President's Scheme

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Contemporary Romance>President's Scheme>Chapter 3 Re-meeting the "Returnee" in the Bar

Chapter 3 Re-meeting the "Returnee" in the Bar

"You can also get married. Why bother struggle for a hard life?" Cindy had a sip of wine and said casually.

"All right, I'll find a man and give myself to him tonight." Thanks to the alcohol, Bella's tone became euphoric and her smile turned wild.

"Very well, I don't have such a chance like you. Just let me find one man for you and one for Sophia tonight." Cindy looked around, her eyes lit up with excitement. Even a male mosquito couldn't escape her research.

"I'd rather be a single woman than be a married grumbler," Bella said jokingly. For a business purpose, Cindy got married right after her graduation. But running a marriage was different from operating a company, and she often complained about some daily trifles in front of Bella and Cindy.

"I'm indeed a married grumbler, but I'm also an exceptionally beautiful grumbler," Cindy looked rather confident.

Bella pretended to retch. "How thick-skinned you are!"

"Where are handsome men?" After searching the entire bar, Cindy looked somewhat disappointed. No one reached her expectation.

But the next second, her eyes lit up again. She raised her chin and pointed at a corner. "Hey, what about that man?"

Bella looked over, but the light was too dim. Vaguely, she saw two men, one in white with back to her, and the other in gray facing her. At this moment, they were chatting with their head slightly lowered.

"Just so-so. At least I'm not fascinated." How did she have the mood to appreciate a handsome face? After so many blind dates, she felt disgusted at the sight of any man.

"I mean the man in white. He's the most handsome man I've ever seen! What a miserable taste you have!"

"I'm not interested in males." Bella was spiritless talking about men.

"Come on, if you're so lethargic, how can you hook up with a man?"

Cindy heaved an exaggeratedly deep sigh.

"I'm looking for a husband, a life partner, not a one-night stand."

Seeing Cindy's meaningful smile, Bella couldn't help poking her forehead.

"Come on, life partner? You're still a virgin, aren't you? It's not something worth celebrating to be virginal at your age." Cindy laughed impishly and crazily.

Bella ignored her laughter and had a sip of her wine. "My body is left for someone I will love..."

"Madams, is the seat occupied?" A voice sounded.

Neither of them bothered to look up. Obviously, a man was trying to chat them up.

"May I sit down here?" He seemed not irritated by their indifference.

The seat was the bar's, not theirs. Anyone could sit there as long as it was empty.

"Just ask the barkeeper." Cindy had a glance at him and rolled her eyes. Who gave this mediocre man the courage to accost her?

Getting no response, the man sat down directly.

"May I treat you to a glass of wine?" he asked again.

Bella turned her head.

Then, she was stunned. This man looked so familiar.

Well, wasn't he the "returnee" yesterday? Just then, the man also recognized Bella and looked somewhat embarrassed.

"It's you, Miss Halty!"

"Hi." What was his name? Bella didn't remember his surname.

"What a coincidence to see you here!" He smirked awkwardly.

Who wanted such a coincidence with you disgusting man? Bella cursed him in her heart, but still, she forced a smile. "Yes, what a coincidence!"

"Fate brought us together. Please let me treat you to the wine." The man sat closer and tilted his head to look at the two ladies.

Cindy noticed the embarrassment on their faces and took out her phone. Then, she texted Bella.

"Who's he? Do you know him?"

"The 'returnee' I met yesterday." Bella heard a "Ding!" from her phone and replied to the message.

Cindy tittered. Things became interesting!

"He dated you yesterday and accosted women today. But he met you again! Interesting!"

Bella looked at the screen and didn't know what to say. With a wry smile, she looked at Cindy.

Cindy understood her meaning at once.

"Sir, do you know me?" She blinked her eyes that were as pure as the lake.

The man shook his head with a smile.

"It's okay. I'm married, so you don't have a chance," Cindy said calmly.

Stunned, the man looked a little disappointed.

"Then do you know her?" she pointed her chin at Bella.

The man looked at Bella hesitantly and said after a while, "Yesterday, we..."

"Ah! What a pity! She's been reconciled with her boyfriend. Isn't it usual for a couple to quarrel? But Bella was too impulsive and wanted to provoke her boyfriend by dating another man, which is just boring!"

Cindy threw a stare at Bella who looked somewhat confused. But the next second, she realized what Cindy was doing.

"Bella, ask your man over and introduce him to our new friend. Without this friend's help, you wouldn't have been reconciled so fast."

Bella was rendered speechless.

"Hurry up!" Cindy pointed her chin at that corner.

Puzzled, Bella looked at Cindy and then the corner.

"Ask your Mr. Right to drink with us," Cindy urged.

Bella really didn't know what to do.

But Cindy had a fierce stare at her.

Helpless, Bella walked toward the corner. When she was a meter away from the two men, she stopped and fumbled in vain for words.

The two men stopped chatting. The white-shirted one turned around and looked up at her with curiosity.

Under the faint light, she finally saw his face; his eyes were black and deep-set under his thick brows. In general, he was not only handsome but also graceful. No wonder Cindy, a worldly woman, would think he was charming with only one glance.

He asked with an inconspicuous smile, "Anything?"

"My friend wants to treat you to some wine."

As she stammered, her face became as red as burning charcoal. It was the first time for her, a frequent bar visitor, to be so nervous in front of a man.

He looked surprised, but then, he said to his friend with a smile, "I'll be right back. Excuse me for a moment."

As such, he followed Bella over.

Cindy's jaw dropped as she saw them approach. Bella was so awesome tonight! Well done, sweetheart!

"Hi!" The white-shirted man greeted Cindy and the "returnee" politely.

At this moment, Bella was lost in thought. She supposed she might have seen him before, but she couldn't call to mind where she had met him. Perhaps he just looked like an actor, and yet she didn't know which actor it was. After all, she hadn't watched TV for a long time.

"Hi!" Cindy gazed at him in astonishment. To be exact, her mouth had been watering. What a pretty prey for Bella!

"Are you really her boyfriend?" The "returnee" pointed at Bella and looked at the white-shirted man in confusion.

The white-shirted man seemed to have understood something. He smiled faintly and didn't deny at once.

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