Entwined merciless fate

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Contemporary Romance>Entwined merciless fate>Prologue


Entwined merciless fate


"She sat there silently shivering, trying to pick the fork as elegantly as she could my songbird , she

couldn't look me in the eyes, which I guess are full of vengeance

She will hate us all

I will make sure of it

But before that I will make her believe she's loved

My little songbird

I'm about to sing your wings"

A letter for the eternal lover of moon and the lover of the lover of moon

For an eternity

" For the flame, moth was at her most beautiful when burning and dying in him and his incandescent fire

Maybe that is why he let her die

Let her die ..

When she was all he had

Let her die

When she was the only one left who loved him and his incandescent fire


The moth loved the flame so much ,she was at her most content when dying in his fire until even her ashes left the existence

Maybe their love meant ruinations

Maybe they weren't supposed to live in love

Maybe they had to choose between existing and loving


Maybe they chose to die in each other in love.... "

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