Sold My Virginity to the Alpha

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Fantasy Romance>Sold My Virginity to the Alpha>Chapter 5 My horrible eighteenth birthday!

Chapter 5 My horrible eighteenth birthday!


On my eighteen birthday, my father left early and when I stopped him “father, you have promised me to get out today.”

He nodded and kissed my cheeks “yes, but after midnight to do not get busted.”

I narrowed my eyes and asked him in curiosity “then why are you going now?”

He smiled and cheerfully said “I’m going to another pack. I need to meet one of my old best friends. He will help us to move out of the rogues safely and another thing. I need to buy a nice gift for you. Congratulations Helena. Finally, you are eighteen.”

I hugged him tightly “thank you father.. but please watch out and take care of yourself.”

He patted my head gently “I will! I promise. Wait for me.”

And hours passed and my father didn’t appear, I started to be worried. He promised to come back soon.

That's why I rushed to the royal castle.

I don’t know but I felt that something wrong happened to my father.

And yes, I saw the guards holding my father and he was chained and handcuffed, I screamed and gasped running towards him “father.”

But he gestured to me to not come closer. He mouthed to me ‘stay away from this Helena. And hid! Just runaway at midnight. Sorry baby. But they busted me while I was passing the territory border.’

He looked so down and flustered not because he was busted but because he didn’t get me what I wanted on my birthday.

He sacrificed his life and this happened because of me.

I felt guilty, but I waited to see what would happen. I didn’t want to make my father worried more about me.

Until they dragged my father inside the castle and a lot of wolves were already inside. It was like a public court—

I hear king Ace groaning and yelling and smashing things. I have heard a lot about him. Heartless and merciless and his passion for blood. And I didn’t meet him since I was just fourteen years old when he killed that teacher because he touched my body.

I didn’t know, his voice was graving and echoing in the whole castle. I can’t deny that he was scary but deep inside me I wasn’t scared of him.

With no reason!

Until I heard that—

"I said No one is allowed to make friendships with the other kingdoms! and you didn't obey my orders!" King Ace was groaning and my dad was chained down his feet begging and sobbing weakly.

I was there in the back, I wanted to do anything to help my dad, He was my everything. I was living by him and for him.

I wasn't hesitant to make a move, But my father asked me to not interfere and hide. But I couldn't stand as paralyzed anymore especially when The king Ace hollered in his graving tone "Take him to the dungeon and torture him!"

I hurriedly ran to my father and hugged him and yelled "No please, don't. I will do anything for my father. please take me instead of him."

King Ace stared at me and pulled me up, He was tall and his grip was too strong. He leaned into my face and mumbled "And what can you do for your father?"

Everyone made fun of me and laughed loudly.

But not King Ace, he was glaring at me with softening eyes— I gulped nervously "I— I will give you—" I paused and he nodded waiting patiently to hear my deal.

I bravely finally said, "I will give you my virginity, Your Highness."

He surprisingly leaned to my ear and whispered "no, baby, Your offer is denied."

I gasped and knelt down his feet pleading to him "Please— Please—. ask for anything."

The king Roared and pulled me to stand up on my feet "DON'T EVER BEG! EVER! Helena!"

I was shocked, I didn't expect that he knew my name. I was nothing and unnoticed at all. Could it be his supernatural powers?!

I blinked— He moved his hand to my cheeks and said "Be my queen If you want to save your father."

And before he could continue his last word, I raced in my words confidently "Yes, I Helena— Gerard France, Accept you King Ace Carlos Dimitry As my mate."

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