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Jazmine's POV

We stepped into my apartment and I closed the door leading her out to my balcony.

"You can pour yourself a glass, I'm going to get the food" I announced walking to the kitchen not being able to shake the feeling of unspoken words between us. I grabbed the plates of food before heading outside her gaze stuck on the view as I sat down.

"Your place is beautiful" She complimented and I said a small thank you, putting the food on the coffee table in front of us.

"How is Aria?" I asked referring to her daughter.

"She's okay, starting school soon" she replied

"That's amazing" I announced as she sipped her wine.

"Her birthday is three months away too,"

"She's going to be four right?"

"Yeah she is" she replied

"Can I guess?" I asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Guess what?"

"What happened" I explained

"Go ahead Jaz" She replied amused and I smiled loving her use of the nickname.

"Did I do something wrong?" I questioned crossing out the first guess.

"No" she replied turning to face me.

"So that means it's something with you?" I asked and she nodded



"I'm never gonna get it am I?" I asked laughing slightly already running out of guesses and she smiled as I leaned back against the small sofa looking at her, her dimples on display. My eyes ran over her appreciating the sweatsuit she wore, her natural hair in a puff on top of her head, the moonlight leaving her to look almost dream-like.

"It's you" She announced softly

"So I did do something?" I asked thinking back, trying to figure out what exactly.

"You're doing everything right" She confessed leaving realization to stand in my mind.

"And that scares you?" I asked but it sounded more like a statement, nonetheless, she still gave me a small nod to confirm my words.

"What's your fear when it comes to us?" I asked softly and silence fell between us.

"That you'll hurt me, lie, cheat, change" She replied her voice small and I could tell each word she said held a memory.

"I won't, and I know that's hard for you to believe because of past experiences but I'll prove it, we can move at whatever pace you want to," I spoke my eyes staying with hers and I watched as her gaze moved to lips.

I sighed reaching for her glass putting it on the table looking at her, she smiled and I leaned over, my hand moving to her chin as I attached our lips, kissing her softly. The movement of our lips allowing her to consume every inch of my body as seconds passed.

I felt as if I was in a trance, my control slipped away unexpectedly leaving me weak, the feeling new to me.

My hand moved to her thigh gripping it and she pulled away breaking the kiss, leaving me to bite my bottom lip as I rested my forehead against hers.

"What is it?" I asked my entire body on edge from the short time we spent kissing.

"We're moving too fast"

"We're lesbians it's natural," I offered, earning a small laugh from her.


"It's been over a month since our first date Brit," I whispered placing a small kiss against her lips before pulling away completely.

"And it feels as if I barely know you" she confessed softly and I frowned looking at her.

"You know more about me than most people"

"So why do I feel like you're holding back?" She asked and I sighed removing her glass of wine from the table handing it to her.

"Ask me anything," I said looking into her eyes, feeling as if I could trust her with my deepest secrets.

"I don't know what to ask"

"Ok why don't I ask you something"


"Why do you seem uncomfortable whenever I compliment you?" I asked as she took a sip of her wine.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said clearly lying to me.

"Britt come on, we're not gonna build this on dishonesty,"

"Build what?"

"A relationship,"

"A relationship?" She asked clearly finding my statement amusing and I sighed.

"Talking to you is very difficult sometimes," I told her feeling frustrated since no matter what I said or did she never believed me.

"I will rather be difficult than naive, and if this is too much you can leave, I'm not begging you to stay" she replied erasing the process we had just made.

"You don't have to beg me, I want to be here," I told her truthfully and she sat there staring at me.

"Is there something wrong with you?" she asked seriously after a couple of seconds of heavy silence.

"Why does something have to be wrong with me?"

"You're successful, funny, beautiful, kind, mature, and smart, yet you're here"

"My attraction usually doesn't go beyond physical but with you it's, it's different, I find your mind and your soul attractive," I added and she bit her top lip looking to be in deep thought.

"Are you playing with me?" She asked and I frowned.

"Why would I be playing with you?"

"I don't know" She replied softly and I sighed moving closer to her holding her hand in mine.

"I want to be with you" I confessed looking into her eyes and I could tell she didn't believe me or maybe she was just afraid to.

"I won't hurt you" I added

"I've heard that before"

"From somebody else, not me," I reminded kissing her hand before resting around my neck leaning in slightly.

"Just give me a chance to prove myself" I added softly looking into her eyes and she sighed moving closer kissing me, her hand dropping from my neck to my cheek wordlessly agreeing.












Thanks for reading ❤️‼️

Hope you enjoyed the chapter ❤️‼️

I might drop a couple more chapters today because I know quarentine has alot of us home bored❤️‼️

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