Two Weeks Later
Jazmine's POV
I drove off turning off my ceiling lights in the process, as my mind traveled back to the date I had with Brittany the other night, a smile greeting my face.
My mind was completely engaged the entire time and I felt as if I could be myself around her without judgment.
My phone rang and I sighed reaching over to the passenger seat grabbing it before doing a quick glance at the screen.
A grin appearing on my face as my eyes met the caller ID and I answered it quickly before putting the phone to my ear.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked trying to play it as cool as possible, suppressing the happiness I felt from her call, my thoughts and actions were starting to become similar to a lovesick teenager.
"Hey, do you want to come over?" she asked immediately, her question leaving both surprised and confused as I glanced at the time to see 11:06 p.m.
"Do you want-"
"No, I heard that it's just" I started but stopped drifting off into my thoughts, trying to find the best way to word it without being disrespectful.
"It's just what?" She asked amused with a hint of curiosity in her tone.
"Do you see the time?"
"Yes, I see the time are you busy?" she questioned, and I pushed the thoughts of anything sexual away, labeling her request to see me as just that to see me.
"No, I'm not, I'll be there" I agreed and she replied with a small okay before ending the call.
I shot her a quick text as I exited my car locking it before making my way up her driveway waiting at her door patiently since she had told me not to knock it in fear of waking her daughter.
Soon the door opened and I smiled as my eyes met her, the silk robe she was wearing pulling the sexual thoughts back into my mind. I moved inside and she motioned to my shoes, I began taking them off remembering her stating it as one of her pet peeves.
The moment I was finished she held my hand leading me down the hallway into her room, leaving questions to fill me as well as nervousness. She closed the door behind us before motioning for me to sit on the bed and I did, my logic currently failing me in terms of words and conscious actions.
The light in the room was dim perfectly, being bright enough for me to see her. I watched as she removed her robe revealing her matching lacy underwear, I sat there frozen my mind scattering, the building desire immobilizing me for multiple seconds.
"What?" She asked softly her voice sweet and calm as always, my expression probably portraying what I was feeling.
"It's just" I started but stopped taking a deep breath, not really sure if this was my reality or not as my eyes ran over her, every inch of her defining literal perfection.
"You don't like it?" she asked frowning immediately retying her robe, the look on her face letting me know she has never done anything like this before.
"No, it's not that, it's just-"
"It's okay if you don't I-"
"Britt I do, very much so you look amazing, I'm just surprised" I confessed truthfully and she sighed moving to sit beside me.
"I've never done this before," she said embarrassed, confirming my earlier thoughts.
"I can tell," I mumbled slightly distracted since the robe wasn't really doing a good job covering her cleavage.
"You can?"
"You don't come off as the type to do 'late-night calls'," I explained and she smiled amused.
"Wanna talk about it?" I asked knowing her decision to call me was impulsive which meant that something had to happen to create a change in her personality and consciousness.
"About what?"
"About what happened that resulted in you calling me over" I replied and she directed her gaze towards me.
"Nia," she explained and I chuckled suddenly gaining a new form of respect for her best friend.
"You look tired" I pointed out shortly after lifting my hand to touch her cheek, her beauty leaving me in awe.
"I've been working all day, I-"
"I mean mentally" I announced interrupting her and she turned away from me bitting her top lip masking a smile.
"What?" I asked chuckling.
"Nothing" she replied looking at me once more and I smiled.
"This is a safe space, you can be honest with me," I told her amused and she released a small laugh.
"It's your presence it's just" she started but stopped.
"It's just what?"
"I don't how to describe it"
"Is it good or bad?"
"Good" she replied smiling and I returned one as my eyes moved to hers, her dimples making an appearance.
"What do you want to do?" she asked
"Anything you want to, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or forced, I'm fine with just talking to you all night" I assured her, the small gathering of arousal between my thighs contradicting with my mind.
"I'm going to get some wine" she informed me and I smiled watching as she left, every inch of me awake as I began pulling off my jacket waiting patiently.
Seconds later she re-entered the room with two glasses and a bottle of red wine in hand, my eyes following her as she sat down beside me.
"Let me," I said taking the bottle from her filling both glasses before placing it on the floor.
"Thank you" she whispered and I smiled taking one of the glasses from her saying a thank you of my own before taking a sip.
"What is it?" I asked smiling turning to look at her sensing that she wanted to say something.
"Nothing" She mumbled and I sighed knowing there was something on her mind.
"Why are you so afraid to talk to me?" I asked and she frowned
"I'm not"
"Britt every time there is something on your mind I have to pry it out of you" I pointed out thinking back to our numerous conversations over the phone and in person, her expression letting me know that she hadn't noticed.
"I'm sorry I didn't-"
"You don't have to apologize, just talk to me" I reassured, realizing that she apologized a lot, she could make the smallest of mistakes and-
"I'm just stressed"
"Elaborate for me," I said softly
"I don't know to explain" she replied releasing a sad smile.
"Just talk and I'll figure it out," I told her softly as I placed my wine on the floor, giving her my full attention.
"Are comfortable with me venting to you about Andre?" she asked referring to the father of her child and I smiled.
"I'm completely fine with it just talk to me" I replied and she sighed putting away her wine before looking at me.
"I don't want Aria growing up without both parents, so I allow her to see him but he just-he isn't a consistent father, I can't depend on him, and no matter how many times I explain that to him he doesn't change," she started and sat there listening intently allowing her to vent, I could tell she wasn't used to it, by the way, she stopped every few seconds to ask if she was boring me.
"I understand and you're not wrong, it's your job to protect your daughter," I told her truthfully and she sighed reaching down finishing the last of her third glass tonight the sight making me smile.
"That's your last one, you have work tomorrow," I said taking the glass from her putting it next to mine on the floor before turning to meet her gaze, the look in her eyes clueing me into her thoughts.
"I should get going" I announced smiling.
"Why?" she asked as I stood up.
"Because you have to get some rest for work tomorrow" I replied telling half the truth as I leaned forward placing a quick kiss on her lips.
"Just stay a little bit longer" she begged as I stood straight, my mind quickly reminding me what she looked like under the robe.
"Come here" she ordered softly pulling me back in kissing me slowly, desire rising around us as her hands moved around my neck holding me against her, her presence setting me on fire.
"Britt" I called out in protest breaking the kiss, which was hard since she was so fucking addicting.
"I want to,"
"You're half-drunk" I reminded and she whimpered
"Take this off" she ordered pulling at the hem of my shirt and I smiled, loving the way her eyes ran over my body.
"When you're sober I'll do whatever you want me to" I promised and she laughed slightly.
"What?" I asked smiling
"Nothing just go" she replied amused and I chuckled kissing her cheek.
"I'll call you" I promised her before walking out.
Thanks for reading ❤️‼️
Hope you enjoyed the chapter❤️‼️