Stolen Innocence

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Contemporary Romance>Stolen Innocence>Chapter 2 Father Dearest

Chapter 2 Father Dearest

Thomas pov: (father)

Ugh she reminds me of her bitch ass of a mother. Ugh I hated her mother so much, I'm glad I got rid of her when I had the chance.

She's the one to blame for everything, she cheated on me. So here I was, working my ass off for my family and there she was fucking another man.

Well bitch got what she deserved when I wrapped my fingers around her petite little throat. She did it to herself, she made the first mistake in cheating and the second when she tried to stop me from ravishing that beauty of hers.

I mean she isn't my daughter and she definitely is a beauty, can't blame a man like me for trying.

Anyways the bitch tried stopping me, so I put an end to her and now let's just say, that little beauty of hers is now my little bitch to slave around. You can say she's like my little own personal punching bag.

Good thing I managed to convince my stupid son to believing that his sweet, little, innocent sister killed his bitch ass slut of a mother.

Awww, what a waste of her beauty, if it wasn't for her mother. I probably wouldn't be beating her to a pulp.

Oh well, she can pay for the mistake of her bitch of a mother and stupid sister. Stupid sister that choose a guy she claims to love over her own blood.

I mean I am a gang leader, and the guy my eldest, my daughter, my own flesh and blood choose to love. Had to fuckin be my worst enemy! She had to go and dig my own fuckin grave.

What the fuck? First my daughter betraying me , then my wife! What next my son turns his back on me? Shit if that ever happens, I don't know. I guess I'll be punishing Zahrah for the mistake of three fools.

*at home

After a day out with the guys, I decided to go home. The kids think I'm working all day, but after I found out I was being cheated on, I left work and stuck to being just a gang leader.

The smell of Lasagna hits my nose as soon as I walk in. I race to my bathroom and get ready for dinner. I got to say Zahrah is one hell of a cook, unlike her hoe ass slut of a mother.

Heading to the dinning room, I see all the boys. They're always over for dinner on Fridays nights, so it was the usual. I grab my plate that no one is allowed touch and sat it in front of me.

I must of been so engrossed with the conversation with the boys, that I didn't notice the absence of Zahrah. Anger started to rise and I was beyond furious as to why she wasn't down here having dinner with rest of us.

Ignoring the curious stares, I marched my way upstairs - what the fuck why is her damn door locked? Thank goodness her bedroom was at the other side of the house, or the boys would have heard me yelling and demanding her to open the damn door.

Her face automatically pales when she opens the door to my furious face. "You better be downstairs for dinner in 10, or you'll be getting one heck of a beating tonight. You understand me" I manage to spit out through gritted teeth.

Watching her shake in fear, gives me the satisfaction of having power. Taking a step towards her, she clumsy looses her balance and goes crashing to the floor.

She then starts mumbling words.

Ugh fuckin great! What a dramatic bitch! Sending a kick to the side of her head, I watch her cradled body effortlessly break apart and sprawl out.

Suddenly I hear the stairs creek, shit!

Lifting her body and tossing her on the bed, I chuck her blanket over her and bat out of the room.

Crashing into my son on the way down, I tell him a lie, I knew the idiot will believe "Dominic your sister isn't feeling well, something about her over studying?" with that we were on our way to some delicious dinner.

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