Stolen Innocence

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Contemporary Romance>Stolen Innocence>Chapter 4 Jocks

Chapter 4 Jocks

Hayden's Pov:

It's been 4 months since that day we left Zahrah in the darkest part of town and honestly I am starting to worry.

At first we never really knew why Dominic was either ignoring her or treating her like nothing, but when he told us his reason, I was shocked and I think that's when I started to dislike her. But from what I've been witnessing for the past days. there's got to be some sort of mistake.

I wish I never ignored her every time I was over or when we were in school. Cause now that I'm seeing her it honestly is breaking my heart. I have a little sister Kayla, and if something where to happen to her I'd be devastated.

I really need to apologize for what we did. We shouldn't of done that, especially since she's only 16. Argggggggh for fucks sake!

Why the fuck didn't I think before!

I really regret this now.

Levi's Pov:

Guilt? Yep! Regret? Yep Anger? Yep!

Those are the 3 fucking emotions I'm feeling right now. Guilt! That we scared her like that! Regret! That we left her and fucking Anger! That I had done something so foolish.

My mother is always telling me to treat people with care. But ever since she died in a car accident, my manners have completely vanished. Gone like the damn wind.

Seeing Zahrah walk around school, made me worried. I knew Zahrah was always upset because her brother never showed her any care, he just ignored her the whole time .

But even then she looked presentable at school actually everywhere she went. She always made sure she was wearing presentable clothing.

But lately, since the time we left her it's like she doesn't care with how she looks. She's always in baggy clothes and her hair is always a mess. Her eyes are no longer twinkling like they used to, she no longer smiles at anyone, she no longer eats at the cafeteria.

But instead she's always walking off to the bathrooms during lunch, keeping at the same emotionless face as she passes through the halls, wearing bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept in days.

I hope she forgives me when I have the courage to apologize to her.

Brian's Pov:

I can still remember the scene of it all, playing out in my head. The tears falling from her face as Dominic dragged her out of the car. Why didn't I just stop it? Why did I put her in the car! I shouldn't of just stayed seated and told Dominic to drive off.

Look at us now! We're all wallowing in guilt for leaving her like that and now our guilt is fucking eating us alive.

I mean her behavior has changed drastically. She's ignoring us completely. Yet it used to be the other way around. She was always trying to get her brothers attention, but he's just tell her to piss off or push her away.

Yes I know what of a brother does that. But from what Dominic has told us, she is the reason why their mother is dead. For some reason I'm starting to think that ain't true, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with their dad.

For the past few days I've been spotting bruises across her body. I'm a pretty good observer, so I've been watching the way she's always holding her stomach. I don't want to make assumptions or anything but I think she's getting abused.

I really need to have a talk with her brother.

Dominic's Pov:

I know the guys have been feeling guilty about what happened 4 months ago and I too can't help but feel guilty.

You see I really loved my sister when we were younger, but that all changed when our mum passed away and our older sister left us. Dad told me Zahrah was the reason why mum passed away. I never bothered with any questions because it was what my father told me.

From then on I completely ignored her like a pledge, in other words I neglected her. I blamed her for our mum death as well as our sister leaving.

So that what I did, ignore my sister as if she didn't exist. Sometimes I'd hear her crying in her room and a part of me wanted to comfort her, where as the other wanted her to suffer.

"Hey man, can we talk?" Hearing a nervous Brian speak up besides me. I nod my head and follow him into the empty room.

"What's up man?" Curiosity kicking in. For a bit it looked like he was contemplating on whether to tell me or not so I spoke up again "Brian is everything okay?What's wrong?"

What he said, were the very thoughts running in my head, I was just too selfish to want to believe it.

"Dude I think someone's abusing your sister- I know, I know, just let me finish. I've been observing her lately and no not in a stalker way! I spotted a few bruises on her stomach!" Bruises??? Wtf is he on about?

"What do you mean you saw bruises?" I manage to spit out through gritted teeth, "Well, yesterday when she was reaching into the pantry, her jumper lifted up a bit and showed a fraction of her stomach. And well it was all bruised" curiosity and worry started rushing through my body.

With that I left to go look for my baby sister. If there's an award for worst brother ever. I would totally win that award. How could I be so cruel to my baby sister.

I am so sorry Zahrah, so sorry.

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