President's Scheme

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Contemporary Romance>President's Scheme>Chapter 7 Art Exhibition

Chapter 7 Art Exhibition

Cindy finally left. Boiling a pot of scented tea and sitting on the balcony, Bella leisurely put her legs on the table and looked up at the sky.

What a peaceful and picturesque night, stars shining and breeze blowing!

Bella sipped the tea whose fragrance permeated the whole room. However, she was frowning more and more deeply.

She had believed that there would never be any ups and downs in her life. Even if she was tired of this, she didn't expect any changes. She just wanted to live in simpleness and fullness.

But that windbreaker, like a naughty angel flying across the gray clouds, had broken her peace.

If she knew it would disrupt her future life and even bring her to some doom, she would definitely not keep it...

This day, she took a few students to Cathay Mall to decorate the exhibition site.

These students, in the fifth or sixth grade, were chattering all the way like little happy birds.

Affected by their pure bright smiles, Bella felt as if she had returned to her innocent childhood.

The children liked her very much, for she was always gentle with them, while other teachers were often scarily strict.

"Miss Halty, your dress is so beautiful," said a girl who touched Bella's floral dress with her chubby hand.

"Annie Martin, don't crease Miss Halty's dress!" a little boy said.

"I'm not creasing it. I'm just touching it." Tears welling up, Annie felt a bit wronged.

"You can't touch it. How dirty your hands are!" the boy said with slight disgust.

"My hands are not dirty! Yours are!" Annie rolled her eyes.

"All right, Annie didn't soil my dress. Wash your hands and they won't be dirty. Now, let's start working. After that, I'll buy you ice-cream." Bella smiled and stroked the boy's soft hair.

While they were decorating the site joyfully, a group of people walked in. Taking the lead was a young man wearing a white shirt and black pants.

Bella and the children were doing their work happily, chatting and laughing. They wanted to hang these paintings up before five o'clock, because tomorrow was Saturday when many people would come here. It was a good opportunity to let more people see children's paintings.

"That man is so handsome!" Annie exclaimed.

"Annie Martin, you're not serious about the work!"

"I'm very serious! Look, I've hung up this row of paintings." Annie retorted.

"He's indeed very handsome!" another girl said.

With a smile, Bella looked at the children. "Let's do it faster. Ice-creams are waiting for us!"

Hearing, they stopped arguing and continued their work carefully.

"Bella, it's really you!" A voice came from behind Bella.

Sophia walked over from the group of people.

Bella stood up and saw the woman who she hadn't seen for days. Wearing light yellow business attire, Sophia was eye-catching among the men in black suits.

"Sophia, why are you here?" Bella tucked a wisp of her hair behind her ear. She was surprised that her busy friend had time to come to the amusement park.

"I work here." Sophia smiled.

"Really?" Bella looked at her friend who had changed a lot. From top to toe, Sophia showed the elegance of a professional woman.

Due to her work just now, Bella's face flushed like a tender peach blossom.

"Did the school only send you to do this work?" Sophia frowned at the sight of the paintings and frames stacked on the ground.

"Not only me. Look, I have assistants." Bella tossed her head at the children beside her.

"Children!" Sophia said in disbelief. "Aren't there... adults... in your school?"

Bella gave a wry smile. "It's good enough to have their help."

"Don't worry. We'll try our best to help Miss Halty." a boy stood up and said to Sophia. His serious expression made him even more lovely.

"Good boy! How capable you are! You deserve to be Miss Halty's student." Sophia bent over and poked his forehead softly with a finger. He was so adorable with a chubby face and short black hair, wearing a clean white shirt.

"Because Miss Halty will buy us ice-creams." the boy continued.

Sophia was rendered wordless.

"Adam, you are so greedy!" Annie pouted her lips.

"I'm not greedy! You only care about handsome men!" Adam retorted.

"Haha, Bella, your students are so interesting." Sophia laughed.

Seeing them bickering, Bella also laughed heartily.

"I feel that I'm younger with them."

"Little girl, where is the handsome man you see?" Sophia asked Annie.

"He's over there. He's as handsome as Karry (a star)!" Annie pointed at a man behind Sophia.

Bella was confused. "Who's Karry?"

When she looked at the man Annie pointed at, she was more than surprised. Wasn't he the white-shirted man in the bar that night? Why was he here?

Tall and strong, he was outstanding in the crowd. With a serious face, he was listening carefully to someone next to him.

Suddenly, he looked her way. But he soon drew back his attention – he didn't recognize her, did he? Thinking of how awkward she was that night, Bella also looked away hurriedly.

"I'm at work and have to leave now. I'll contact you when I'm free." Sophia looked back and said to Bella hastily.

"Okay. Keep in contact." Bella waved to her with a smile.

Sophia waved goodbye to the children and then walked towards the crowd...

Finally, with joint efforts, they hung up all the paintings. Bella also put on a few of her landscape paintings.

Bella titled her head as she appreciated the children's paintings. The twisted lines were the best display of their innocence.

"Hi, Miss Halty!" A uniformed woman walked up to her.

"Hi." Bella turned around and smiled at him.

"Hi guys, you've been so helpful today. To express our thanks, we've prepared some delicious food for you," the woman said to the children.

"Delicious food? Are there ice creams?" Adam asked boldly with his expectant eyes.

"Adam, you're so rude!" Annie scolded with a look of disdain.

"I just asked casually," Adam excused for his greed in a low voice.

"Thank you, but don't bother," Bella thanked the woman. How could she take the food for free?

"Miss Halty, don't stand on ceremony. We're partners, aren't we? We should have helped you with the decoration, but we don't have enough men. You've done us a big favor, and the children must feel tired now. It's reasonable for us to prepare food for you, so please don't reject it. "

The woman said gently and politely, giving Bella no chance to reject.

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