Dr Casanova

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Contemporary Romance>Dr Casanova>Chapter 1 Steamy night with My Ex-girlfriend.

Chapter 1 Steamy night with My Ex-girlfriend.

Dr. Daniel Jones

It was a very draining day at the hospital — full of patients. I wish I could hit a massive sum of money and open my clinic. As a psychiatrist, that was my only aspiration. To be famous among all, especially that I have been yet too young. And handsome! Oh, yeah, my self-ego was too gamey.

My assistant knocked on the door while I was changing my clothes. "Yes, come in."

She coughed, "Dr., Are you going now?"

I nodded while putting my jacket on, "yes, something wrong? Please don't tell me there are more patients. It's already 11 pm for God's sake!"

She shook her head, "no, but Doctor Polanski wants to meet you now. He said this is important."

I huffed annoyed, but I couldn't disagree, he was one of the best psychiatrists in the town, and most of all, he was the owner of that hospital "okay, I'm coming."

I trailed her. Even so, I needed to sleep.

I knocked on the door, "Sir, can I come in?" I asked politely.

He immediately said, "yes, please."

I walked further from the desk, "Sir, something wrong?"

He shook his head and smiled; then, he gestured to me to have a seat, "calm down. As a matter of fact, There's an offer for you. I think you are good to go. So here's the deal. Take a look." he handed me a few papers.

And I was shocked! I muttered, amused, "me? Offer to work at Grimson asylum? Oh my god! That's the most famous hospital ever! Yes, sir. I do accept it."

He chuckled and stood up "without even asking about the salary?"

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly and smiled "oh yes, the surprise just took me off guard. I would love to operate there without even taking any salary. It's climbing up in my career."

And yes, it was for sure. Merely a few doctors were able to work there. It was like a secret asylum. Everything and how they have cultivated there was secured and secretly done. Most of the doctors who have ceased working thereafter six months only were able to open their clinic, and all of them became famous. Then why would I object! I'm honored to be constituent of that asylum.

He snapped his fingers to me, and I came back from my zone, "oh yes, sir."

"Daniel, your salary will begin at ten thousand dollars per month. There's a bonus, and other things will be totaled. You will get down from the early morning; a car will be waiting for you to drive you. They wish to keep everything secret. Thus, once you arrive, you will sign on confidential papers. You have been offered to go for six months. Anything else you would like to know?" he asked me after explaining.

I instantly shook my head with a broad grin, excited to start "no, sir. Thank you. I'd be willing to wait. Thank you again." I shook hands with him and left.

I wanted to celebrate my last night, and what shall I do except _ a beautiful steamy night with my girlfriend?! Yes, for sure. And at least I will end it with her tonight.

I took hold of my cell phone and called her immediately while I was driving, "hey, baby, meet me at the house now. I want you badly."

"Sure, sweetie, I will be there in minutes. I do have a surprise for you as well," she said, and I just hung up.

I do know that surprise already, but I didn't expect that at all.

Once I parked my car at the house, it was small but not so flashy — just something average. I wasn't miserable, not rich. I just got back from an average family, and I still visit my parents from time to time.

But they were already busy with my younger brothers. My brothers were still in college. I only graduated from high college five years ago. Being twenty-seven years old and didn't hitting anywhere in my career was something awful, but I guess life started to smile at me finally by that offer.

I excitedly opened the door of the house and immediately went to my bedroom, which I was sure my girlfriend was already there. Our relationship was good revolving around sex only. Since I was fussy all day and night at the hospital working my ass.

She was naked waiting for me in bed and a small box with red velvet next to her "oh, what is that? Are you that horny?" I smirked while taking off my clothes and jumping next to her.

She burned her lip, seductively, "sort of, and I told you I had a surprise for you."

I don't know why that came up to my mind that she might be pregnant. Then I freaked out and squealed, "don't tell me that you are pregnant!"

She raised her brows, "no! But what if?"

I passed off a sigh of relief and pulled her to my chest "it's just not the right time. I told you before we were so young." I tore her into an intimate kiss that turned me on.

She pushed me gently back and handed me the small box "wait, open that."

I narrowed my eyes, "a gift for me?" I wondered.

Only she didn't say anything, so I opened that box to find two couple diamond rings "oh my god! What is that?"

I pulled myself away from the bed; she gasped, "What? Marry me? We have been together for_."

I hacked her off and groaned, "For only a month for god’s sake! Are you insane? Why would you think that I may agree to tie the knot with you so early?"

She hopped off the bed and embraced me "baby, I thought you loved me."

I pushed her to the bed and hurled my body on her then I bent down to her pussy, eating up like thirsty. Oh, yes, it would be our inaugural night. So why not before breaking up with her?

Marry her! For freaking sake?! Why!

She moaned and clutched my hair "baby, and you didn't answer me."

I lapped up her pussy; then I stood up only to position my dick in her pussy and shove it roughly while saying, "I will reply to you after this steamy night."

And I fucked her for too long, roughly until she couldn't hold it anymore. I forced my dick to push it into her asshole, but she, and I hated that! She was an ass virgin, and I already have asked her a million times to try it with me. I loved that ass, fuck!

"Let me fuck your ass!" I sternly said as she squirmed underneath my substantial body, "no! Told you it's so painful."

But I didn't accept no. I pushed it by force without even preparing her hole. And that, dammit was so tight. She screamed painfully, panting almost losing her breaths "please take it out! Please."

I pushed harder until I reached my climax inside her hole, then I pulled it out. I stood up and smirked, "do you want my reply now?"

She gulped nervously "I'm leaving in one hour the whole town. New job. New house. So, I'm breaking up with you."

She blinked, shocked, and crawled on the bed, hanging up on my feet "oh please, don't break up with me. If that was because of ass fucking, then I will try to do it more with you."

How stupid she was.

I grinned and kissed her passionately for the last time, then said coldly, "I don't love you. I don't want to see your fucking face ever again. Now get out of my house."

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