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Jazmine's POV

I sat in the car waiting in the parking lot of the hospital for him, scrolling through Instagram as I did, a yawn leaving me. I had stayed at the club last night until everything was over and I was slowly regretting it now.

I turned off my phone putting it away, my gaze going to the entrance as I grew impatient, I was about to call him when a similar face had me pausing, I blew my horn twice and I watched as she looked over to my car. I sent down the window gazing as she walked over to me.

"I'm surprised you remember me" I announced and she smiled.

"Listen before this goes any further you should know I have a three-year-old daughter" She pointed out and I smiled my eyes running over her.

"So seven tonight?" I asked and she smiled.

"Are you serious?"

"I am" I replied and she released a small laugh.

"I'll text you Jazmine" She promised walking off leaving a smile on my face.





I sat on the other side of the club watching as she pushed through the crowd going upstairs to the private lounge I had directed one of my servers to lead her to, I had shown up half an hour early to scope the place.

Now that she was here I had to wait for another ten minutes to pass before going up, call me paranoid if you wish but you can't really let your guard down in a society that will kill you over a piece of jewelry.

I scanned the area looking for any strange changes, I was having an internal battle with myself since a part of me already trusted her and that's the part that scared me since I barely knew her, but there was just something about her energy that attracted me.

I watched as she appeared at the head of the stairs the expression on her face letting me know she was about to leave. I looked at the bottle of Hennesy I had ordered earlier picking it up checking my watch in the same motion realizing that six minutes had passed since she arrived, her lack of patience amusing me as I moved over to her quickly, stopping her the minute she got down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked watching as her gaze moved to me.

I smiled lifting the bottle of liquor in my hand, as an explanation as to why I was late and she turned going back upstairs leaving me to trail behind clearly not amused by my excuse.

She sat on the couch and I moved sitting down turning to face her.

"I take time very seriously" She announced

"So do I" I replied smiling placing the bottle of Hennesy on the table before us, my eyes running over her, she was clothed in a dress that would have me on my knees if she dared to ask.

"You look amazing by the way" I complimented, and she frowned my words not gaining the smile I hoped it would.

"Thank you," she replied as if not believing me.

"So how was your day?" I asked changing the subject realizing the complement made her uncomfortable, for a reason unknown to me.


"How so?"

"I had back to back shifts,"

"You must be tired" I pointed out as I filled both our glasses.

"I mean this in the most respectful way," I announced and she smiled

"The fact that you have to start with that scares me" She replied as I lifted a glass handed it to her.

"Are you still with the father of your child in any way?" I asked hesitantly not wanting to disrespect her in any way.

"No, I'm not and understand why you would ask, but I have no sort of romantic ties with him, our relationship is only for the sake of our child" She explained and I nodded not wanting to be in the center of anything.

"Why did you guys separate?"

"He was unfaithful so I had to leave, even though it took me a long while to accept that"


"Congratulations?" she asked laughing slightly and I smiled enjoying the sound.

"It's something new I'm trying out instead of saying I'm sorry when someone leaves a bad situation, I'm trying to make it a habit of congratulating them, I know it's weird bu-"

"No it's not, I actually like the idea," She said softly her eyes meeting mine and I smiled taking a sip from my glass.

"So did you guys separate before or after the baby was born?"

"Before the baby was born, I was staying with some friends after I left him and while I was there I started to experience pregnancy symptoms so I took a test and it came back positive"

"I can only imagine how hard that must have been"

"It was, but I don't regret it" she replied as I took another sip.

"I feel like I'm doing all the talking, tell me something about you," She said and I smiled putting down my glass.

"What do you want to know?"

"Since we're on the topic of pasts, tell me about your childhood" she announced and I smiled lifting my glass taking another sip, creating sentences that would give her enough but not too much.

"I grew up a few blocks from the gas station we met at with my grandmother, my sister, my two brothers, and five other cousins"

"Full house"

"Yeah it was, there were two beds, four on each," I told her my tone nostalgic, and she smiled seeming genuinely interested, which was a rare sight since women would usually just want to be with me for the money, power, thrill, or name, but then again she didn't seem to know who I was and I liked that.

"How about you?"

"Never met my father, my mother raised me" She replied and I nodded.

"I didn't hear you mention your parents" She pointed and I smiled

"My father is in prison and my mother died"

"I'm sorry," She said and I nodded

"It's okay" I mumbled my mood changing for the worst as I thought back to the loving woman who raised me for a period of time.

"Does congratulations work here too?" She asked making me laugh.

"No, your response was perfect" I answered meeting her gaze and she smiled.

"Tell me about her"


"Your mom" she replied and I smiled since I didn't get that request often if I was being completely honest I rarely spoke about her.

"She was an amazing woman, strong, independent, loving, and proud, I grew up with her never failing to remind me how beautiful and smart I was. She was also one that praised her roots and where she came from and passed down that love for our culture to me, I was the child reciting Malcolm X and Harriet quotes on a daily" I explained and she smiled





I sat there gazing at her, just appreciating, she was truly the embodiment of good women, I had spent the night trying to restrict myself but failed since I ended up telling her everything she asked. I felt as if I could trust her completely even though we had just met, her energy was immaculate and her beauty came with a heart to match as well as a sense of humor.

"Is that all you're going to do for the entire night?" She asked referring to my staring and I smiled watching as she finished her glass of Hennesy.

"You don't mind do you?" I asked amused and she smiled. She was very strong-minded and I loved it, she wasn't afraid to voice her opinions or disapproval, but I caught small things that made me know there was much more to her.

Like how uncomfortable she became if my gaze stayed on her too long or-

"No, I don't" she mumbled finally answering and I could tell she was lying as my phone buzzed in my jeans pocket.

"Excuse me" I announced since this would be the third time in the last five minutes, I removed it looking at the caller ID before answering.

"Are you coming to the club tonight?"

"No, I'm going to get some rest"

"Alright, everything is taken care of" Spain announced before ending the call and I placed my phone away returning my gaze to her.

"Fourth time in the last five minutes" she stated making me smile.

"It's my friend he wanted to know if I was coming to a party tonight," I told her

"Do you want to-"

"No, I'm perfectly fine here" I replied making her smile, I wasn't sure whether she still wanted this to be a friendly date or not since she has been flirting with me shamelessly since I got here.

"What?" She asked and I smiled

"Nothing, I'm just thinking" I replied and she chuckled.

"Before I forget when is the last time you've been tested?" she asked the question catching me off guard since people never really asked even though sexual diseases were on an all-time high.

"What?" she asked my expression probably telling.

"Nothing, I've just never been asked before, I actually respect that," I said and she smiled.

"I got tested a week before our date actually, I'm clean" I added

"The last time I had sex, clean" she offered and I could tell there was more to discover.

"And when was that?" I asked amused and she smiled looking slightly embarrassed.

"Four years ago," she replied and I paused.


"Four years ago," She repeated


"I wasn't looking to be with someone,"

"And what changed your mind about me?" I asked curiously, as my eyes met her brown ones.

"A very pushy best friend," she replied making me laugh.







Next chapter will be coming in the next four days❤️‼️

Hope you guys enjoyed ❤️‼️

Who is you're favorite character so far??❤️‼️

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