Four Days Later
Jazmine's POV
I walked down the hall, knocking on the door waiting for seconds before it was finally pulled open by a female I assumed to be Terrell's girlfriend, the sound of the baby crying in the background.
"Good morning is Terrell here?" I asked as her eyes ran over me.
"No, he's on his morning jog" She replied and I checked my watch, the tenseness of her figure letting me know that she knew who I was.
"Do you mind if I wait here until he comes back?" I asked
"No, come in" she replied hesitantly before stepping to the side allowing me to move into the apartment.
"Is he in trouble?" She asked voicing her thoughts as she closed the door.
"No, he's not," I replied putting the duffle bag I was carrying on the floor watching as her eyes moved to it.
"May I?" I asked referring to the couch and she nodded allowing me to sit.
"Is the baby okay?" I asked and she looked towards me seemingly breaking her thoughts to give me her attention, stress, and frustration immediately drowning her features.
"He's been crying all day, I'm sorry about the noise it's jus-"
"That's okay," I replied standing up moving over to the high chair that the baby was in, it was only a few steps away since the kitchen was attached to the living room.
"Did you feed him?"
"A half-hour ago, after his bath" She replied and I lifted him into my arms, holding him gently.
"He's just cranky, I'll keep him while you finish making breakfast," I announced having enough experience with kids after taking care of the two boys my sister had for years.
"Thank you" she replied moving into the kitchen as I stepped into the living room, rocking side to side slowly nulling him. I always wanted to have kids of my own but apart of me was also afraid of having kids with the wrong person, knowing how bad that shit can turn out since I saw Spain struggle with his baby mother every fucking day.
After a few minutes, he had calmed down, sleeping in my arms his breathing even, I watched as she walked over to me a grateful look on her face as I handed him over to her. I walked over to the couch sitting down waiting for her to return, the door opened and I directed my gaze to it looking at Terrell.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked frowning as he closed the door and I motioned for him to take a seat beside me.
"Spain told me you picked a university" I confessed and he smiled happily.
"Yeah, I did," He replied as footsteps sounded, his girlfriend walking into the kitchen.
"This is for you," I said pushing the duffle bag towards him and he frowned opening it hesitantly. I watched as he lifted removed a few of the clothes I had bought for him.
"When you want anything else just let me know and I'll provide the funds so you can go get them" I promised
"Thank you" he replied his voice filled with emotions.
"No problem," I replied as his girlfriend walked over to us placing a plate of food before him along with a glass of orange juice.
"Do you want anything Jazmine?"
"No I'm fine, I didn't get your name," I said amused and she released a small laugh.
"Kira," She said as he thanked her for the food, leaving her to walk off.
"Does your son have everything he needs?" I asked Terrell.
"You've already done so much, I coul-"
"Just make a list of everything you need, for the baby, the household, and you both and send it to me, I'll have it taken care of," I said as my phone buzzed and I removed the object from my pocket directing my gaze to it to see a message from Brittany, a smile greeting my face.
"No problem and we're family," I told him slightly as I began reading over the text she sent.
"You don't mind if I come with you when you're buying the stuff?" He asked hope in his eyes.
"I was going to have someone buy it" I replied and he nodded disappointed.
"But I'm going to get some new shoes Saturday, you can come and get replace those J's you wearing," I said smiling earning a chuckle from him as I looked at the condition of his shoes, knowing the look of disappointment he released it was the same one I had when my father wasn't there for-
"I appreciate it"
Thanks for reading ❤️‼️
Hope you enjoyed the chapter❤️‼️
I'm planning on updating twice, do you guys want the second chapter tonight or tomorrow?❤️‼️