My Stalker

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Contemporary Romance>My Stalker>Chapter 5

Chapter 5


The wedding party was horrible; my stepfather prevented me from moving one step closer from anyone! even from the dance floor. I guess my horrified days didn't even start yet.

But doctor Ivan, Mr prince charming who charged me with hope by only a few sweet words came out of his mouth. He was glaring at me all the time.

He gestured to me by his head to follow him. I sneaked on my tiptoes. But hell no, I was dragged by my stepfather who acted like a pat! He wasn't even there?! He wasn't looking at me?! How did he notice that?!

"Where are you going Angel?" Mr tiger raised an eyebrow with the deadliest look.

I cleared my throat "Nothing! To the bathroom! Do you have a problem with that?!" I smirked innocently.

MR Tiger raised his eyebrows "is that so?! Then let me show you the way!" I dropped my jaw.but he pulled my hand passing through my mother who played well as a socialized person between the guests and ignored me as if I have never existed.

He dragged me upstairs, which was weird because there must be tenths of bathrooms downstairs in this massive house.

"Where are we going?" I trembled nervously trying to release my arm from his tight grip. He twisted my arm to my back preventing me from moving right or left.

To be honest my stepfather is so handsome, more than Ivan but... His eyes still give me shivers. His attitude is the worst. I feel like he was paid to tame the beast inside me. But I'm an Angel, and my name is Angel so why in the hell he is doing to me. I already feel so pity for myself.

He opened the door of a weird dark place and pushed me inside; he commanded me sternly "you stay here, I will come to open the door for you after the party. You will find a bathroom and everything here, don't touch anything! Got that?"

He slammed the door behind him and locked the door. I didn't try to open the knob or even yell or scream. I surrendered and sat on a chair, I spotted a colossal window, the breeze of the night attracted my nose… fresh air, cold but calm, no noise at all, I couldn't even hear the music from the party, I guess these walls are soundproof. 'WHAT THE HELL?!!!!!!!!' He could imprison me here forever, and no one will listen to my voice or save me!

fuck now I'm scared, do I have to jump through the window! I'm not so brave to do so! It's too high! I will break my legs and maybe my skull as well. God! What should I do?! Then I heard a whistle through the window.

Guess what?! My charming prince is waving to me. his smile took my breath away. I just need too long hair to use it like this cartoon, the locked princess that was prisoned in the castle.

I shouted to him loudly "sorry for that, could you tell me your phone number quickly?"

Ivan smiled and nodded "yes, sure... I guess I have a better idea, wait a minute."

He grabbed a card from his pocket, I guess it's his business card, and pinned it to a small rock and threw it at me. wow, he is too strong! He succeeded on the first try.

I smiled softly and waved to him "thank you, I will call you tomorrow morning, by the way, I'm Angel."

He waved back to me and walked away... Now I was relaxed, I took his number, ‘I like this house now... somehow but not my stepfather’.

I saved his number in my contact list, I hid his business card in my pocket. I waited for the monster stepfather to come over here and open the door.

But I waited for long. I started to have a deep look around me, books everywhere. too many guns! Some oil paintings on the wall. I stepped closer to read the signatures ' Picasso, DI Vacancy,' Wow! And some others I don't know, but I guess they are too famous artists as well.

But one more picture was hidden by a sheet, curiosity killed me! But I remembered that my stepfather asked me to not touch anything.

As a teenager I couldn't, 'He will never know! I will cover it back with the sheet.'

I pulled the sheet of the picture at the same time my stepfather opened the door. I gasped "sorry, I didn't kno_" I paused when I spotted his nervous gaze at the picture as if it's a military secret. I swung my head slowly to take a look at the picture 'well he thought that I have seen it already, he will punish me anyhow, so at least I have to look.'

That's what came into my mind! I wish I didn’t do that!

"Fuck it's my picture!" I squealed in fear.

He slammed the door behind him and strode towards me quickly… he placed his hands on my mouth "shush! One more word and I will kill you. I guess it was too early to know! Trust me you buried your own grave by your own hands." he roared with a threatening tone.

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