President's Scheme

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Contemporary Romance>President's Scheme>Chapter 4 Police Station

Chapter 4 Police Station

"Women are really irrational animals," the "returnee" said with embarrassment to the white-shirted man.

"They are actually quite simple. If you're sincere to them, they'll be nice to you for a whole life." The white-shirted man lifted his glass and sipped the wine.

"I don't understand women. Excuse me!" The "returnee" had a haughty glance at the three, turned around, and strutted deep into the bar.

"Bah, how could Bella like such a rude man?" Cindy stared at his back angrily.

Bella remained silent with a blush.

"Thank you for your help just now. Let me treat you to wine!" Cindy chuckled sweetly at the white-shirted man.

"You should drink less outside," the man said softly with slight reproach, but that sounded gentle and natural.

Sharp-tongued as Cindy usually was, she appeared rather meek at this moment. "We'll drink tea next time."

"Call me if you need any help. My friend is waiting for me there." He pointed at the gray-shirted man who had been watching them.

He had a look at Bella and took up her phone on the table. After pressing a few numbers, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Thank you!" Bella said in an almost inaudible voice and wasn't sure whether the man heard it.

The man nodded at her. "I'll go over now. You should go home early. It's not safe for women to stay late outside."

After a long while, Sophia called Cindy. She said that she couldn't come because she was working overtime and that she would transfer the money to them after a while.

Cindy said irritably, "Who cares about the money? Humph, we'll have great fun without you!"

When they came to the counter, the bartender said the white-shirted man had paid their bill.

Bella looked at that corner and found the seats there had been empty.

Somehow, she felt disappointed.

She only wanted to get herself drunk tonight.

So she ordered another glass of wine.

"I wish all the women in this world will be happy." She raised the glass with red cheeks.

"I wish Bella could get married earlier." Cindy closed her pretty eyes slightly, her long curly eyelashes flickering like butterflies under the light.

"Fu-fuck the marriage! I won't get married." Bella swayed her glass and lifted it.

"Okay, you won't get married. You'll be a virgin all your life." Cindy giggled.

When it was near 12, the two slightly drunk women wobbled out of the bar.

Cindy's driver Simon had been waiting in a fiery-red Mercedes outside the bar.

"Simon will drive you back." Cindy staggered just like a toddler. Having seen enough of this, Simon walked over to help her, but he was pushed away.

"No... It's... too late now. Just have Simon drive you back." Bella said brokenly as she waved at Cindy.

Their homes were in opposite directions. If Simon drove her back first, it would be very late for Cindy to get home.

"Simon, call a taxi for Bella and note down the car number. Bella, call me when you arrive." Light-headed, Cindy finally got herself into the Mercedes.

Bella felt good at first, but a sudden wave of dizziness overpowered her as the wind blew on her face.

"Madam, where are you going?" the taxi driver asked.

"Cloud... Peak..." Her tongue was twisted in her mouth.

The driver guessed it was Cloud Peak Elementary School.

On a road with few vehicles at night, the taxi ran ahead at a dizzying speed without hindrance.

"Madam, is it here?" After twists and turns, the driver finally saw the white luminous words "Cloud Peak Elementary School". But the gate was tightly closed, and there was nobody nearby.

The driver asked a few times but still received no reply. He looked back and found Bella had fallen asleep.

"Hey, madam, wake up." He stopped the car and shouted to behind him.

But anyway, Bella still didn't wake up.

The driver whined – what should he do now? He couldn't throw her by the road; it was too dangerous late at night. If she had an accident, he might be to blame for this. More importantly, he didn't get the fare after a long drive.

When two cops were playing with their phones in the police station, they saw a driver carrying a pretty woman in. The woman was in a sound sleep on his shoulder.

"Do you want to report a case?" The cops looked at them with curiosity.

"Sir, she's drunk," the driver said helplessly as he placed the woman on a bench.

"Then drive her home. This is the police station." a cop said with a frown.

"I don't know where her home is. Police are people's protectors, right? Here's the safest place for her." The driver believed he was the kindest man in the world and this woman might be very grateful for him when she woke up.

The two young cops exchanged a look at each other. So this driver had taken here as a hotel...

"All right, just place her here." A cop waved his hand.

But the driver just stood on the spot.

"Do you also want to spend a night here?" the cop asked jokingly.

"She hasn't paid the fare." The driver looked at the woman in a sweet sleep.

The cops were rendered speechless.

"I'm just a taxi driver and have a big family to support. It's not easy for me to earn money. Sir, please help me!"

The driver's touching words made sense. He had wasted much oil and time for this drive and even sent the woman to the police station to ensure her safety.

The two cops looked at the woman hesitantly. "We're cops, not gods. Besides, we don't have high salaries and can't afford such a loss."

After a while, one of them said to the driver, "Write down your phone number. I'll ask her to give you money when she wakes up, and then you can get it. Do you agree?"

The driver hesitated for a moment and finally wrote down his phone number.

Then, the cops stared at the drunk woman helplessly. How could they look after her for a whole night?

Just then, she rolled on the bench and almost dropped. Quickly, a cop caught her and pushed her against the wall.

The smarter cop took off her handbag and fumbled out a phone. Seeing the nearest missed call on the screen, he clicked it without hesitation.

According to his experience, only a special person would call someone late at night. The woman must be too drunk to answer the phone at that time, so this missed call was critical.

Thomas Hodder had just taken a shower at home. With a bath towel around his waist, he heard his phone ring and walked out of the bathroom. However, the phone number shown on the screen made him more than confused.

"Hi, do you know the phone owner?" A man's voice sounded.

Thomas frowned. "Yes."

"Please come to XXX Police Station right away." The young cop was very proud of his smartness.

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