Sold My Virginity to the Alpha

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Fantasy Romance>Sold My Virginity to the Alpha>Chapter 4 bullied at the school!

Chapter 4 bullied at the school!


Since that incident, when the Alpha Ace killed that teacher— I tried to convince myself that I will be okay and tried to forget about that murdering scene. I was only fourteen years old for god sake! The blood scene was horrible!

I kept going to the school daily and helping my father in farming our small land at night. Our life was going good. I can’t deny that I hated school but not because I hated studying or something.

But because of the bullying! Yes, all the students kept bullying me. Most of the rogues already were omega. But I was the weakest omega. Why? Because they were born to werewolves parents. But my father was transferred before getting mated to my mother.

So according to the wolves, I was a weak hybrid omega that will never be able to shift.

And actually I didn’t care about that, I always loved my human shape and I hoped that someday I would be able to live with humans.

I was pressing on myself and ignoring all the bullying, until that day.. It was already my 16 birthday and I was so happy. I wanted to go back early to my father and celebrate with him.

But my classmates had another opinion. At our lunch break and in the middle of the day—

I was sitting alone on my table. And I wasn't nerd or ugly! I was actually so beautiful and that was my curse, they kept bullying me because of that. They wanted a piece of me and I ignored all the guys.

Goddammit! Even the teacher wanted me! I hated rogues!

The most popular guy at our school and he was senior actually, he was a prince of the royal family. So he was an Alpha. He was arrogant and egoistic and freaking annoying.

He suddenly slammed his butt to my table and then said from the tip of his nose “listen to me, I want to give you a birthday gift.”

I blinked surprised innocently “really?”

He nodded and smiled devilishly then pulled my head in a second and stroked my lips with his nasty mouth.

I pushed him away and slapped his face “are you insane!”

He raised his brow and yelled at me “you are the fucking insane Helena! Yes! To reject my gift,”

I shook my head in disbelief “what is your gift for god sake?”

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest then whispered to my ear “I will fuck you! This is my gift for you. To let you join my bed and taste my dick!”

I bite his cheek to force him to get off me “you son of a bitch! Don't ever come close from or I will..”

I paused because I will never say I will kill him! Because I won’t ever do it. Not because I was weak but because it was one of my rules. To be human forever.

He scoffed “you are just slave omega! You will never be more than that! You are fucking hybrid omega.”

I dashed off the school that day crying heavily until I reached the house.. my father asked me to tell him what happened. But I just insisted that I do not go back to school ever again and just work with my father on our farm.

But I heard that the one who bullied me didn’t go either since then. I heard rumors about king Ace locked him in a dark room. And others said king Ace killed him. And others said that king Ace sent him to the dungeon.

But I have never known the truth— and I didn’t care—. I was just waiting for that day when I will turn eighteen. I waited eagerly and dreamed of that day. I have even planned with my father where we should go and what we will work and saved some gold coins for that day.

But I guess fate had another opinion.

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