President's Scheme

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Contemporary Romance>President's Scheme>Chapter 6 Cindy's Visit

Chapter 6 Cindy's Visit

Cathay Mall was the biggest mall that was lately built in the city. Its owner was a generous and warm-hearted man. Some time ago, he helped the school solve a big problem by sponsoring a lot of stationery.

There was a large amusement park on the top floor of the mall. The park wanted to co-host a children's art exhibition with the school.

It was called a commonweal event to enrich students' after-class activities, but actually, the mall could also benefit from it. In general, it was a win-win collaboration.

Bella was the most tired in this process. Apart from teaching, she had to complete some additional missions: selecting works, modifying them, and then framing them.

Seeing the pile of drawings on the desk, she furrowed her brows deeply.

When she buried herself in these drawings, she heard the clatter of footsteps from outside.

Obviously, it was Cindy whose perfume entered the room before herself.

Bella wrinkled her nose with a sense of foreboding.

The next second, a gorgeously-dressed woman stepped in with a smile.

"What's wrong with you? Why didn't you answer my phone?"

She roared at Bella like a cannon.

"When did you call me?"

Bella fumbled out her phone under a pile of paper. It turned out to have run out of battery.

"Don't be mad. It's dead." She waved the phone as if it was a victory flag.

"Here you are." Cindy raised her hand.

She was holding an insulated box.

"What is this?"

"Chicken soup."

"Chicken soup?" Puzzle was written on Bella's face. After all, there was no sudden gallantry in this world.

"You must have consumed a good deal of energy last night. For the sake of health, you'd better get well-nourished." Cindy slumped on the table, grinning meaningfully at Bella.

With a sigh, Bella dropped her arms and shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry I let you down this time. Nothing happened last night. I'm still a virgin."

Cindy jumped off the chair at once. She took a circle around Bella, staring at her with eyes wide open. Suddenly, she stretched out a hand to hold Bella's chin and observed her closely.

"Tut-tut, that's impossible. You are charming enough to seduce a middle-age driver..."

"Stop." Bella covered Cindy's mouth to interrupt a possibly vulgar speech. Cindy was always like that, saying something improper bluntly.

"Tell me what happened last night." This curious woman was stubborn to find out the answer; the precious chicken soup couldn't be given for free!

"Nothing happened," Bella replied calmly.

"You are lying. What was wrong with your phone? Where did you drop it?" Cindy stared at Bella in disbelief, which made her scalp tingle.

This woman was not giving her chicken soup but nosing around her.

"All right. Yesterday I met a man on my way home. He planned to rape me first, then kill me, and take my money at last, but I fought against him to save both my life and my virginity. He just grabbed my phone. Are you satisfied now?" Bella held up her hands, "Just stop asking, please."

But Cindy was such a shrewd person; she didn't believe this bullshit talking at all.

"Fine," she drawled. "Drink it. Mrs. Hill bought the chicken from someone she knew in the countryside. It's a luxury unavailable in the city."

"Okay, okay." Bella smiled, "Thank you for giving me the soup from far away."

"When will you get off work? It's getting dark. Your school treats you just like a precious talent. Your colleagues have gone home to sleep with their husbands, leaving you a single lady here to work overtime. What if something unexpected happens in such a dark night?"

She always liked to talk about this topic.

"Let's go home." Bella held the insulation box.

Getting out of the school gate with Cindy, she saw the fiery-red sports car there.

Despite the small size, the apartment Bella rented was well-equipped. The living room was used as a studio with paintings in every corner there. A little messy as it was, it was given an artistic atmosphere. In the middle of the room was an easel with an unfinished landscape painting.

The small balcony had been transformed into a rest zone with a tea table, a pot, cups, a coffee machine, and two sofas on both sides of the table. Standing against a wall was a bookshelf neatly displaying all kinds of books.

When there was good weather, she would stay here drinking tea, reading books, enjoying sunlight or wind, or watching stars. Such a life was pretty cozy. Who said that staying alone meant being lonely?

"Bella, you're just like an ascetic monk."

On coming in, Cindy was like a cat sniffing around.

"How dare I compare with you? I can never be a queen like you."

Bella actually liked the feeling of being an "ascetic monk", which meant freedom and unrestraint.

"Just drink the chicken soup. It tastes the best when it's warm." Cindy urged.

"Make coffee by yourself if you want. I just bought Brazilian coffee beans and they taste good." Bella walked into the kitchen and looked at Cindy, who was seeing her paintings.

On the table was a bag of coffee beans that Cindy hadn't seen last time. She loved coffee, while Bella preferred tea.

Cindy often made fun of Bella by saying, "Only old people love to drink tea."

"So please show your care to this old woman by taking more tea here."

Sometimes Bella also drank coffee, but she wouldn't spend much time on that. For convenience, she usually chose instant coffee, which those beans were just prepared for Cindy and Sophia. Cindy would never drink instant coffee; she was such a person who knew how to enjoy life. She often had her maids cook coffee for her, and when in a good mood, she also cook by herself.

To make Bella drink coffee, Cindy not only taught her how to make coffee but also gave her a coffee machine. Although she lived in a mansion, she always felt that Bella's small home was much warmer. As before, she came here whenever she was free.

She placed some beans into the coffee grinder and pressed the button. Soon, two cups of delicious coffee were ready.

When she poured the coffee residue into the garbage, the powder stained her white dress.

"Ah, my dress! I have to get changed and wash my dress right away, or the stain won't come off later." Cindy walked into Bella's small bedroom and wanted to borrow a dress. But when she opened the wardrobe, a cream-colored men's windbreaker dazzled her.

"Humph, I have proof now." Cindy took out the windbreaker and strode out triumphantly.

As Bella saw the windbreaker, her eyes opened wide. Jesus! How could she forget such a thing?

"Come clean. Whose coat is this?" Cindy's eyes gleamed with slyness.

That made Bella a little nervous.

"Well, that's for my dad." Bella came up with an excuse and pretended to be calm.

"For your dad? But it's clearly the style for a young man." Cindy was not convinced. What a smart person she was!

"My dad is not old." Bella decided to lie to the end. Otherwise, she would be totally controlled by the woman in front of her.

"Oh, really?" Cindy drawled with a clearly skeptical attitude, but she didn't know how to refute. After all, windbreakers were indeed suitable for all ages.

"You are so suspicious. I really sympathize with your husband because his life must be very hard." Bella made a face of pain.

"Thank you for your concern. He's very fine."

Failing to get any information, Cindy left like a gust of wind before finishing her coffee.

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