My Stalker

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Contemporary Romance>My Stalker>Chapter 6

Chapter 6


I pulled my hand away immediately then laughed hysterically pointing to Angel's scared face "oh my god! Look at you! You are a coward for god's sake!"

Angel blinked, rolling her eyes shockingly from my attitude, "huh? I don't understand."

I patted her head gently, then placed my arm around her shoulder "god! I need to send you to military college! You are so weak! Idiot, you ruined my gift."

Angel shook her head trying to collect all my words together to form one understandable sentence "seriously, I don't get it. what gift?"

I pulled her to face the picture" this one, I made it especially for you as a gift on your birthday, I guess I should give it to you now. so, what do you think? Is it good?" I lied, I didn't want her to take this picture, I have been drawing this oil picture by myself for almost two years now.

Angel turned her head to me slowly "really?! You scared me! Can I take this picture now to my room?"

I gulped and walked away looking through the window "um, could you leave it here? You can come and check it at any time." I rubbed my face nervously.

Angel nodded "yes, sure, but, um… thank you anyway, can I go now?"

I blew a deep sigh of relief "yes, sure. I have to go to my room too… your mother is waiting for me."

Angel smiled shyly and left the room. I locked the door after she’d left and pulled my cell phone from my pocket to send her a text Angel, stay away from men, I hate that! please don't make me angry, I don't want to kill anyone else because of jealousy. Goodnight my sweet Angel.

I strode to my secret drawer and grabbed my secret file! yes my secret one, I don't mention in my notes any of my missions! but my secret one is all about my love, my Angel. Everything step by step she goes to, every place she visited, her favorite food, her close friends… her grades at school and her favorite shirt… everything. Some pictures of her, 'actually pictures for every day.'

I do have only one wish, to get her out of my chest. to delete her love from my sick heart! to prevent my brain from thinking about her daily. But this wish didn't happen. But on the contrary, everything went into the craziest illness. Dangerous more than I could ever think. Something I have no ability to stop. Beyond the whole universe.

I snapped to myself to stop spacing out. Now I am married to her mother, she's gorgeous exactly like Angel, I just hope that she could make me fall for her as she promised.

I strode to my room, she was ready waiting for me… wearing a transparent sexy pink baby doll, showing all of her body. She sighed seductively to me to come to her in bed.

I crawled on the bed to her slowly. She bit her lips glaring "you are late."

I licked my lips moving down my eyes to scan every inch of her creamy body "sorry for that,"

she bent her arms around my neck pulling me closer to the top of her body "see, I told you, I can take care of this."

I took her mouth by my lips, thrusting my tongue roughly into her mouth, squeezing her boobs… opening her legs and positioning my body at her "you are so hot." I stared at her.

"Then let me satisfy you." she blurted out, moving her hand to my dick, unzipping my pants. I leaned down kissing her neck as crazy grazing her neck softly by my teeth and moaning.

I pulled her to the edge of the bed and leaned down by my teeth to her pussy taking her G-string away, pushing my tongue inside her, she started to moan loudly, "please, I want you. I'm so wet and horny."

I took my clothes off me fast, and positioned myself brushing her pussy by my dick... then Angel's face hit my vision. I cemented in my place for seconds and hesitated to push it inside her. 'If I did so, then I can't be with Angel! I have to know if I'm really sure from going far apart to this point?! Do I really want to forget her?' I whispered in my mind thinking.

She bent her legs around my waist to push me inside her, but I pulled myself away pushing her "I can't, I think we need to slow down a bit."

I wore my clothes ignoring her annoyed looks. She gazed at me and whined angrily "then why did you ask me to marry you."

Her words with her loud shout made me freeze 'No one ever did that! No one dared!'

I huffed and dragged her from her hair pushing her to the floor "DON'T EVER YELL AT ME! GOT THAT!"

She trembled and crawled away to the wall "D_do you have another woman in your heart?" she stammered.

I clutched my hair angrily walking in circles in the room "Don't ask! you know nothing." I stepped closer from her and extended my hand to pull her up but she shook her head as No throwing me with scared and blaming looks.

I sat down next to her and kissed her forehead gently "sorry, I just can't do it now, I need more time."

"Who is it?" she blurted out staring at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows "YOUR DAUGHTER."

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