Dr Casanova

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Contemporary Romance>Dr Casanova>Chapter 2 seduction!

Chapter 2 seduction!

Dr. Daniel

She left after she had had a tantrum and smashed most of the plates in my kitchen. That racist bitch! She was insane. How did I date a woman with mental issues like her?

I slammed the door behind her once she exited my house. I slammed my body to my bed, saying goodbye at the end to my pillows for the utmost time.

I dreamed of my new life and a bright future. And comfortably, I wake up on my cell phone alarm at 6 am. I hastily took a quick shower and put on my clothes into a decent suit since it will be my first time there. I needed to look elegant for my first impression. I have heard a heap of that mental asylum as being only for wealthy patients.

Precisely, I drove my car so fast to the hospital, as my manager said to me last night. The car would be waiting for me. But I didn't reckon it would be a limo!

A driver came out and bowed to me respectfully, "doctor Daniel Jones. At your service, sir."

"Oh, wow, thank you!" I stated, confused and stunned at the same time.

I went in the back seat, to only find a wine glass and someone like an assistant. He welcomed me heartily, "welcome, sir, until we make it; I need to discuss a few things with you. You need to read those papers carefully and sign it. If you breach any, then we will prosecute you. You demand to know that mental asylum belongs to the mayor, and his partner is the governor." he told me. And really, I didn't know about all these pieces of information. But I didn't worry. Why would I tell anyone about what is going on inside the hospital? As a doctor, we vow from the start to keep the patients' details as a secret until we have been legally and by court asked to reveal any details.

I signed even without reading, "Sure, anything. So excited to be a part of that asylum already."

The assistant poured a glass of wine and handed it to me "cool, nice to see you in person, sir. I have heard a bunch about you." he smiled, eyeing me weirdly.

I cleared my throat and stared at him "about me? Heard what?"

He gulped his glass, then winked "like a playboy, for example, who like sex, and your dick is so huge and_" and I got traumatized! Why would he care about such details?!

I coughed, "Excuse me! How did you know about all of these? Seriously, why do you care? Are you queer?"

He laughed hysterically, then waved his hands, "Doctor Daniel. No, I'm not. Only we do collect every single detail about our new doctors. And you will soon get to know everything once we get in. I'm not allowed to say anything about it. Deplorable, I'm just an assistant to guide you there. Nothing more or less. But I can tell. You are perfect for that position." he praised me as if he liked me. But he stated he wasn't into men. Thus, I had to believe him. Why would I think he was lying anyway.

In half an hour, we reached the sea already, and I knew it because I began to smell the breeze and the scent of water and salt, and it was terrific. The driver parked the car, and the assistant announced, "We arrived. Welcome doctor. Please follow me."

I cemented in my place, staring in awe at the horizon, and it was perfect as if we were on an island! Castle and the sea and surrounded by trees and mounds. It was marvelous.

The assistant made me come back to my senses when he dragged my hand, "you need to come now. The governor will meet you in person."

What! On my first day! I guess I was so lucky then.

Once I stepped inside, I noticed something weird already, but I didn't comment until meeting my manager and the governor.

We stepped inside a large office, two older men stood up and shook hands with me in person. One of them excused without saying anything. And the other who introduced himself to me formally, "Doctor Daniel. You look hot! I'm the Governor."

Hot!? What the hell?! What does that mean for god’s sake?

I didn't comment. He suddenly started talking while puffing from his cigar "we need handsome doctors because all of our patients are women only. Wealthy. So the more you are hot, the more you will earn." he explained.

And I just nodded in relief "oh, I see. Like leaving them with a good impression."

He blurted out, "and satisfaction."

He smirked, waiting for me to ask anything, but honestly, I didn't dare. So, I just nodded as if I did understand everything.

He pushed a button, and someone entered "here, show doctor Daniel his room and show him the place. And please let him start now with any of our patients to know the nature of our work here." he said to the old man who already started showing me around the place.

He said, "I'm the manager, by the way. Doctor Hank France, call me Hank. Now, this is your room. Leave your bags and come with me to your office room. You need to start."

"Okay, sir. I mean, hank." I said, trailing him. I didn't get much time to see my room, but it looked like a royal suite at one of the luxury hotels already. It was wow!

Until we reached my office, he opened the door for me and let me in. I didn't know that I found a patient waiting for me inside, already. She was so freaking hot as hell and barely wearing clothes.

She was wearing a hot tight red dress, almost showing all her legs and revealing half of her boobs. She looked exquisite and luxurious but bitch.

I didn't get much time, and once I sat on my chair, she stood up, swaying her hips seductively, and suddenly came closer to my face "new sexy doctor. I like you already."

I blinked, "excuse me? Please have a seat to start our session."

And she did, but _on my lap. "Miss." I tried to stop her, but she attacked my lips with her soft lips, and in a blink of an eye, she was squeezing my dick with her hands.

I hopped off the chair, "please, what are you doing?"

She bit her lip and lifted her dress, showing me her bare ass, and honestly, I didn't know what happened to me at that moment as if ghosts possessed me. I just fucked her ass immediately without even thinking twice.

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