Stolen Innocence

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Contemporary Romance>Stolen Innocence>Chapter 3 Brother Dearest

Chapter 3 Brother Dearest

Dominic's POV

I hate my sister for what she did. She is the reason why my family broke apart, she took her from us and now I will make sure she pays for killing our mother.

"Hey isn't that your sister" Hayden one of my boys said, ignoring his question I carry on driving till Levi says " Hey we should offer her a ride then dump her off somewhere far" I nod in agreement while the rest of the boys hollered along.

Turning around and driving like a maniac, I slow down when I reach her, "Hey sis, you want a lift home?" For a while she kept saying no till Brian hopped out of the car, picked her up and placed her in the middle of him and Levi. The boys and I continue talking with a quiet Zahrah at the back staring at the floor with no emotion.

Driving further into the dark park of town, I noticed Zahrah looking outside the windows with curiosity. The boys noticed her puzzled face and held smirks on their face. Some part of me wanted to pull out and just take her home, but the others was still furious with her.

Taking another turn, I stop the car and turn to Zahrah "Well here's your stop" staring back at me wild eyed, she says "Dominic please don't leave me here, I'm your sister" that seemed to anger me. Cause the next thing I know I'm dragging her out of the car and throwing her to the side of the curb.

Then I start yelling at her with rage "You fuck'n took her away from me, I hate you! You are no sister of mine" with a final shove to the ground I got in my car and drove off.

Sending a quick texts to the other boys from school to meet at mine, well more like the bad-boys since that's their title. Yeah I know surprising, that me a jock is friends with the bad-boys.

Zahrah POV

He really does hate me, my own brother that used to cradle me at night to protect me from my bad dreams, hates me for something I didn't do.

Pulling my knees up, under my chin I start to rock back and forth, feeling may body shake uncontrollably as I cry. I cry for help, cry for all the pain I receive, cry for all the marks in my body and cry for my freedom.

Remembering where I am, I quickly stand up. Looking around the dark alley they left me in, I try looking for an exit. Smiling when I finally see one, I start making my way towards it. Let alone did I know that there was a group of guys at the end of it. What th.... Why would people block an exit?

Holding my arms tightly, I silently pray for protection and hope I can successfully pass them without being hassled. Unfortunately I spoke too soon.

"Hey baby, why a pretty thing like you walking all alone out here?" "Damn you're hot" for a while they keep saying these kind of things to me and pushing me around like I am some kind of dummy.

Judging from what they were saying and doing I knew I had to get go of here, so I tried fighting back. Sadly it didn't help me but make them mad.

Three of them held me down while their leader took advantage, I cried and screamed the whole time, begging them to stop, but they didn't. They all had their way with me. After they had their way with me, they left me there on the cold pavement.

I was in pain, so much pain, but I ignored it. I needed to get home before dad, or else it would end up with me being black and blue.

*skip to home

By the time I made it home, it was 4 pass 7, so I had an 1hr and 26 minutes to get ready and prepare dinner. Ignoring the stares from my brother and his friends I go up to my room and get ready.

Walking back downstairs I cook dinner and set the table for and the boys. Turning back to the kitchen I see the three Bad-boys staring at me with curiosity.

Ignoring their stares I make my way to the stairs but stop when Dominic asks me "Wait aren't you having dinner with us?" For a second I considered my brother actually caring for me but then remembered what he did. Without answering his question I just shrug my shoulders and walk back to my room.

Locking my door, for my own safety reason.

I walk into my bathroom door locking it too. Finally having the strength to look at myself in the mirror. I don't know why my life's like this, I am beautiful, yes I have flaws but that what makes it superior.

Glancing down at the knife I pinched from the kitchen, I shakily hold it above my wrist.

Closing my eyes, I glide the knife over my wrist and wince when I feel the edges of the knife cut into my skin. For some reason after a while It felt nice. Forming a new cut, I run the knife across my wrist in a different spot.

For a while I was lost into this depressing answer and only snapped out if it when I heard someone shouting on the other side of my bedroom door.

Quickly throwing on my black hoodie, and wiping my bloody arm with an old rag, I call out "I'll be there soon" and carry on wiping down the sink.

Chucking the bloodied rag under my bed, I make my way to my door and open it. Coming face to face with my father, my face pales as I take in his angry expression, "You better be down stairs for dinner in 10, or you'll be getting one heck of a beating tonight. You understand me" he says in a deadly tone.

Gulping a little when he takes a step in my room, which causes me to lose my balance. Fear erupts through my body, images of what happened earlier starts playing in my head.

Hugging myself, I rock back and forth and start repeating the same words in barely a whisper, "Please stop, please"

Dominic POV:

For a while I actually started to worry, it had been well over 2 hrs since we left Zahrah back at the alley and now I was starting to regret it.

It was 4 past 7 when she walked in through the front door. I observed her along with the boys and noticed a few things that seemed a bit off.

After having her shower, she started on dinner. Something was off, usually she would be singing quietly or humming while cooking. But for some reason she looked like a zombie.

Feeling more presence besides me, I knew all the boys were quite curious about the sudden change in her behavior.

Counting the plates on the table I only reached up to 8?? 8?? When ever the boys were over it was always 9 plates. 9 for each of us, not including dad. He didn't like people touching his plate. But tonight there was only 8, which meant that she didn't put out a plate for herself???

Calling out to here before she reached the first steps of the stairs I asked "Wait aren't you having dinner with us?" Thinking that she had just made a simple mistake, she just shrugged her shoulders and went back to her room.

Look towards the boys Brian spoke "Dude I think she's pissed off with what we did" he said a little guilty, I was about to reply when Jevani (leader of bad-boys) cut me of "What the fuck did you guys do?" Okay? That was a little weird. Since when did he start caring about what happens to Zahrah?

Once again when I was about to reply Levi cut me off saying "We kinda left an town.....the dark part of town" realizing what I had done, I felt guilt and regret in the pit of my stomach.

Staring down at the floor, I felt a tear drop out of my eyes. I actually feel bad for what I did. She was probably scarred, lost. She doesn't know that place, I don't even know that place. I really fucked up now. She probably got lost while she was walking home and it's all my fault.

I must if been thinking for sometime, cause the next thing I felt, was pain in my right cheek. Staring at an angry Jevani and his boys, had me shitting bricks. Knowing I deserved it, I left it alone and walked to the kitchen in search for an ice-pack.

Dad arrived home, had a shower and made his way to the dining room. At first he looked pleased and was making conversation with the boys like always. But his expressions completely changed when he noticed Zahrah's seat was empty. Excusing himself he left for Zahrah's room.

But something else had me thinking. The way my dad looked when he noticed Zahrah's absence. Voicing my curiosity Troy (Bad-boy) asked "Dude do you think you're sisters okay? I mean your dad looked pretty livid when he didn't see your sister here with us and he is taking a while"

Jumping out of my seat, I left to go and see what's taking them long. I just reached the top of the stairs when dad bumped into me. He looked shocked at first, but hid it straight away.

"Son your sister isn't feeling well, something about over studying?" me being me, stupidly listened to him.

And this was probably my second biggest regret. Listening to this man I called father. And my first was leaving my sister when she needed me the most.






Hey guys so this happened. Totally changed my mind on how I had it planned before, but I like this one more.

I wanted to show how much of a silence can affect someone, even if they are the one that turns a blind eye. Silence is probably the moment where you know you fucked up! Once that person becomes silent. It's no longer fun and games, but regret and guilt.


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