must do that, but actually, they were my father and mother in law—.

They didn’t have the time to ask me for the reason I was visiting them. Until Bella hurried down to us.

I just gave my first reason to be in the house to help Bella. But I was sure they would ask me again for another reason.

I rubbed my chin and wrapped my arms around Bella's waist then said confidently and proudly, “I'm here because—. Bella is—. My luna.”

“what?” They both said in the same breath in the thunderstruck.

I nodded, assuring them, “yes, Bella and I are mates now. So expect me to come regularly to this house until the mating ceremony.”

I mentioned, and they both chuckled cheerfully, but Bella asked, confused, “what mating ceremony? Who’s getting mated to whom?”

I leaned to Bella's ears, teasing her, “move now to your room, or I will kiss you in front of your parents.”

She blinked and trembled and then rushed, climbing the stairs in front of me. I laughed at her how shy she was. But I liked that I was her first in everything.

Her father asked me in a concerned and severe tone, “your highness, are you sure? I mean she is blind, and I don’t want her to get hurt and,”

I raised an eyebrow and cut off his words in a stern tone, “I’m sure, and I will never let anyone hurt her feelings, not just me. Even if that one was you!  Now I had to help her. Because I will never let another teacher help her with her lessons. Bella is mine and only mine.”

Her mother nodded happily, almost tearing, and then hugged me all of a sudden. I felt warmth in her hug, as a mother. I lost my mother when I was just four years old. So —. I didn’t mind her hug at all.

I raised my hand next to my head and said to them, “I promise both of you with my royal blood that I will take care of my luna.”

“Thanks, your highness.” They mouthed gratefully to me.

“please call me Noah, excuse me now—.” I politely turned my body to go to Bella in her room. I never break promises, and I was too serious about that study thing.

Well! I missed her, and I do love her, and I wanted to make her laugh and stop crying. That was the third reason that I kept inside my chest.

Her mother bawled, informing me, “please stay for the dinner, I will prepare it and call for you and Bella.”

I glanced back off my shoulder and nodded my head with half bow “sure,”

I knocked on Bella's door, but she didn’t reply. I banged and teased her, “If you don't open, I will smash the door.”

She shouted, “go away, I’m sleepy.”

I chuckled, “Open the door or I will—.”

She cut off my words screaming, “I'm naked! Get out—”

Then I barged into her room; she really thinks that being naked might stop me? She was my luna!

But she was only playing around— She was sitting on her chair and startled a bit when I stepped inside. I laughed at her puppy face and her facial expressions “since you were lying to me, I should punish you then.” I stepped closer, and she pulled her head back until I topped her with my massive body trapping her under me.

She cleared her throat, “what? Are you going to rape me?”

I pulled myself, shocked by her words, “rape you! I’m not a freaking monster! I was going to say— Never mind—” I snapped away.

I was going to say, I will kiss her lips softly—. Ten small kisses to her pink lips!

I was acting too serious with her as a real teacher— She opened up with me. And I started to explain to her what she missed today in school. She was dumbfounded because my classes weren’t like hers and the lesson she has missed today when the girls beat her, I was with her.

But she didn’t know how smart I was—

Once we have finished, she blurted out, “you are so smart. Thank you for such great help. But could we end that here and now?”

I wished she wasn’t blind at that moment to see my facial expression and how her words hurt my feelings.

But my tongue just slipped those words “do you know Bella? You are not blind because of your eyes. But your heart is blind to! You just stabbed my heart with your words.”

She stammered, “mmm, sorry— I didn’t mean to be lame or rude.”

“I have to go now.” I stood up and turned my body, but she stood up in a hurry and stumbled. I hurriedly grabbed her before hitting her head to the ground, “watch out.” That’s one our breaths collided, and our hearts raced loudly—the heat all over our bodies. And I knew it that I should mark her or get mated to her as soon as possible.

I leaned to her neck and pressed my teeth, but her mother bawled from downstairs, calling us “prince Noah, isabella! Dinner is ready.”

Well, they saved her this time— But next time, I will make sure to mark her. Or maybe take what’s mine! Her virginity!

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