Sold My Virginity to the Alpha

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Fantasy Romance>Sold My Virginity to the Alpha>Chapter 3 To the rogue kingdom!

Chapter 3 To the rogue kingdom!


And yes, the rogues accepted me as an omega— They were actually so strict and organized. And They have one important rule, to tell them the truth about why I left my pack and why I was running away.

And to not step out of the rogues' kingdom and not to contact any of the other packs' werewolves ever.

And I really lived happily with my own daughter Helena, working hard and living in a small nice house. We became best friends and I didn’t fall in love with any other woman. I just lived for my daughter. Watching her growing in front of my eyes.

She was innocent and pure and gorgeous. And for her bad luck, she was omega like me.

But, she was like a real angel and she hated rogues so much. She hated blood. She hated wars and killers.

Her human part was controlling her attitude—. maybe better than humans—

I was so happy to tell her finally and confess to her that I killed Kyla, her mother. I was scared that she might hate me but she respected me.

She always said ‘you are my father and my mother and my whole world’ and I was happy by that.

But it was the question that bothered me, until when? And what will happen to her in the rogues' kingdom? What if her mate was not from Rogues? What if he cheated on her or rejected her?

I wanted to get out of the rogues' kingdoms but it wasn’t the right timing yet.

I wanted to wait until Helena reached eighteen years old. And get out of there.

Especially when she turned fourteen and came back home very early, she was supposed to be in the middle of her school days. She had a lot of classes.

She was crying deeply, I hugged her “sweetheart? What’s going on with you?”

She smiled weakly and tried to lie but she didn’t use to do that. She was always honest with me. She sobbed “I saw someone killing another! Father! I hate rogues. They are animals.” she mumbled and made a puppy face.

It was a joke for me actually we are supposed to be half animals, half humans. I laughed and she stared at me “baby, you are one of the rogues. You are she-wolf! Means— half animal and half human.”

She stabbed the floor with her small legs while screaming “no way! I’m human! No way— I want to get out of that place soon.”

I pulled her to a warm hug and kissed her forehead “I promise you soon— on your eighteen birthday, we will get out of that kingdom.”

She raised her head up and pouted childishly “promise?”

I nodded “yes baby, promise— but—.”

She blinked “What?”

“but tell me— what happened exactly— I mean how and where did you see that rogues got killed?”

And as if her words were fire rocks hitting my head one after another, she gulped nervously “well, that Alpha Ace— was staring at me weirdly—. he was on tour in our school. And that teacher placed his hand on my butt— and then—”

She was talking slowly as if she was trying to think about why that happened.

I flickered “you mean, our king Ace! Killed the teacher because the teacher was trying to touch your body?”

She nodded and swayed her head trying to process that in her mind. But she didn’t get it. But I get it immediately—

 It means— Alpha Ace is Helena's mate and he figured that out early—

But I didn't want to freak her out and tell her. so I just tried to tell her "Helena, he saved you. He is not a bad Alpha. if-if you have told me that the teacher is touching your body, I would go and kill him!"

"father! promise me that you will never stain your hands with blood ever! please " she pleaded to me with a firm tone.

and yes, I couldn't let her down. I kissed her cheeks "I promise you by my life and your life. that I will never kill anyone even if they tried to kill me."

yes— and I kept my words for her— until— that day.


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