Redeeming The CEOs

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Contemporary Romance>Redeeming The CEOs>Shades of alcohol...

Shades of alcohol...


Wow, what just happened?

Phoenix walked to the bar section and didn’t notice the presence of someone beside her. Her mind was having an endless battle as to why what happen happened.

Ordering for a shot of tequila, I took it in one gulp. I ordered for a second and did same. I felt it wasn’t strong enough; I ordered for scotch-neat and still took it in a gulp not for once caring about the burning sensation in my throat. All I felt was immense pain and betrayal and I needed to vent my anger on something but I didn’t know what. When I thought I’d have enough, I ordered for long island iced tea to seal the deal and boy did it knock me off my feet.

I stood up, wobbling like a fool that I was but who would have thought that I somewhat had a tolerance for alcohol, so, I wasn’t entirely drunk. I got up to leave and some unknown being held my shoulders still. I looked up at the creature and what I saw was perfection.

‘Gosh, could someone like this exist at all?’

“Miss, do you need help?”

“Nope, I don’t think I do. I can manage just fine. Thanks for your offer,”

“You don’t look fine at all. You look a little bit drunk and I must say that your alcohol tolerance is too good for a lady like you,”

“I’d take that as a compliment Mr. Stranger. I’d better get going. Thanks again,”

“Well, let me walk you outside,”

“Sure, whatever,”

Phoenix was pretty much proud of herself because she didn’t slur most of her words. She let the stranger take her outside not minding her disdain for too much skin contact longer than two seconds.

“My bike is right over there,” I pointed at a particular spot that had my bike parked

“You rode a bike?”

“Yeah, is there a problem?”

“Under normal circumstances, no but given the current situation, yes, it most definitely is a problem,”

“Don’t worry Mister, I’ll do just fine. Thanks again,” I left the stranger all to himself. I got on my power bike, put on my helmet and drove off not caring if I got involved in an accident or not…

Wow, isn’t she some nice piece of work? Normally, I wouldn’t care about anyone even for a second. I have had my fair share of ladies groping at me and I expected nothing less. I had gotten to Club X like an hour ago to release some steam after a drilling day at work but who would have thought that I’d be entertained in a very crazy way!

I was at the bar sipping my drink while responding to some mails in my phone when a mullatoe goddess walked in. I had never seen anyone so beautiful. Her eyes, emerald green with gold rings around them which made them even more surreal. Her outfit was total badass but her beautiful face had a turn of displayed emotions and one which was constant was the look of pain. I guess she didn’t seem to notice me but I noticed her.

She had different taste of alcohol and it didn’t look like she was going to stop soon. I just stared at her in shock but my face remained expressionless. I watched her until she got up to leave and out of instinct; I stood up and helped her. After convincing her to let me take her outside, she blew my mind by pointing in the direction of a power bike parked at a distance saying it belonged to her.

Wow, this girl really was a gorgeous piece of work. After bidding me farewell and riding off, I got into a car of my own which was a Bentley Muslane—my favorite car and followed her, just in case.

This was so weird. I never follow a girl home.

I followed her until she stopped at a very lovely villa in a very nice part of town and got in. Just who was this girl? I made it a point of duty to find out all I could about her….

Flashback ends

After reminiscing on that horrible day that happened months ago, Phoenix was drawn back to reality by the sound of the alarm clock indicating it was 6am. Since it was a weekend and she didn’t have much to in terms of work, she decided to hit the gym.

After that night, I made a lot of changes in me. My disdain for the opposite gender increased by a notch. I started going to the gym, I took defense lessons too; I no longer became the fun-loving boss anymore. I had changed my personality out of the blues and my employees became tensed around me, not wanting to get on my bad side. That was a good feeling—now, any man will think twice before approaching me.

I got to the gym and decided to get down to business. I worked the treadmill, did a whole lot of push-ups until my muscles hurt, I did squats, jumping jacks, I did some weightlifting according to the level of my strength. I had changed totally. My muscles were becoming more defined and I loved it. Amidst my workout session, I got a call.


“Hi, it’s me, Allen,”

“What do you want Allen?”

“I have been meaning to talk to you for months now and I just couldn’t,”

“Maybe that’s because I told my staffs never to let you in without my permission and I see they heeded to my instruction,”

“Babe, It’s not what you think. I can explain,”

“There’s nothing to explain. You know one thing I’m grateful for, the fact that I didn’t give my body to you. I could have died of regrets,”

“You don’t mean that, Nyx,”

“Don’t call me that. You have no damn right. If you have nothing else to say, I’m going to hang up right now. Good bye,”

After I dropped the call, I immediately blocked his contact and deleted it. This damn bas**rd, just who did he think he was!

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